
Terms for subject Microsoft containing від | all forms | exact matches only
Від'єднати від розмовиRemove from This Conversation (An item on the right-click menu for a contact that disconnects the selected participant from the current conversation)
Відеo в центрі увагиVideo Spotlight (A mode that enables presenters to select one person's video feed so that every participant in the meeting sees that participant only)
відсоток від ціниpercent of list (A pricing method that determines the unit price of the product as a percent of the price that was entered in the List Price field on the Product form)
відхилення від графікуSV (The difference between the budgeted cost of work performed [BCWP] and the budgeted cost of work scheduled [BCWS]. This is calculated as follows: SV = Budgeted Cost of Work Performed - Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled)
відхилення від графікуschedule variance (The difference between the budgeted cost of work performed [BCWP] and the budgeted cost of work scheduled [BCWS]. This is calculated as follows: SV = Budgeted Cost of Work Performed - Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled)
для дітей від 14 роківParents Strongly Cautioned (A TV ratings system used by TV networks in the United States to indicate to viewers that a particular show is unsuitable for children under 14 years of age)
для дітей від 7 роківDirected to Older Children (A TV ratings system used by TV networks in the United States to indicate to viewers that a particular show is designed for children age 7 and older)
для дітей від 7 років - можливі сцени насильства у фантазійному поданніDirected to Older Children - Fantasy Violence (A TV ratings system used by TV networks in the United States to indicate to viewers that a particular show is designed for children age 7 and older, but may include more intense fantasy violence)
драйвер від постачальника обладнанняout-of-box driver (A driver that is not included with Windows)
драйвер завчасного захисту від зловмисних програмearly-launch boot driver (An antimalware driver that loads early in the boot process, to evaluate the safety of the other drivers being loaded. Based on a comparison against historical data for those drivers, the antimalware driver returns information to the kernel, which makes initialization decisions for each driver)
драйвер завчасного захисту від зловмисних програмEarly Launch Antimalware driver (An antimalware driver that loads early in the boot process, to evaluate the safety of the other drivers being loaded. Based on a comparison against historical data for those drivers, the antimalware driver returns information to the kernel, which makes initialization decisions for each driver)
Залежно від розташування…Based on Location... (An item on the Call Forwarding On menu, which is opened from the user's My Status menu. This item automatically forwards incoming calls based on the user's current location)
запити від користувачівIM Requests (An area on the app bar that displays requests from other users to see your presence and requests to start a conversation in Lync)
захист від аналогового копіюванняanalogue copy protection (A form of rights management based on technology developed by Macrovision, which prevents analogue output to be played back from VHS tape)
захист IPsec від атак "відмова в обслуговуванні"IPsec Denial of Service Protection (A feature that helps client machines to provide basic protection against denial-of-service attacks)
захист від небажаної поштиjunk e-mail protection (A feature that provides options for automatically identifying and filtering out junk e-mail messages)
Захист від стеженняTracking Protection (The feature that blocks third-party web content that could potentially track someone's web activity)
звільнений від оподаткуванняexempt payee (An individual or entity that has no tax liability under US tax laws because they are not a citizen, resident alien, or an organization created or organized under the laws of the United States)
код звільнення від оподаткуванняexempt ID (An identification number that is issued by a tax authority to indicate that a company is not required to pay sales tax)
перенаправлення залежно від розташуванняlocation-based forwarding (An option in the Options dialog box, on the Phones tab, that forwards incoming phone calls based on the user's current location)
повідомлення від фальшивого відправникаspoofed mail (An e-mail message whose sending address has been modified to appear as though it originates from a sender other than the actual sender of the message)
програма захисту від вірусів, антивірусне програмне забезпеченняantivirus software (A computer program designed to detect and respond to malicious software, such as viruses and worms. Responses may include blocking user access to infected files, cleaning infected files or systems, or informing the user that an infected program was detected)
програма захисту від зловмисного програмного забезпеченняantimalware program (A computer program designed to detect and respond to malicious software, such as viruses and worms. Responses may include blocking user access to infected files, cleaning infected files or systems, or informing the user that an infected program was detected)
програмне забезпечення для захисту від зловмисних програмantimalware software (A computer program designed to detect and respond to malicious software, such as viruses and worms. Responses may include blocking user access to infected files, cleaning infected files or systems, or informing the user that an infected program was detected)
список захисту від драйверівdriver protection list (A list of drivers known to cause instabilities when installed under Microsoft Windows XP and later versions. The list is checked at the following times: during installation of Windows; each time the system is rebooted; each time a device or application is installed)
час роботи від батареїbattery life (The time for which a dry or alkaline cell is able to produce an electric current before it needs to be replaced)