
Terms for subject Abbreviation containing TH | all forms
and the restetc.
at the momentATM
Been there, done that.BTDT
by the dayp.d.
by the wayBTW
Court of Justice of the European CommunityCJ
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United NationsFAO
if the shoe fits, wear itITSFWI
in the afternoonpm
in the afternoonp.m.
in the same placeib
It beats the shit out of me!BTSOOM
Justice of the PeaceJP
kiss on the cheekKOTC
kiss on the lipsKOTL
Member of the Order of the British EmpireMBE
Member of the European PaliamentMEP
Member of the European ParliamentMEP
members of the appropriate sexMOTAS
members of the opposite sexMOTOS
members of the same sexMOTSS
National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to ChildrenNSPCC
off the top of my headOTTOMH
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human RightsOHCHR
oh, by the wayOBTW
on the other handOTOH
on the other other handOTOOH
on the third handOTTH
pain in the assPITA
peck on the cheekPOTC
Read the fine fucking manual!RTFM
Read the fine fucking manual again!RTFMA
Read the frequently asked questions list!RTFAQ
Read the manual!RTM
Read the online-help!RTOH
rolling on the floor laughingROTFL
rolling on the floor laughingROFL
rolling on the floor laughing and can't get upROTFLACGU
rolling on the floor laughing and holding my sidesROTFLAHMS
rolling on the floor laughing biting the carpetROTFLBTC
rolling on the floor laughing guts outROTFLGO
rolling on the floor laughing my ass offROTFLMAO
rolling on the floor laughing so hard I wet my pantsROTFLSHIWMP
Royal Societa for the Prevention of Cruelty of AnimalsRSPCA
Secretariat of the United Nations Convention to Combat DesertificationUNCCD
Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate ChangeUNFCCC
Shut the fuck up!STFU
still in the darkSITD
the powers that beTPTB
there ain't no such thing as a free lunchTANSTAAFL
to the best of my knowledgeTTBOMK
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near EastUNRWA
United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic RadiationUNSCEAR
What who the fuckWTF
what the heckWTH
What the heck hell does that mean?WTHDTM