
Terms containing eigenständig | all forms | exact matches only
gen.als eigenständiges Ganzes handelndacting as a single entity
med.das eigenständige Leben des Fetus fördernto promote foetus'autonomous existence
gen.der eigenständige Charakter des europäischen Ganzenthe distinct character of the European entity
gen.... die Entschlossenheit der Neun, als ein eigenständiges, unverwechselbares Ganzes aufzutreten... the determination of the Nine to establish themselves as a distinct and original entity
transp.die Partnergesellschaften wahren ihre kaufmännische Eigenständig keitthe companies in partnership preserve their commercial identity
gen.eigenständig denkendindependent-minded
econ.eigenständig gewährte Beihilfenaid granted on an autonomous basis
gen.eigenständig operierende Kräftestand-alone force
law, social.sc.eigenständige Ansprücheindividual rights
comp., MSeigenständige Datenbankcontained database (A SQL Server database that includes all of the user authentication, database settings, and metadata required to define and access the database, and has no configuration dependencies on the instance of the SQL Server Database Engine where the database is installed)
gen.eigenständige Firmaindependent company
fin.eigenständige gemeinnützige Anstaltself-governing institution
gen.eigenständige Inflationsquelleindependent source for inflation
gen.eigenständige Künstlerinartist in her own right
gen.eigenständige Missionautonomous mission
agric.eigenständige Produktionseinheitindependent production unit
cust.eigenständige Zoll- Rechtsakteautonomous customs legislation
f.trade.eigenständige Rechtsakte der Gemeinschaftautonomous Community acts
comp., MSeigenständige Treiberbibliothekstand-alone drive library (A single-drive, non-automated unit, such as a tape drive or CD-ROM drive, that holds a single tape or disc. With this type of library, the user manually inserts a tape or disc into the drives)
fin.eigenständige Währungfully fledged currency
fin.eigenständige Währungcurrency in its own right
comp., MSeigenständige Zertifizierungsstellestand-alone certification authority (A certification authority (CA) that is not integrated with Active Directory)
comp., MSeigenständige ZSstand-alone CA (A certification authority (CA) that is not integrated with Active Directory)
IMF.eigenständiger Artikel-IV-Berichtstand alone Article IV reports
gen.eigenständiger Beitragoriginal contribution
comp., MSeigenständiger DFS-Namespacestand-alone DFS namespace (A type of Distributed File System (DFS) namespace where the namespace information is stored locally on the server or failover cluster)
comp., MSeigenständiger Namespacestand-alone namespace (A type of Distributed File System (DFS) namespace where the namespace information is stored locally on the server or failover cluster)
gen.eigenständiger Rechnerstand-alone computer
pharma.eigenständiger regelmäßig aktualisierter Sicherheitsberichtstand-alone periodic safety update report
comp., MSeigenständiger Serverstandalone server (A computer that runs Windows Server but does not participate in a domain. A standalone server has only its own database of end users, and it processes logon requests by itself. It does not share account information with any other computer and cannot provide access to domain accounts)
comp., MSeigenständiger Stammstand-alone root (A DFS namespace, the configuration information for which is stored locally on the host server. The path to access the root or a link starts with the host server name. A stand-alone root has only one root target. There is no root-level fault tolerance. Therefore, when the root target is unavailable, the entire DFS namespace is inaccessible)
comp., MSeigenständiger Standortstand-alone site (A Configuration Manager primary site with no parent sites and no child sites)
law, crim.law.eigenständiger Straftatbestandspecific offence
ed.eigenständiger Studiengangstand-alone degree programme
law, immigr.eigenständiges Aufenthaltsrechtindependent right of residence
comp., MSeigenständiges Bandlaufwerkstand-alone tape drive (A single-drive, non-automated tape drive that holds a single tape)
comp.eigenständiges Datennetzdedicated data network
IT, el.eigenständiges Geraetstand-alone
gen.eigenständiges Ministertreffenfree-standing ministerial meeting
commun.eigenständiges Netzdedicated network
comp., MSeigenständiges Snap-Instandalone snap-in (A snap-in that can by itself comprise a snap-in console)
gen.eigenständiges Vorhabenstand-alone project
laweigenständiges öffentliches Unternehmenautonomous public undertaking
gen.ein eigenständiger europäischer Beitrag zur Methode der Abstimmungan original European contribution to the technique of arriving at concerted action
fin.ein eigenständiges Kapitel des Gesamthaushaltsplans werdento become an independent section of the general budget of the Communities
gen.finanziell eigenständigfinancially autonomous
health., lab.law.Helios-Arbeitsgruppe Eigenständige LebensführungHelios Working Group on an Independent Way of Life
econ., market.System der eigenständigen Erteilungsystem of original grant
transp.tatsächliches Recht auf eigenständiges Handelneffective right of independent action