
Terms for subject Microsoft containing кластер | all forms | exact matches only
активний член кластераactive cluster member (A node that is running and participating in cluster operations)
застосунок без підтримки кластерівcluster-unaware application (An application that can run on a cluster node and be managed as a cluster resource but that does not support the Cluster API)
застосунок із підтримкою кластерівcluster-aware application (An application that can run on a cluster node and that can be managed as a cluster resource. Cluster-aware applications use the Cluster API to receive status and notification information from the server cluster)
кластер адаптераcluster adapter (The adapter that, when using multiple network adapters in each host of a Network Load Balancing cluster, handles the network traffic for cluster operations (the traffic for all hosts in the cluster). This adapter is programmed with the host's cluster IP address)
кластер з неперервною реплікацієюcluster continuous replication (A replication that combines the asynchronous log shipping and replay features built into Exchange 2007 with the failover and management features provided by a failover cluster that is created with the Microsoft Windows Cluster service)
кластер зі спільним сховищемsingle copy cluster (A clustered Exchange deployment that uses shared storage and can have multiple active and passive servers (referred to as nodes) dedicated to a clustered mailbox server)
мережа кластерівcluster network (A group of independent computers that work together to provide a common set of services and present a single-system image to clients. The use of a cluster enhances the availability of the services and the scalability and manageability of the operating system that provides the services)
мережева адреса кластераcluster network address (The network (media access control) address for the network adapter that is to be used for handling client-to-cluster traffic in a Network Load Balancing cluster)
одновузловий кластер сервераsingle node server cluster (A cluster configuration that has one node and that can be configured with or without external cluster storage devices. For a single node cluster without an external cluster storage device, the local disk is configured as the cluster storage device. There are advantages and limitations for each cluster configuration (single node server cluster, single quorum device server cluster, and majority node set server cluster))
одновузловий кластер сервера пристрою кворумуsingle quorum device server cluster (A cluster configuration that has two or more nodes and that is configured so that every node is attached to one or more cluster storage device. The cluster configuration data is stored on a single cluster storage device. There are advantages and limitations for each cluster configuration (single node server cluster, single quorum device server cluster, and majority node set server cluster))
серверний кластерserver cluster (A group of servers that are in one location and that are networked together for the purpose of sharing workload)