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Terms containing density | all forms | exact matches only
commun.High Density Bipolar Code of Order 3HDB3 code
med.High-density-Lipoproteinhigh-density lipoprotein
comp., MSHigh-Density-Lipoproteinhigh density lipoprotein (A class of lipoproteins that carry cholesterol from the body's tissues to the liver)
med.high density lipoproteinHDL (makhno)
med.Intermediate-density-Lipoproteinintermediate-density lipoprotein
earth.sc., transp.Low-Density-Kanallow density wind tunnel
comp., MSLow-Density-Lipoproteinlow density lipoprotein (A class of lipoproteins that carry cholesterol through the blood and around the body, for use by cells)
med.Low-density-Lipoproteinlow-density lipoprotein
earth.sc., transp.Low-Density-Windkanallow density wind tunnel
commun., IT"shortfall density" Bewertungshortfall density
agric.Stand Density IndexStand Density Index
med.Very-low-density-Lipoproteinvery low-density lipoprotein