
Terms for subject Environment containing offene | all forms | exact matches only
offene Ad-hoc-Arbeits gruppe, die sich mit der Haftung und der Entschädigung befasstopen-ended ad hoc working group on liability and redress
offene ArbeitsgruppeOpen-Ended Working Group
Offene Arbeitsgruppe "Anpassungen und Änderungen am Montrealer Protokoll"Open-ended Working Party on Adjustments and Amendments to the Montreal Protocol
offene Flammenopen flame
offene Grasflächeopen grassland
Offene Rasenflächeopen lawn
Offene Rasenflächeopen lawn Any relatively unobstructed field of cultivated and mown grass, especially near a house or in a park
offenes feueropen fire
offenes Kuehlsystemopen cycle cooling technique
offenes Schnellfilterrapid gravity filter
offenes Teilabkommen EUR-OPA über größere TechnologierisikenOpen Partial Agreement on Major Hazards EUR-OPA
offenes Teilabkommen EUR-OPA über größere TechnologierisikenEUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement
offenes Teilabkommen EUR-OPA über größere TechnologierisikenOpen partial agreement on the prevention of, protection against, and organisation of relief in major natural and technological disasters