
Terms containing hold | all forms | exact matches only
fin.Buy-and-Holdbuy and hold
brit.Das Glück war jdm. hold. dichter., veraltendFortune favoured smb.
commun.Dienstmerkmal Holdcall hold
chem.Gardner-Holdt-ViskosimeterGardner-Holdt viscosimeter
commun.Glare-Hold-and-Glare-Releaseglare hold and glare release
med.Holden LinieHolden line
phys.Hölder-ExponentHölder index
phys.Hölder-KoeffizientHölder constant
health."Impuls hold" Zeitbewertung"impulse hold" response
commun.Peak-Holdpeak hold
microel.Reststrom des Adreßbusses im HOLD-Zustandaddress bus leakage during HOLD
social.sc.Roach holderroach clip
social.sc.Roach holderroach
microel.Sample-and-Hold-Verstärkersample-and-hold amplifier
comp., MSWartemusik, Music on Holdmusic on hold (A feature that enables the playing of prerecorded music/audio for callers while they are on hold)