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Terms containing African | all forms | exact matches only
forestr.African blackwoodAfrican blackwood (Dalbergia melanoxylon)
forestr.African Canariumcanarium (Canarium schweinfurthii)
forestr.African CanariumAfrican canarium (Canarium schweinfurthii)
biol.African CedarAfrican pencil cedar (Juniperus procera)
biol.African CedarKenya cedar (Juniperus procera)
biol.African CedarAfrican cedar (Juniperus procera)
econ.African Court of Justice and Human RightsAfrican Court of Justice and Human Rights
nat.sc., agric.African Greenhartdenya (Cyclicodiscus gabunensis)
nat.sc., agric.African Greenhartokan (Cyclicodiscus gabunensis)
nat.sc., agric.African Greenhartadoum (Cyclicodiscus gabunensis)
IMF.African Growth and Opportunity ActAfrican Growth and Opportunity Act
environ.African Monitoring of Environment for Sustainable DevelopmentAfrican Monitoring of the Environment for Sustainable Development
nat.sc., agric.African Padaukbarwood (Pterocarpus soyauxii)
biol.African PadaukAfrican padauk (Pterocarpus soyauxii)
forestr.African teakodoum (Chlorophora excelsa, Chlorophora regia)
forestr.African teakmandji (Chlorophora excelsa, Chlorophora regia)
forestr.African teakkambala (Chlorophora excelsa, Chlorophora regia)
forestr.African teakiroko (Chlorophora excelsa, Chlorophora regia)
forestr.African zebrawoodzebrano (Microberlinia brazzavillensis)
forestr.African zebrawoodAfrican zebrawood (Microberlinia brazzavillensis)
nat.sc., agric.East-African mulberrydifou (Morus lactea)
nat.sc., agric.East-African mulberrymecodze (Morus lactea)
nat.sc., agric.East-African mulberryEast African mulberry (Morus lactea)
nat.sc., agric.East African oliveEast African olive (Olea hochstetteri)
h.rghts.act., engl.West African Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons NetworkWest African Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons Network