
Terms for subject Microsoft containing variable | all forms | exact matches only
benutzerdefinierte Variablecustom variable (A variable provided by package developers)
globale Variableglobal variable (A variable that is accessible from anywhere in a program)
implizit typisierte lokale Variableimplicitly typed local variable (A local variable whose type is inferred from the expression that initializes the variable)
lokale Variablelocal variable (A program variable whose scope is limited to a given block of code, usually a subroutine)
Variable auf Modulebenemodule-level variable (A variable that's declared in the Declarations section of a module by using the Private keyword. These variables are available to all procedures in the module)
Variable auf Prozedurebeneprocedure-level variable (A variable that is declared within a procedure. Procedure-level variables are always private to the procedure in which they are declared)
variable Bitratevariable bit rate (A characteristic of a data stream in which the bit rate fluctuates, depending upon the complexity of the data)
variable Bitratevariable bit rate (A characteristic of a data stream in which the bit rate fluctuates, depending upon the complexity of the data)
variable Kostenvariable cost (A cost that varies based on production or sales volume)
variable Vergütungvariable compensation (Compensation, contingent on discretion, performance, or results, that is awarded to an employee by an organization)
variabler Bonusvariable award (An individual provision of some form of variable compensation)
variables Gittervariable grid (Grid lines that change as you change the magnification of a drawing. When you zoom in, grid lines are closer together. When you zoom out, grid lines are farther apart)
öffentliche Variablepublic variable (A variable you declare with the Public keyword in the Declarations section of a module. A public variable can be shared by all the procedures in every module in a database)