German | English |
Add-In auf Anwendungsebene | application-level add-in (A supplemental program that modifies or adds functionality to an existing program or application. The modifications are available to the application at all times) |
anheften, Auf Startseite | pin (To fix an item, such as a tile, library, movie, game, or app, in a given area of the UI, so it is always accessible in that area (e.g., to make a library always visible in the navigation pane)) |
Anmeldung auf mehreren Geräten | multiple points of presence (The ability of a single user to sign in to a Lync Server or Office Communications Server server with multiple clients) |
Anpassung auf Dokumentebene | document-level customization (A supplemental program that modifies or adds functionality to an existing program or application, but only when a specific document is open) |
Antwort auf Besprechungsanfrage | meeting response (An e-mail reply to a meeting request that indicates whether the sender will attend the meeting) |
auf dem Medium gespeicherte ID | on-media identifier (A label that is electronically recorded on each medium in a Removable Storage system. Removable Storage uses on-media identifiers to track media in the Removable Storage database) |
auf eine Sammlung begrenzte Abfrage | collection-limited query (A query that is scoped to include only resources that are in a specified collection) |
auf Ereignisablaufverfolgung für Windows ETW basierende Ereignissenke | Event Tracing for Windows ETW-based log sink (A means of capturing trace events on the cache client or cache host with the Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) framework inside Windows) |
auf Facebook posten | post on Facebook (To post messages or upload photos to Facebook) |
Auf Startseite | pin to start (To add a shortcut to an application or part of an application or contact by fixing its tile to the Start screen) |
auf virtuellen Computern basierende Desktopbereitstellung | virtual machine-based desktop deployment (A deployment that allows users to run multiple client operating systems on a single server hosted on Hyper-V) |
Authentifizierung auf Netzwerkebene | Network Level Authentication (An authentication method that completes user authentication before you establish a Remote Desktop connection and the logon screen appears) |
BILD-AUF-TASTE | PAGE UP key (" A keyboard key (often labeled "PgUp") that is often used to move the cursor up to the top of the previous page or a specific number of lines. Its function may vary in different programs.") |
Datenträger auf Blattebene | leaf disk (The last disk in a chain with no child disks attached to it) |
Eigene Aufnahmen auf SkyDrive | SkyDrive camera roll (A folder that's automatically added to SkyDrive when photos are uploaded from Windows Phone) |
Einfluss auf MS | MS Influence (A field that allows the user to enter the name of an organization that is not involved in an opportunity, but whose work with the company (customer) may affect the demands that a customer company has on the company offering services) |
Einschränkung auf Spaltenebene | column-level constraint (A constraint definition that is specified within a column definition when a table is created or altered) |
Einstellung auf Gruppenebene | group-level setting (One of the settings that BizTalk administrators can modify in the BizTalk Settings Dashboard. Examples include properties like the configuration refresh interval, maximum message batch size, and group-level tracking) |
Einstellung auf Hostebene | host-level setting (One of the settings that BizTalk administrators can modify in the BizTalk Settings Dashboard. Examples include host tracking, and properties related to resource-based throttling, rate-based throttling, and orchestration throttling. Host-level settings tweak the way all instances of host behave in a given deployment. For example, if for Host1 the setting Max. engine threads is changed to 200, all instances of Host1 will work with a maximum of 200 engine threads) |
Einstellung auf Hostinstanzebene | host instance–level setting (One of the settings that BizTalk administrators can modify in the BizTalk Settings Dashboard. Examples include .NET CLR settings and properties related to an orchestration memory throttling. Specific to a given host instance, host-level settings essentially govern the use of a computer's resources (such as RAM or I/O). An example is Max. I/O Threads) |
externes Fehlerprotokoll auf Mandantenebene | tenant-level external data log (An error log that contains errors and exceptions that occur when SharePoint tries to connect to external systems through Business Connectivity Services. It can be retrieved by tenant administrators) |
Keyframe auf Objektebene | object-level keyframe (A type of keyframe that applies to entire objects, such as a rectangle object, or a grid that contains multiple objects) |
klicken auf | click (To press and release a mouse button once without moving the mouse. Clicking is usually performed to select or deselect an item or to activate a program or program feature) |
Konfiguration auf Knopfdruck | push-button configuration (In some Wi-Fi Protected Setup networks, a method that enables users to push a physical or software-based button to automatically configure network names, connect devices to the network, and enable data encryption and authentication) |
Modell für den eingeschränkten Zugriff auf Geräte | Restricted Device Access Model (The device access model for vertical solutions. Restricted Device Access does not allow other applications to access a specialized device) |
Modell für den offenen Zugriff auf Geräte | Open Device Access Model (The access model for horizontal solutions, which enables a horizontal strategy. Open Device Access enables many different Windows Store apps to access a specialized device. Examples: a smartphone with multiple apps that synchronize contacts; a pedometer that allows multiple apps to read its data and post it to a website) |
Modell für den Zugriff auf Spezialgeräte | Specialized Device Access Model (The model that describes the two ways that a Windows Store app can access a specialized device: Open Access Model and Restricted Device Access Model) |
Ordner auf oberster Ebene | top-level folder (The uppermost directory on a computer, partition or volume) |
