
Terms for subject Environment containing centrale | all forms | exact matches only
administration centralecentral government A system in which a governing or administrative body has a certain degree of power or authority to prevail in the management of local, national and international matters
Afrique CentraleCentral Africa A geographic region of the African continent close to the equator that includes Cameroon, Chad, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, the Central African Republic and the Democratic Republic of Congo
Afrique CentraleCentral Africa
Amérique CentraleCentral America A narrow continental region of the Western hemisphere, existing as a bridge between North and South America, often considered to be the southern portion of North America, and including countries such as Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama
Amérique CentraleCentral America
Asie CentraleCentral Asia A geographic region of the Asian continent between the Caspian Sea on the west and China on the east, extending northward into the central region of Russia and southward to the northern borders of Iran and Afghanistan, and comprised of independent former republics of the Soviet Union, including Kazakstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan
Asie CentraleCentral Asia
barrage de centrale électriquehydroelectric dam
bassaris d'Amérique centraleCentral American cacomistle (Bassariscus sumichrasti)
cendres lourdes de centrales électriques au charboncoal fired power station bottom ash
cendres volantes de centrales électriques au charboncoal fired power station fly ash
centrale affectéeaffected unit
centrale au charboncoal-fired power plant
centrale au charboncoal-fired power station
centrale au charboncoal power plant
centrale au charboncoal plant
centrale au charboncoal-burning power plant
centrale de chauffageheating plant
centrale de chauffageheating plant Plant for producing and supplying heat
centrale de chauffage alimentée par des déchetswaste-fed heating plant
centrale de chauffage alimentée par des déchetswaste-fed heating plant Heating plant where fuel is provided from refuse
centrale de chauffage à distancedistrict heating plant Plant for heating all houses in a district; it consists of a large, efficient, centralized boiler plant or "waste" steam from a power station. The heat is distributed by means of low-pressure steam or high-temperature water to the consumers
centrale de cogénérationcombined heat and power installation
centrale de cogénérationcogeneration plant
centrale de cogénérationcombined heat and power station
centrale de cogénérationcombined heat and power plant
centrale de cogénérationCHP plant
centrale de combustion des résidus urbainsinstallation for burning urban refuse
centrale de production combinée de chaleur et d'électricitécogeneration plant
centrale de production combinée de chaleur et d'électricitécombined heat and power installation
centrale de production combinée de chaleur et d'électricitécombined heat and power plant
centrale de production combinée de chaleur et d'électricitécombined heat and power station
centrale de production combinée de chaleur et d'électricitéCHP plant
centrale de traitement des déchetswaste treatment plant
centrale fonctionnant en cogénérationwaste-fed heating and power plant
centrale fonctionnant en cogénérationwaste-fed heating and power plant Heating and power production plant where fuel is provided from refuse
centrale froidecryogenerator
centrale hydraulique au fil d'eaurun-of-river hydro-electric power station
centrale hydroélectriquehydroelectric power station
centrale hydroélectriquehydroelectric power plant
centrale hydroélectriquehydroelectric power plant Power station which operates with the free renewable source of energy provided by falling water
centrale marémotricetidal power station Power station where the generation of power is provided by the ebb and flow of the tides. The principle is that water collected at high tide behind a barrage is released at low tide to turn a turbine that, in turn, drives a generator
centrale mixtecombined-cycle power station
centrale mixtecombined cycle-power station This type of plant is flexible in response and can be built in the 100-600 MW capacity range. It produces electrical power from both a gas turbine (ca. 1300°C gas inlet temperature), fuelled by natural gas or oil plus a steam turbine supplied with the steam generated by the 500°C exhaust gases from the gas turbine. The thermal efficiency of these stations is ca. 50 per cent compared with a maximum of 40 per cent from steam turbine coal fired power stations. This type of plant can be built in two years compared with six years for a coal-fired station and 10-15 years for nuclear
centrale mixtecombined cycle-power station
centrale nucléairenuclear power plant A power plant in which nuclear energy is converted into heat for use in producing steam for turbines, which in turn drive generators that produce electric power
centrale solairesolar power station
centrale solairesolar power station Plant where energy is generated using radiation from the sun
centrale thermiquethermal power plant A power-generating plant which uses heat to produce energy. Such plants may burn fossil fuels or use nuclear energy to produce the necessary thermal energy
centrale thermiquethermal power plant
centrale thermique au charboncoal-fired power plant
centrale à biogazbiogas plant
centrale à charboncoal-fired power plant
