
Terms containing charge normale | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
transp., tech.charge marchande normale estimeeestimated normal payload-enp
transp., tech.charge marchande normale estimeeestimated normal payload-
transp., el.charge normalenormal load
mech.eng.charge normalenominal load
mech.eng.charge normalerated load
mech.eng., el.charge normalemaximum economic rating
mech.eng.charge normalerated output
agric.charge normaleproper stocking
mech.eng.charge normalefull load
mech.eng., el.charge normaleM.E.R.
pwr.lines.charge normaleprimary load
el.tract.charge normale d'un véhicule moteurnormal load of a motor vehicle
transp.charge utilisable normalenormal loading capacity of a vehicle
transp.charge utilisable normalenormal carrying capacity of a vehicle
transp.charge utilisable normaleload limit
tech.composante de la charge normale à l'axe du câblecomponent of the normal load on the axis of the rope
pack.à charge normalefully loaded
pack.à charge normaleat full load