
Terms for subject Microsoft containing база | all forms | exact matches only
архітектура розподіленої реляційної бази данихDistributed Relational Database Architecture (A connection protocol for distributed relational database processing used by IBM relational database products that comprises protocols for communication between an application and a remote database, and communication between databases. DRDA also provides the connections for remote and distributed processing. The Distributed Data Management Architecture provides the base architecture for DRDA)
база даних OLAPOLAP database (A relational database system capable of handling queries more complex than those handled by standard relational databases, through multidimensional access to data (viewing the data by several different criteria), intensive calculation capability, and specialized indexing techniques)
база даних OLEOLE DB (A component database architecture that provides efficient network and Internet access to many types of data sources, including relational data, mail files, flat files, and spreadsheets)
база даних ODBCODBC database (A database for which an Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) driver that you can use for importing, linking to, or exporting data is supplied)
база даних видавцяpublisher database (A server that makes data available for replication to other servers. A Publisher also detects changed data and maintains information about all publications at the site)
база даних вмістуcontent database (The Microsoft SQL Server or WMSDE database that contains the content for one or more SharePoint sites)
база даних Диспетчера бізнес-контактівBusiness Contact Manager database (The database that stores information about accounts, business contacts, opportunities, business projects, and other items)
база даних журналюванняlogging database (The Microsoft SQL Server, MSDE, or WMSDE database that stores health monitoring and usage data temporarily, and can be used for reporting and diagnostics)
база даних звітуванняreporting database (The SQL Server database that stores DPM reporting information)
база даних зі спільним доступомshared database (A database that is shared out to other users. These users create their own local copies, which are periodically synchronized with the shared database)
база даних компонентівcomponent database (A central database that holds the metadata necessary to define one or more componentized OSs. Includes platforms, components, repositories, resource types and groups, but not configurations)
база даних конфігураціїconfiguration database (The Microsoft SQL Server, MSDE, or Windows Internal database that contains the configuration information that applies across all servers in a deployment of SharePoint Products and Technologies, such as Web application information)
база даних, на яку посилаютьсяreferenced database (The database to which the user has established a reference from the current database. The user can create a reference to a database and then call procedures within standard modules in that database)
база даних облікових записівaccounts database (A database which stores user accounts and their network access properties)
база даних параметрів PerformancePointPerformancePoint Settings Database (A PerformancePoint-specific database that stores the annotations for each dashboard element, user-based filter selections, and other information about dashboard elements)
база даних параметрів компонентівcomponent settings database (A database that stores service information for each portal site in a deployment)
база даних передплатникаsubscriber database (In replication, a database instance that receives replicated data)
база даних поштових скриньокmailbox database (A database for storing mailboxes in Exchange Server. The mailbox database manages the data in mailboxes, tracks deleted messages and mailbox sizes, and assists in message transfers. A mailbox database is stored as an Exchange database (.edb) file)
база знаньknowledge base (A searchable collection of articles and facts about a particular subject area)
база знань MicrosoftMicrosoft Knowledge Base (A Microsoft Web site that provides customers with access to a database of articles written by Microsoft Support professionals)
бібліотечна база данихlibrary database (A collection of procedures and database objects that you can call from any application. In order to use the items in the library, you must first establish a reference from the current database to the library database)
власник бази данихdatabase owner (The person who created the database, and has full control, including granting access permissions or deleting records. When a database has been restored, then the person who restored it becomes the owner)
внутрішня база даних WindowsWindows Internal Database (A relational data store that's included in Windows and is used by several Windows Services)
внутрішній сервер бази данихback-end database server (A server that hosts data, configuration settings, and stored procedures that are associated with one or more applications)
віддалена база данихremote database (A database which is stored on another computer and is shared out to other users. These users create their own local copy, which is periodically synchronized with the shared database)
Відновити базу данихRestore Database (A button on a BCM wizard that enables the user to revert the database to a previous state)
Відновлення бази данихDatabase restore (A dialog box that enables the user to select the data file to use when restoring a database)
диспетчер бази данихdatabase manager (A layer of software between the physical database and the user. The DBMS manages all access to the database)