centrale à charboncoal power plant
centrale à charboncoal-fired power plant Power plant which is fuelled by coal
centrale à charboncoal plant
centrale à charboncoal-fired power station
centrale à charboncoal-burning power plant
centrale à co-générationheat and power station Power station which produces both electricity and hot water for the local population. A CHP (Combined Heat and Power Station) plant may operate on almost any fuel, including refuse
centrale à co-générationheat and power station
centrale à gazgas powered plant Power station which burns gas, as opposed to a coal-fired station or nuclear power station
centrale à gazgas powered plant
centrale à énergie éoliennewind power station Power station which uses wind to drive a turbine which creates electricity
centrale à énergie éoliennewind power station
centrale électriqueelectric power plant A stationary plant containing apparatus for large-scale conversion of some form of energy (such as hydraulic, steam, chemical, or nuclear energy) into electrical energy
centrale électriquepower station A stationary plant containing apparatus for large-scale conversion of some form of energy (such as hydraulic, steam, chemical, or nuclear energy) into electrical energy
centrale électriqueelectric power plant
centrale électrique alimentée par des déchetswaste-fed power station
centrale électrique alimentée par des déchetswaste-fed power station Power station that functions with refuse-derived fuel
centrale électrique et de chauffage alimentée par des déchetswaste-fed heating and power plant
centrale électrique publiquepublic power plant
centrale électrocalogènecombined heat and power station
centrale électrocalogènecogeneration plant
centrale électrocalogènecombined heat and power plant
centrale électrocalogènecombined heat and power installation
centrale électrocalogèneCHP plant
Centre régional de l'environnement pour l'Europe centrale et orientaleRegional Centre for the Environment
Centre régional de l'environnement pour l'Europe centrale et orientaleRegional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe
Centre régional pour l'environnement d'Asie centraleRegional Environmental Centre for Central Asia
Centre régional pour l'environnement en Europe centrale et en Europe de l'EstRegional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe
chauffage central urbainurban central heating system
Comité consultatif central sur les ressources en eauCentral Advisory Water Committee
compte de compensation central SCEQEETS central clearing account
Conseil central de l'environnementCentral Council on Environmental Protection
déchets provenant de centrales électriques et autres installations de combustion sauf 19 00 00wastes from power station and other combustion plants except 19 00 00
déchets provenant de centrales électriques et autres installations de combustionsauf 19 00 00wastes from power stations and other combustion plants except 19
déclassement de centralepower station derating
déclassement de centralepower station derating The process by which a power plant is finally taken out of operation
déclassement de centrales nucléairesdecommissioning of nuclear power stations
démantèlement de centrale nucléairenuclear power plant disposal
démantèlement des centrales nucléairesnuclear power plant disposal
entreposage intérimaire sur site centralinterim storage at a central site
Europe centrale et orientaleCentral and Eastern Europe
grande centrale à combustiblelarge combustion plant
Groupe de travail "Rejets thermiques des centrales énergétiques"Working Party on Thermal Discharges from Power Stations
installation de chauffage central au fueloil-fired central heating system
laboratoire central de surveillance de l'environnementCentral Laboratory for Environmental Monitoring
Laboratoire central pour la pollution de l'airCentral Laboratory for Air Pollution
mâchefers de centrales électriques au charboncoal fired power station slag tap
panache des centrales électriquespower plant fumes
parc de centrales électriquespower generating facilities
plateforme technologique européenne pour des centrales électriques à combustibles fossiles à taux d'émission zéroEuropean Technology Platform for Zero Emission Fossil Fuel Power Plant
plateforme technologique européenne pour des centrales électriques à combustibles fossiles à taux d'émission zéroETP-ZEP
point central de collectecentral collection point
points centraux de collectecentral collecting points
Programme d'action écologique pour l'Europe centrale et orientaleEnvironmental Action Programme for Central and Eastern Europe
Programme de démonstration pour la gestion intégrée des côtes pour les pays d'Europe centrale et orientale et les Nouveaux Etats indépendantsIntegrated Coastal Management Demonstration Programme for Central and Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States
puma de l'Amérique centraleCosta Rican puma (Puma concolor costaricensis)
puma de l'Amérique centraleCentral American puma (Puma concolor costaricensis)
quartier centralcentral ward
remise en état de vieilles installations, usines, centralesregeneration of old plants
Réseau des aires protégées d'Afrique centraleNetwork of protected areas of Central Africa
système d'acquisition centralcentral data acquisition system
zone centrale de parccentral park area
zone centrale de parccentral park area The core area of a park or of a reserve where there can be no interference with the natural ecosystem