
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Assistants | all forms
Assistant AccessibilitéAccessibility Wizard (An interactive tool that makes it easier to set up commonly used accessibility features by specifying options by type of disability, rather than by numeric value changes)
Assistant ActivationActivation Assistant (A Microsoft HTML application that enables users to retrieve a trial key to activate available Office 2007 release programs for a limited time period. Trial keys are retrieved by using the owner's Internet connection to communicate with a dedicated service)
Assistant Activation de Microsoft OfficeMicrosoft Office Activation Assistant (A Microsoft HTML application that enables users to retrieve a trial key to activate available Office 2007 release programs for a limited time period. Trial keys are retrieved by using the owner's Internet connection to communicate with a dedicated service)
Assistant Activation MicrosoftMicrosoft Activation Assistant (A toolbar application that allows users to use a combination of a computer ID and an activation code to activate Windows, without using a product key)
Assistant Administration de Microsoft Surface ConciergeConcierge Administration wizard (The wizard that you use to configure Concierge initially and later on)
Assistant AeroAero Wizard (A wizard that allows third-party developers to achieve the same look in their dialog boxes as Aero)
Assistant Ajout de base de données SourceSafeAdd SourceSafe Database Wizard (A wizard that locates and configures a Visual SourceSafe database. If you cannot find an existing database to use, the wizard allows you to create a new one)
Assistant Ajustement des paramètres audio et vidéo...Audio and Video Tuning Wizard... (An item on the Tools menu (in a Conversation window) or Actions menu (in the main Communicator window) that runs a wizard that helps the user verify that the camera, speakers, and microphone are working properly on the user's computer)
Assistant ApplicationApplication Wizard (The Wizard that helps you determine how the application is presented to users. This step lets you specify an icon, modify shortcut settings, create file type associations, and run the applications so the Sequencer can collect information about the applications)
Assistant ApprobationApproval Assistant (A report, accessible from the Web Author, that generates a list of all pages waiting for the approval of the user who is logged on)
Assistant Boîte aux lettres de dossier gérémanaged folder mailbox assistant (A Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Assistant that creates managed folders in users' mailboxes and applies managed content settings to them for messaging records management (MRM))
Assistant CalendrierCalendar Concierge (A set of calendar enhancements that enable users to schedule people and resources quickly, efficiently, and reliably. The enhancements include the Calendar Attendant, the Resource Booking Attendant, and the Scheduling Assistant)
Assistant Certificat de site WebWeb Site Certificate Wizard (A wizard that enables the user to add or configure certificates to web sites)
Assistant Certificat Office Communications ServerOffice Communications Server Certificate Wizard (The wizard that guides users through the process of configuring certificates for Office Communications Server)
Assistant Classe C++ génériqueGeneric C++ Class Wizard (A wizard that adds a C++ class to a project. This generic C++ class does not inherit from ATL or MFC)
Assistant Composant de pipeline ATLATL Pipeline Component Wizard (A Visual C++ wizard that uses ATL and additional templates to facilitate the development of pipeline components)
Assistant Composition à emporterPack and Go Wizard (A wizard that packages a publication and its linked files into a single file that you can take to another computer to be edited, or to a commercial printer or a copy shop to be printed)
Assistant ConfigurationConfiguration Wizard (The semi-automated tool for planning and executing directory synchronization)
Assistant configuration de client Office Microsoft Dynamics CRMMicrosoft Dynamics CRM Office client configuration wizard (The wizard that configures the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Office Client)
Assistant Configuration de Commerce ServerCommerce Server Configuration Wizard (The Commerce Server wizard used to configure Commerce Server security, such as assigning domain user accounts and their corresponding passwords for Commerce Server services, and for configuring the Administration and Direct Mailer databases)
Assistant Configuration de CRM-Exchange E-mail RouterE-mail Router Configuration Wizard (A wizard that guides users in creating an incoming e-mail configuration, an outgoing e-mail configuration, and a link to an existing Microsoft Dynamics CRM deployment. After they install and configure these components using this wizard, the Microsoft Dynamics CRM E-mail Router will transport incoming and outgoing Microsoft Dynamics CRM e-mail)
