
Terms for subject Microsoft containing links | all forms | exact matches only
absoluter Linkabsolute link (A hyperlink to the exact location of a file on a file server, the World Wide Web, or a company intranet. Absolute links use an exact path; if anyone moves the file containing the hyperlink or a hyperlink destination, the link breaks)
aktiver Linkactive hyperlink (A hyperlink that is currently selected in a Web browser. Some Web browsers indicate the active hyperlink by changing its color)
besuchter Linkfollowed hyperlink (A hyperlink on a Web page that a site visitor has activated by using a mouse device, keyboard, or other type of pointing device)
Deep-Linkdeep link (A link that takes you to a precise location, such as a slide within a presentation, a section of a document, or a specific page within a site, instead of to the main page of the web site)
Dynamic Link Librarydynamic-link library (An operating system feature that allows executable routines (generally serving a specific function or set of functions) to be stored separately as files with .dll extensions. These routines are loaded only when needed by the program that calls them)
eckige Klammer linksleft square bracket (The [ character)
eckige Klammer linksleft bracket (The [ character)
Einfliegen von links obenFly In, Top Left (A title animation in Windows Movie Maker)
Einfliegen, von links und rechtsFly In, Left and Right (A credit or title animation in Windows Movie Maker)
externer Linkexternal hyperlink (A hyperlink pointing to a page or file that is outside of the current web)
fehlerhafter Linkbroken link (A hyperlink that points to an incorrect URL or a missing page or file)
fehlerhafter Linkbroken hyperlink (A hyperlink that points to an incorrect URL or a missing page or file)
fester Linkhard link (A directory entry for a file)
geschweifte Klammer linksleft brace (The { character)
High-Level Data Link ControlHigh-level Data Link Control (A protocol for information transfer adopted by the ISO. HDLC is a bit-oriented, synchronous protocol that applies to the data-link (message-packaging) layer (layer 2 of the ISO/OSI reference model) for computer-to-microcomputer communications)
interner LinkInternal hyperlink (A region in text or graphics that you click to access another page within the same web site)
Leserichtung von rechts nach linksRight-to-Left Reading Order (The item on the right-click menu in a conversation that changes the Communicator user interface so it supports a right-to-left language)
Link Control-ProtokollLink Control Protocol (A PPP control protocol that negotiates link and PPP parameters to dynamically configure the data-link layer of a PPP connection)
Link sendenSend a link (The UI link text for sending a link to a page)
linke Maustasteleft mouse button (The button on your pointing device that you use most often for clicking and double-clicking)
linke Schmalseiteleft end (The short side of a Surface unit where the AC/Main rocker switch and AC power connector are located and that provides access to the hard disk drive of the Surface unit)
linke äußere Verknüpfungleft outer join (A type of outer join in which all rows from the left-most table in the JOIN clause are included. When rows in the left table are not matched by rows in the right table, all result set columns that come from the right table are assigned a value of NULL)
linker Bereichleft pane (The navigational pane at the left of most webpages and Windows folders)
linkes Chevronopening chevron (The " character)
links gefaltete KarteSide-fold card (One of the page size options available in Publisher for printing a folded card. This option prints four pages per sheet of paper, with fold on left)
Logical Link Control and Adaptation-Protokolllogical link control and adaptation protocol (A protocol used in personal wireless network applications that provides connection-oriented and connectionless data services to upper layer protocols with protocol multiplexing capability, segmentation and reassembly operation, and group abstractions)
mit Flatterrand linksragged left (Of, relating to, or being lines of text whose left ends are not vertically aligned but form an irregular edge. Text may be right-justified and have a ragged left margin. Ragged-left text is used infrequently-typically, for visual effect in advertisements)
NACH-LINKS-TASTEleft arrow (The key on the keyboard that is labeled with a left arrow)
OEM-LinkOEM link (A link on the Start menu where OEMs can place any desired links or shortcuts)
relativer Linkrelative link (When a hyperlink uses a path based on a relative link, you can move the file that contains the hyperlink and the hyperlink destination without breaking the hyperlink. Move the file that contains the hyperlink and its destination together)
RIA Services-LinkRIA Services link (A project-to-project link reference that facilitates generating presentation tier code from middle tier code)
runde Klammer linksopening parenthesis (The opening round bracket character)
Smart Linksmart link (The connection between two activities in a runbook)
verknüpfte Linkslink chain (A series of redirecting web links that are designed to hide malicious websites)
Video linksVideo Left (A credit animation in Windows Movie Maker)
von links nach rechtsleft-to-right (Pertaining to keyboard settings, document views, user interface objects, and languages for which text is displayed in a left-to-right direction. English and most other European languages are left-to-right languages)
von rechts nach linksright-to-left (Pertaining to keyboard settings, document views, user interface objects, languages, etc. for which text is displayed in a right-to-left direction)
öffentlicher Linkpublic link (A web address (URL) of a folder or photo album on SkyDrive that allows access to anyone who visits the webpage. Visitors don't need to have explicit sharing permissions to the folder or album, sign in to Windows Live, or even have a Windows Live ID)
Überwachung verteilter LinksDistributed Link Tracking (A service that tracks links in scenarios where the link is made to a file on an NTFS volume, such as shell shortcuts and OLE links)