
Terms for subject Cinematography containing вечірка | all forms
заключна вечіркаwrap party (з приводу завершення зйомок фільму: Rose McGowan still has her "Scary Movie" wine bottle with the wine still in it, that the cast and crew received at the wrap party. imdb.com bojana)
прощальна вечіркаwrap party (з приводу завершення зйомок фільму: Rose McGowan still has her "Scary Movie" wine bottle with the wine still in it, that the cast and crew received at the wrap party. imdb.com bojana)
фінальна вечіркаwrap party (з приводу завершення зйомок фільму: Rose McGowan still has her "Scary Movie" wine bottle with the wine still in it, that the cast and crew received at the wrap party. imdb.com bojana)