Assistant Configuration de la gestion des mises à jourUpdate Management Configuration Wizard (A wizard that guides the user through configuring the update management feature and then downloading information about current updates from Microsoft Update so the user can start deploying updates to managed computers)
Assistant Configuration de la sécuritéSecurity Configuration Wizard (A tool that automates security best practices to reduce the attack surface for a server. The SCW was introduced with Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1)
Assistant Configuration de la sécurité, SWCSCW (A tool that automates security best practices to reduce the attack surface for a server. The SCW was introduced with Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1)
Assistant Configuration de l'affichageDisplay Configuration wizard (A wizard that guides the user to configure their TV or monitor to get the best picture. The wizard helps the user to center and resize the picture, select the correct aspect ratio, and adjust the brightness, contrast, and sharpness settings)
Assistant Configuration de packagePackage Configuration Wizard (The Wizard that gathers information necessary for creating the OSD file during the package configuration phase)
Assistant Configuration du compteAccount Setup Assistant (The assistant that helps users configure some of the most widely used e-mail accounts, such as POP, IMAP, Windows Live Hotmail, and Microsoft Exchange accounts)
Assistant Configuration du Data WarehouseData Warehouse Configuration Wizard (A configuration wizard, available from Commerce Server Setup that you use to configure a distributed installation of the Data Warehouse and your non-Commerce applications and Web servers)
Assistant Configuration d'une source de netgroupsNetgroup Source Wizard (A wizard that allows you to configure a netgroup source and review your settings)
Assistant Création de dossier gérémanaged folder mailbox assistant (A Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Assistant that creates managed folders in users' mailboxes and applies managed content settings to them for messaging records management (MRM))
Assistant Création de package de déploiementCreate Deployment Package Wizard (A wizard you use in Mobile Deployment Manager to create a deployment package)
Assistant Création de profil de base de données Microsoft CRMMicrosoft CRM Database Profile Wizard (An application which collects data about Microsoft Dynamics CRM deployments and sends it to Microsoft. Customers who volunteer to use this tool help Microsoft develop improvements for Microsoft CRM)
Assistant Création d'un élément d'installationCreate Installation Item Wizard (A wizard you use in Mobile Deployment Manager to create an installation item)
Assistant de connexion Microsoft Online ServicesMicrosoft Online Services Sign-In Assistant (A required update for Microsoft Online Services that enables your computer's sign-in functionality for multiple Microsoft Online Services IDs)
Assistant de connexion Windows LiveWindows Live Sign-in Assistant (The helper program that can store sign-in information for multiple Windows Live IDs)
Assistant de récupération de licencesRecover Licenses Wizard (A wizard that enables users to either import licenses from one license server on to another or re-install licenses previously installed in their server by re-building the license server database)
Assistant de séquencementSequencing Wizard (A step-by-step wizard that walks the user through sequencing an application, including package configuration, installing the application or applications to be sequenced, and sequencing the application package for streaming)
Assistant DLL Smart Device MFCMFC Smart Device DLL Wizard (A wizard in Smart Device Development. It is used to create an MFC DLL project. The users get a working starter application that has built-in functionality that, when it is compiled, will implement the basic features of a DLL)
Assistant Délégationdelegation wizard (A wizard used to distribute precise elements of the administrator's workload to others)
Assistant Déploiement BizTalkBizTalk Deployment Wizard (A UI-based tool to deploy BizTalk Server assemblies to the Configuration database)
Assistant DétectionDiscovery Wizard (The System Center Essentials wizard that helps select the computers and devices to be managed)
Assistant ExceptionException Assistant (A Visual Studio debugging tool that provides information about the cause of an exception in a Visual Basic or Visual C program)
Assistant Exemples de donnéessample data wizard (A wizard that installs sample data on the server)
