
Terms containing live | all forms | exact matches only
gen.Austausch von Rundfunk- und Fernsehprogrammen, sowohl Live-Sendungen als auch Aufzeichnungenexchange of both live and recorded radio and television programmes
patents.Bereitstellung von Multimedia-Unterhaltung und/oder Live-Unterhaltung und -Showsprovision of multimedia entertainment and/or live entertainment and shows
patents.Dienste im Zusammenhang mit Kinounterhaltung, Fernsehunterhaltung und Live-Unterhaltungsprogrammen und -showsservices relating to cinema and to television entertainment, and to live entertainment performances and shows
gen.Durchführung von Live-Veranstaltungenpresentation of live performances
comp., MSJemand bei Windows LiveSomeone on Windows Live (The display name UI label used when there isn't a display name value available, as when data can't be retrieved or someone hasn't completely filled out their profile)
environ.lebende Wirbeltiere livevertebrates
patents.Live-Darbietungenlive performances
patents.Live-Darbietungen von Bandslive band performances
abbr.Live long and prosper!LL&P
comp., MSLive Meeting-AdministratorLive Meeting administrator (A person who assigns user accounts and manages the Live Meeting service for an organization)
comp., MSLive Meeting-IntranetportalLive Meeting intranet portal (A site on an intranet for creating and joining Live Meetings and that can be used as an option to a Web-based Live Meeting conference center)
comp., MSLive Meeting-KonsoleLive Meeting console (The array of windows and tools that display on each participant's web browser when a Live Meeting session is in progress)
comp., MSLive Meeting-ManagerLive Meeting Manager (A Web-based tool that is used to access and manage meetings and recordings, join meetings, and change Live Meeting user preferences)
comp., MSLive Meeting-SitzungLive Meeting session (A meeting that is conducted by using Live Meeting, whether a scheduled meeting or a Meet Now meeting)
comp., MSLive Meeting-WiedergabeLive Meeting Replay (A meeting recording format that includes Sharing slides and annotations with the recording)
patents.Live-Unterhaltungsdienstelive entertainment services
gen.Live-Virtualizer Akustiklive virtualizer acoustics
ed.Live-Webinarlive webinar (Andrey Truhachev)
radioLive-Übertragunglive broadcast
comp., MSMicrosoft® Office LiveMicrosoft Office Live (A Microsoft set of business productivity services that provides a secure online workspace for organizing and managing information and a complete set of tools that integrate with existing Microsoft Office programs)
comp., MSMicrosoft Office Live Communications Server 2005 - Verbindung mit öffentlichen ChatdienstenMicrosoft Office Live Communications Server 2005 Public IM Connectivity (A Microsoft license offered on a per-user, per-month subscription price which provides organizations with the capability to connect their existing base of Live Communications Server-enabled users to the top public IM service providers (MSN, AOL, and Yahoo!))
comp., MSMicrosoft Office Live Meeting startenStart Microsoft Office Live Meeting (The button on the main Communicator window that starts the Microsoft Office Live Meeting program)
comp., MSMicrosoft Office Live Meeting starten...Start Microsoft Office Live Meeting... (The item on the Actions menu that starts a Live Meeting session with the person the user selects from the corporate address book)
comp., MSMicrosoft® Office Outlook® LiveMicrosoft Office Outlook Live (A family of Microsoft subscription e-mail services that integrate a Microsoft Office Outlook mail client with MSN Hotmail service)
patents.Organisation, Produktion und Präsentation von Live-Auftrittenorganization, production and presentation of live
patents.Organisation von Live-Auftrittenorganization of live performances
comp., MSOutlook Live-Verwaltungs-AgentOutlook Live Management Agent (The Microsoft Identity Lifecycle Manager (ILM) 2007 management agent provided by Microsoft to connect to Outlook Live. It is an ILM component that consists of properties, rules, and rules extensions that determine how an object is processed)
comp., MSPowered by Windows Livepowered by Windows Live (Pertaining to a process, tool, etc. that is enabled by Windows Live)
patents.Produktion von Filmen und Live-Unterhaltungssendungenproduction of films and live entertainment features
patents.Produktion von Live-Unterhaltungproduction of live entertainment
patents.Produktion von Live-Unterhaltungssendungenproduction of live entertainment features
comp., MSVOIP-fähige Live Meeting-KonferenzcentersitzungVOIP-enabled Live Meeting trial conference center session (A Live Meeting session conducted using VoIP to transmit data and conducted on a Live Meeting conference center accessed with a trial account)
comp., MSWindows Live-Anmelde-AssistentWindows Live Sign-in Assistant (The helper program that can store sign-in information for multiple Windows Live IDs)
comp., MSWindows Live FotogalerieWindows Live Photo Gallery (A desktop app that enables users to view, manage, edit, and share photos and videos)
comp., MSWindows Live FotosWindows Live Photos (The Windows Live service that provides free online storage for photos, which customers can organize into photo albums)
comp., MSWindows Live für mobile GeräteWindows Live for mobile (The set of Windows Live services available for use on mobile devices)
comp., MSWindows Live für Windows MobileWindows Live for Windows Mobile (The set of Windows Live services optimized for use on mobile devices running Windows Mobile)
comp., MSWindows Live-InstallationsprogrammWindows Live installer (The software that installs the Windows Live software someone selects on the installation webpage)
comp., MSWindows Live-KontakteWindows Live Contacts (The Windows Live universal roaming contact list that allows users to share their contact information and subscribe to others' to automatically receive updates across Windows Live Messenger and Windows Live Spaces)
comp., MSWindows Live-Kontakte-APIWindows Live Contacts API (The API that defines a set of web services which can programmatically access the Windows Live Contacts Address Book database)
comp., MSWindows Live-KontoWindows Live account (Private information that a customer provides to establish their Windows Live ID. This information is separate from the customer's (outward-facing) profile and is never shared without explicit consent)
comp., MSWindows Live OneCare für ServerWindows Live OneCare for Server (The OneCare software designed to run on supported servers)
comp., MSWindows Live OneCare Safety ScannerWindows Live OneCare safety scanner (The free online on-demand tool that conducts three types of scans: the protection scan checks for and removes things like viruses and malware; the clean-up scan checks the hard disk for unnecessary files and helps users decide which ones they can safely remove, and also clears the computer's registry of orphaned data; the tune-up scan helps improve the computer's performance by defragmenting the hard disk)
comp., MSWindows Live ProblembehandlungsdatenWindows Live Troubleshooting Data (The visible name of the information sent to Microsoft via Windows Error Reporting if the Windows Live Essential Installer crashes)
comp., MSWindows Live-ProfilWindows Live Profile (The descriptive information about a user that is shown to other users. This editable information is separate from the registration information they provide to establish their Windows Live account. This separation allows users to disclose or conceal personal information as they choose)
comp., MSWindows Live-SchaltflächeWindows Live button (A graphical navigational element that links to the user's Windows Live home page)
comp., MSWindows Live SMS-DiensteWindows Live SMS services (An SMS-based service that lets users complete various Windows Live tasks by sending, receiving, and replying to SMS messages)
comp., MSWindows Live-StartseiteWindows Live Home (The main landing or start page on Windows Live)
gen.öffentliche Live-Übertragungpublic viewing