
Terms containing at | all forms | exact matches only
commun.AT-BefehlssatzAT instruction set (modem control instructions: each instruction is preceded by AT = attention, Hayes)
commun.AT-Befehlssatzasynchronous transfer command set
commun.AT-BefehlssatzAT command set
commun.AT-BusAT bus (IBM PC bus standard, now called ISA bus, q.v.)
commun.AT-BusschnittstelleAT bus interface (also called IDE, q.v., PC)
biol.at maturityon maturity
commun.AT-PCAT PC (PC with Intel 80286/386 processor)
piez.AT-Schnitt-PlatteAT-cut plate
met.AT-Schweissportionwelding portion
construct.AT-Schweißenthermit welding
abbr.at the momentATM
fin.at-the-money optionat-the-money
fin.at-the-money optionat the money option
fin.at-the-money optionat-the-money option
fin.At-the-money-Optionat-the-money option
fin.at-the-money-Optionat-the-money option
med.AT-Titerantitoxin titer
abbr.at your own riskAYOR
gen.At-Zeichencommercial at
gen.At-Zeichenat sign
transp., avia.ATS-FlugplanATS air traffic service flight plan
transp., avia.ATS/MET MeldepunktATS/MET reporting point
transp.ATS-Systemair traffic services
abbr.back at keyboardBAK
abbr.not at allNAA
med.obstruktive Atem-wegserkrankungobstructive disease
abbr.United Nations Office at ViennUNOV
abbr.United Nations Office at ViennaUNOV
math.Value-at-riskvalue at risk
IMF.Value-at-Risk ModellVaR
IMF.Value-at-Risk Modellvalue-at-risk model
IMF.Value-at-Risk-Verfahrenvalue-at-risk methodology
brit.zum Sergeant at law befördert werdentake the coif jur