Assistant Export XMLExport XML Wizard (A feature in Microsoft CRM Customization that exports customized forms and views)
Assistant Exécution d'un diagnosticDiagnostic Execution Wizard (A wizard that provides a guide for the end user to troubleshoot and resolve a problem)
Assistant Gestion d'installationWindows System Image Manager (A utility for creating and modifying answer files and configuration sets)
Assistant Gestion d'installationWindows SIM (A utility for creating and modifying answer files and configuration sets)
Assistant Gravure d'images et de vidéosBurn Pictures and Videos Wizard (The wizard used to burn pictures and videos on a disk)
Assistant Import XMLImport XML Wizard (A feature in Microsoft CRM Customization that imports customized forms and views)
Assistant Importation de donnéesImport Data Wizard (A wizard used to import multiple records from a comma-delimited text file into Microsoft Dynamics CRM as records)
Assistant Importation en blocBulk Import Wizard (A tool used to add multiple rows of data into a database in one operation)
Assistant Importation/exportation de pack d'administrationManagement Pack Import/Export Wizard (The wizard to import and export management packs)
Assistant Impression de calendriers pour Microsoft® Office Outlook® 2007Calendar Printing Assistant for Microsoft® Office Outlook® 2007 (A Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 feature that allows users to select from and print a variety of customizable calendar templates)
Assistant Initialisation d'un module de plate-forme sécuriséeTPM Initialization Wizard A wizard that initializes a trusted platform module (TPM) hardware (TPM)
Assistant InstallationInstallation Wizard (" The wizard that installs the Windows Server "Centro" software.")
Assistant Installation de System Center EssentialsSystem Center Essentials Setup Wizard (A wizard that guides the user through the intial configuration of System Center Essentials, after it has been installed)
Assistant Installation des services de domaine Active DirectoryActive Directory Domain Services Installation Wizard (The tool that is used to install and remove Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS))
Assistant Installation d'imprimante réseauNetwork Printer Installation Wizard (A wizard that guides the user through installing a printer on their network)
Assistant Lecture de capture Microsoft SQL ServerMicrosoft SQL Server Playback Capture Wizard (A wizard that supports the capture of information about an event for later analysis)
Assistant Liaison de sources de donnéesLink Data Sources Wizard (A wizard dialog title to create a linked data source, where you can link multiple data sources into one single data source such as two different tables in a SQL database)
Assistant MicrophoneMicrophone Wizard (A tool that you can use to fine-tune your microphone)
Assistant Migration de base de données SQL Windows AzureWindows Azure SQL Database Migration Wizard (A wizard that helps you select your SQL objects, create SQL scripts suitable for SQL Azure, migrate data between on-premises SQL Server 2008 or SQL Server 2005 and SQL Azure servers, as well as between two or more SQL Azure databases in the same or different data centers. The SQL Azure Migration Wizard is community-built, and is not supported)
Assistant Mini-installationMini-Setup wizard (A wizard that starts the first time a computer boots from a hard disk that has been duplicated. The wizard gathers any information that is needed for the newly duplicated hard disk)
Assistant Mise à niveau de Windows 8Windows 8 Upgrade Assistant (A downloadable app that helps users choose which edition of Windows 8 is right for them, determine if their hardware can support it, determine the compatibility of apps and devices and assist with any changes that are needed, and then purchase and install it from within the app)
Assistant Modification de disque dur virtuelEdit Virtual Hard Disk Wizard (A wizard that is used by advanced users to perform specific operations on their existing virtual hard disks such as compacting their virtual hard disk, merging it, converting it to another type or expanding its size)
Assistant Nouveau disque dur virtuelNew Virtual Hard Disk Wizard (A wizard that is used by advanced users to create custom virtual hard disks for virtual machines. The purpose of the New Virtual Hard Disk Wizard is to gather the basic information from the user necessary to create a new virtual hard disk)
Assistant Nouveau groupe de protectionNew Protection Group Wizard (A wizard that is used to create a new protection group which will protect data on a user's file servers)
Assistant Nouvelle connexionNew Connection Wizard (A tool that helps users sign up for Internet service and automatically handles the software configuration steps necessary for gaining access to the Internet)