Position für Antwort auf Angebotsanforderung | RFQ reply line (The part of the RFQ reply that specifies the detailed vendor information about an item) |
Posten auf | post to (A UI option to share a message on Windows Live, Facebook, or both) |
Produktprogrammplanung auf Basis der Nettoveränderung | net change master scheduling (A master scheduling principle in which net requirements are calculated only for items that have had a change in demand since the last master schedule was calculated) |
Remotezugriff auf den direkten Speicher | Remote Direct Memory Access (A networking feature that lets one computer directly place information into the memory of another computer) |
Rollendefinition auf Elementebene | item-level role definition (A security template that defines a role used to control access to or interaction with an item in the report server folder namespace) |
Rollenzuweisung auf Elementebene | item-level role assignment (A security policy that applies to an item in the report server folder namespace) |
Schlüssel, auf den verwiesen wird | referenced key (A primary key or unique key referenced by a foreign key) |
Schriftart auf Druckerpatrone | cartridge font (A font contained in a plug-in cartridge and used to add fonts to laser, ink-jet, or high-end dot-matrix printers. Cartridge fonts are distinguished both from internal fonts, which are contained in read-only memory (ROM) in the printer and are always available, and from downloadable (soft) fonts, which reside on disk and which can be sent to the printer as needed) |
Sicherheit auf Benutzerebene | user-level security (When using user-level security in an Access database, a database administrator or an object's owner can grant individual users or groups of users specific permissions to tables, queries, forms, reports, and macros) |
Sicherung auf Blockebene | block level backup (A type of backup operation that can be performed on a file system. The backup and restore operations can either be full, incremental or differential, and a physical (block-level) restore is performed at the volume level) |
Sortierung auf Spaltenebene | column-level collation (Supporting multiple collations in a single instance) |
Speicherplatz auf dem Datenträger | disk space (The amount of data that can be stored on a disk, usually measured in bytes) |
Startschaltfläche auf dem Menüband | ribbon launch button (The button at the bottom right corner of a ribbon group. Typically, a click of the button opens a dialog box or other element that is related to the group) |
Steuern auf Waren und Dienstleistungen | Goods and Services Tax (A value-added tax levied in some countries/regions) |
Timeout bei der Vorbereitung auf das Herunterfahren | preshutdown time-out (A specified time the service control manager will wait before preceding with other shutdown actions) |
Variable auf Modulebene | module-level variable (A variable that's declared in the Declarations section of a module by using the Private keyword. These variables are available to all procedures in the module) |
Variable auf Prozedurebene | procedure-level variable (A variable that is declared within a procedure. Procedure-level variables are always private to the procedure in which they are declared) |
verfügbarer Speicherplatz auf der Festplatte | available hard disk space (Memory that is not allocated to any program) |
Vertrag für "Wiedergeben auf" | Play To contract (A contract that allows developers to leverage the Play To button on the Connect Charm to invoke the remote-play behavior. In response to the button click, the developer can invoke the Windows Play To experience. Or the developer can provide a custom Play To experience) |
Vollrückstellung, auf Werkseinstellungen zurücksetzen | hard reset (A type of reset on a mobile device that clears all installed software and restores the device to its original factory configuration) |
Vorbereitung auf das Herunterfahren | preshutdown (A feature of Vista, where services are alerted of an upcoming shutdown so they have time to close activities and clean-up resources) |
Warten auf Anruf | Waiting for Call (A telephony signal that Network Connections has put the modem in Listen mode and is waiting for incoming calls) |
Wartet auf Abschluss | pending closed (The state when the period or operational process can only transition to a closed state, or when a source document can only transition to a closed status) |
Website auf höchster Ebene | top-level Web site (The default, top-level site provided by a Web server or virtual server. To gain access to the top-level Web site, you supply the URL of the server without specifying a page name or subsite) |
Website auf oberster Ebene | top-level site (A Web site at the top of the hierarchy in a site collection, from which you can manage site collection features) |
Wiedergeben auf | Play To (The feature that allows users to stream music, images or videos to a specific device on their home network) |
Windows auf Originaleinstellung zurücksetzen | reset Windows (To reset the Windows operating system so that all user customizations are removed) |
zugreifen auf | access (To gain entry to memory in order to read or write data) |
Zugriff auf Feldebene | field-level access (The permission that is assigned to a user or users that allow them to read, update, or create a specific field) |
Zugriff auf Zertifizierungsstelleninfos | authority information access (A certificate extension that contains information useful for verifying the trust status of a certificate, as defined by the 2008 Memo of the Network Working Group. This information potentially includes Uniform Resource Locations (URLs) where the issuing CA's certificate can be retrieved, as well as a location of an Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) responder configured to provide status for the certificate in question) |
Zugriffsbeschränkung auf die Spamquarantäne über die IP-Adresse | IP Restrict Spam Quarantine option (The option on the Spam Filter page that restricts access to monitoring and managing Spam Quarantine by IP address) |
Zurücksetzen auf Knopfdruck | push-button reset (The ability to easily return a PC to a prior state, either by reinstalling Windows and keeping their files or by resetting the PC to the original factory state) |