
Terms containing Fund | all forms | exact matches only
gen.Archäologie-FundsArchaeological Resources Fund
law, ADR, BrEBritish Fundsthe funds
med.Broken Hill-FundBroken Hill skeleton discovery
med.Broken Hill-FundBroken Hill findings
fin., environ., engl.Carbon Fund for EuropeCarbon Fund for Europe
fin.Closed-End-Fundsclosed-end mutual fund
market., fin.Commodity-Fundcommodity pool
law, ADRdem Eigentümer den Fund anzeigenreport the find to the owner
gen.einen Fund machenmake a find
abbr.electronic funds transferEFT
fin.Emerging Markets Investment FundEmerging Markets Investment Fund EMIF
fin., engl.European Fund and Asset Management AssociationEuropean Fund and Asset Management Association
fin., engl.European Fund and Asset Management AssociationEuropean Federation of Investment Funds and Companies
abbr.European Regional Development FundERDF
fin.Federal-Funds-Satzfederal funds rate
comp.Fehlersuche fund -beseitigungdebugging (in Programmen)
mil.funds sofort verfügbare Gelderimmediately available
fin.Futures-Fundcommodity pool
fin.Futures-Fundfutures fund
fin.Futures-Fundcommodity fund
gen.geschlossener Fundclosed find
fin.Hedge-Fund-Branchehedge fund industry (Andrey Truhachev)
abbr.International Monetary FundIMF
med.Kings'Fund-KrankenhausbettKing's Fund hospital bedsteads
fin.Know-How-FundKnow-How Fund
fin.Leveraged Fundleveraged fund
fin.Mutual-Fundpension fund
fin.Mutual-Fundmutual fund
lawNichtanzeigen eines Fundesfailure to report the finding of property
fin.off shore fundsoffshore funds
fin.Off-Shore-Fundsoffshore funds
insur."Policyholder Protection Fund"policyholder protection fund
gen.Post-2012 Carbon FundPost-2012 Carbon Fund
gen.Post-2012 Carbon FundPost-2012 Carbon Credit Fund
invest.Sovereign Wealth Fundsovereign wealth fund
econ.Trust Fund für Bosnien-HerzegovinaTrust Fund for Bosnia and Herzegovina
abbr.United Nations Capital Development FundUNCDF
abbr.United Nations Children's FundUNICEF
abbr.United Nations Development Fund for WomenUNIFEM
abbr.United Nations Population FundUNFPA
gen.Use of Fund Credituse of fund credit IMF
archaeol.vergesellschafteter Fundassociated find
agric.World Wildlife FundSchweizWWF Switzerland
agric.World Wildlife FundSchweizWorld Wildlife Fund Switzerland