Assistant Paramétrage du moteur de base de donnéesDatabase Engine Tuning Advisor (A tool for tuning the physical database design that helps users to select and create an optimal set of indexes, indexed views, and partitioning)
Assistant Partage de dossiers dans un domaineDomain Folder Sharing Wizard (A wizard that guides the user through sharing a folder with members of the same domain)
Assistant Pilote de périphériqueDevice Driver Wizard (A wizard that helps a driver developer get the new driver packages up and going quickly in Visual Studio)
Assistant PlanificationScheduling Assistant (An Outlook and Outlook Web Access feature that automatically suggests the best meeting times for a given a group of attendees, allowing users to schedule people and resources quickly and efficiently)
Assistant Projet de rapportReport Project Wizard (A wizard in the report authoring environment used to create reports)
Assistant Préparation de la récupération automatique du systèmeAutomated System Recovery Preparation Wizard (A wizard that backs up the partition used by the operating system, but it does not back up other partitions, such as program or data partitions. Those partitions must be backed up using Backup or other standard routines)
Assistant Publication SharePointSharePoint Publishing Wizard (The wizard used to publish sharepoint sites and servers)
Assistant RapportReport Wizard (A wizard that guides users through creating and publishing a Reporting Services report)
Assistant RubriqueTopic Assistant (A tool used to categorize content into areas automatically)
Assistant Réglage des haut-parleursSpeaker Calibration wizard (A wizard that helps the user to adjust their speakers for the best sound by running automatic calibration tests for levels, delay, and frequency response)
Assistant RéservationBooking Attendant (A calendaring feature that automatically manages resources. Resource requests are automatically accepted or denied depending on availability and policies)
Assistant Réservation de ressourcesResource Booking Attendant (A calendaring feature that automatically manages resources. Resource requests are automatically accepted or denied depending on availability and policies)
Assistant SponsoringSponsorship Wizard (A wizard that enables users to set up multiple records for sponsorship items, such as booths, signs, or banners, for an event quickly and easily)
Assistant Stratégies d'autorisationAuthorization Policies Wizard (A wizard that is available through Remote Desktop Gateway Manager that enables you to quickly configure a Remote Desktop connection authorization policy (RD CAP), a Remote Desktop resource authorization policy (RD RAP), and a computer group that is associated with an RD RAP)
Assistant SynchronisationSync Wizard (A one-time Device Setup wizard that comes up the first time you attach a particular portable music device to the player)
Assistant Sélecteur de donnéesData Selector Wizard (A wizard that lets users select, configure, and import data from a data source into a Visio diagram)
Assistant Test de chargeLoad Test Wizard (A wizard that guides you through the process of creating a load test)
Assistant Time Intelligencetime intelligence (Functionality that is used to show dynamic time periods relative to the current date)
Assistant Tâche personnaliséeCustom Task Wizard (A wizard that will help users to define a custom task for their workflow. Custom Task can be used to collect information from workflow participants. That information will be stored in the Tasks list for the site and can be used later in the workflow via workflow lookup)
Assistant virtuel personnelPersonal Virtual Assistant (A service that implements control of in-conference services for one PSTN user. It listens for request key commands from the user's PSTN device and executes them to control the phone functionality. For example, PVA implements 6 (mute) from the PSTN user)
Assistant virtuel personnelPVA (A service that implements control of in-conference services for one PSTN user. It listens for request key commands from the user's PSTN device and executes them to control the phone functionality. For example, PVA implements 6 (mute) from the PSTN user)
Assistant Étalonnage des couleurs de l'écranDisplay Color Calibration Wizard (A wizard that guides users through a series of adjustments to their display to produce a more accurate rendering of sRGB color content)
forme Assistantassistant shape (In an organization chart, a shape that is placed below and connected to any other shape with an elbow connector. This shape is placed above any additional subordinate shapes for the particular superior shape it is attached to)
objet AssistantAssistant object (The Assistant is the shared Microsoft Office Assistant object. It is a fully programmable object)