застосунок бази данихdatabase application (A set of objects that can include tables, queries, forms, reports, macros, and code modules that are designed to work together to make a database easier to use)
засіб бази даних Диспетчера бізнес-контактів для Microsoft Outlook 2010Business Contact Manager for Microsoft Outlook 2010 Database Tool (A downloadable tool that provides users with administration capabilities such as creating, sharing, backing up or restoring a database)
засіб документування бази данихDatabase Documenter (A tool that builds a report that contains detailed information about the objects in a database)
засіб обслуговування бази данихdatabase maintenance tool (One of a number of utilities that allow users to back up, restore, and check for errors in the Business Contact Manager for Outlook database)
засіб порівняння баз данихDatabase Compare (A Microsoft Office product that detects and categorizes changes between two databases to facilitate review and approval processes)
Керувати базами данихManage Database (An option, located on the Business Contact Manager menu, in the Database Tools selection, that enables a user to manage their databases)
клієнтська база данихfront-end database (In a two-database approach, the client-side database that contains all the forms, queries, reports, macros, and modules, and that links to a back-end database containing the tables)
локальна база данихoffline database (A local working copy of a remote shared database in which you can make changes while you are disconnected. You can synchronize changes with the remote shared database when you reconnect)
локальна база данихlocal database (A local copy of a shared remote database, which you work in on your computer, and which is periodically synchronized with the remote database)
майстер профілів бази даних Microsoft CRMMicrosoft CRM Database Profile Wizard (An application which collects data about Microsoft Dynamics CRM deployments and sends it to Microsoft. Customers who volunteer to use this tool help Microsoft develop improvements for Microsoft CRM)
на базі x86-процесорівx86-based (Pertaining to the combination of a 32-bit Windows operating system and a microprocessor that natively supports the 32-bit x86 instruction set. Examples include Intel Pentium 4, AMD Athlon and VIA C7 processors)
на базі x64-процесорівx64-based (Pertaining to the combination of a 64-bit Windows operating system and microprocessors that natively support the x86 for extended systems (x64) 64-bit instruction set. Examples include AMD Opteron and Intel Xeon with 64-bit extension technology processors)
Надати спільний доступ до бази данихShare Database (An option, found on the Business Contact Manager menu, in the Database Tools selection, that enables the user to share all information in a database)
обробник баз даних AccessACE (Part of the Access database system that retrieves and stores data in user and system databases. The engine can be thought of as a data manager on which database systems are built)
обробник баз даних Microsoft Data EngineMicrosoft Data Engine (A client/server data engine that provides local data storage on a smaller computer system and that is compatible with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and prior)
обробник баз даних JetJet engine (A client/server data engine that provides local data storage on a smaller computer system and that is compatible with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and prior)
обробник баз даних AccessAccess database engine (Part of the Access database system that retrieves and stores data in user and system databases. The engine can be thought of as a data manager on which database systems are built)
обробник баз даних AccessAccess Connectivity Engine (Part of the Access database system that retrieves and stores data in user and system databases. The engine can be thought of as a data manager on which database systems are built)
онлайнова база данихonline database (A remote shared database that is synchronized with your local copy)
оновлення антивірусної базиdefinition update (A broadly-released and frequent software update containing additions to a product's definition database. Definition databases are often used to detect objects with specific attributes, such as malicious code, phishing Web sites, or junk e-mail)
реплікація бази данихdatabase replication (The process of creating two or more special copies (replicas) of an Access database. Replicas can be synchronized, changes made to data in one replica, or design changes made in the Design Master, are sent to other replicas)
робоча база данихbusiness database (The repository for all Business Contact Manager for Outlook data)
серверна база данихback-end database (In a two-database approach, the server-side database that contains the tables that hold your solution's data, and that is accessed by your solution through links in the front-end database)
система керування базою данихdatabase management system (A layer of software between the physical database and the user. The DBMS manages all access to the database)
спільна база данихshared database (A database that is shared out to other users. These users create their own local copies, which are periodically synchronized with the shared database)
стаття бази знаньKB article (A technical document in the Microsoft Knowledge Base accessible through Microsoft.com)
файл бази данихdatabase file (One of the physical files that make up a database)
ядро бази данихdatabase engine (The program module or modules that provide access to a database management system (DBMS))
інсталяція на базі образуimage-based setup (A process that uses installation technologies that install Windows images (.wim files))