
Terms containing cumul des prestations | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
insur.cumul de droits à des prestationsoverlapping entitlement to benefits
fin.cumul de prestationsoverlapping benefits
sec.sys., lab.law.cumul de prestationsoverlapping of benefits
social.sc.cumul de prestationsduplication of benefits
polit.cumul des prestationsoverlapping of benefits
polit.cumul des prestationsoverlapping of benefits Refers to a situation where one or several insurance schemes would pay benefits related to the same or related contingency for the insured person. (1997) (Concerne les cas dans lesquels un ou plusieurs régimes d'assurance accordent des prestations à l'assuré pour le même risque ou un risque corrélé. (1997))
fin., social.sc.cumul des prestations familialesoverlapping family allowances
fin., social.sc.cumul des prestations familialesaggregation of family allowances
insur.cumul d'une prestation avec d'autres prestations de sécurité socialeoverlapping of one benefit with other social security benefits
sec.sys., lab.law.cumul injustifié de prestationsunwarranted overlapping of benefits
insur.disposition conventionnelle de non-cumul des prestationscollective disposition of non-accumulation of benefits
lab.law.non-cumul de prestationsnon-aggregation of benefits
sec.sys.non-cumul de prestationsprevention of overlapping of benefits