
Terms for subject Environment containing tiesa | all forms
administratīvā tiesaadministrative court An independent, specialized judicial tribunal in which judges or officials are authorized by a government agency to conduct hearings and render decisions in proceedings between the government agency and the persons, businesses or other organizations that it regulates; administration
atklāta tiesas sēdepublic hearing Right to appear and give evidence and also right to hear and examine witnesses whose testimony is presented by opposing parties
Eiropas Kopienu TiesaEuropean Court of Justice The supreme court of The European Union which oversees the application of the EU treaties, decides upon the validity and the meaning of Community legislation and determines whether any act or omission by the European Commission, the Council of Minister or any member state constitutes a breach of Community law
Eiropas Kopienu TiesaCourt of Justice of the European Communities Institution set up under Treaty of Rome to ensure that in interpretation and application of the Treaty the law is observed. It consists of judges from each member state, appointed for 6-year periods, assisted by three Advocates General. It sits in Luxembourg, expressing itself in judgements when called upon to do so in proceedings initiated by member states, institutions of the EC and natural or legal persons. Procedures are generally inquisitorial
izskatīšana tiesātrial A judicial examination and determination of issues between parties to action; whether they need issues of law or of fact. A judicial examination, in accordance with law of the land, of a cause, either civil or criminal, of the issues between the parties, whether of law or fact, before a court that has proper jurisdiction
Konvencija par pieeju informācijai, sabiedrības dalību lēmumu pieņemšanā un iespēju griezties tiesu iestādēs saistībā ar vides jautājumiemConvention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters
Konvencija par pieeju informācijai, sabiedrības dalību lēmumu pieņemšanā un iespēju griezties tiesu iestādēs saistībā ar vides jautājumiemAarhus Convention
notekūdeņu novadītājs tieši ūdensbaseinādirect discharger Factories and industrial concerns which do not discharge their sewage directly into public sewers, but directly into a waterway
Starptautiskā TiesaInternational Court of Justice Judicial arm of the United Nations. It has jurisdiction to give advisory opinions on matters of law and treaty construction when requested by the General Assembly, Security Council or any other international agency authorised by the General Assembly to petition for such opinion. It has jurisdiction, also, to settle legal disputes between nations when voluntarily submitted to it
tiesas iestādecourt of justice A tribunal having jurisdiction of appeal and review, including the ability to overturn decisions of lower courts or courts of first instance
tiesas prasība grupas vārdāclass action suits law Legal action initiated by a single person or a few people on behalf of a group with similar claim or claims
tiesas varajudiciary rule Specific norms, regulations and precedents governing the conduct, procedure and arrangement of a judicial system, its various divisions and its officers
tiesu institūcijajudicial body Any public organization or branch of government responsible for the administration of justice or the enforcement of laws
tiesu pieejamībaaccess to the courts The right of citizens to access to the organs of the governments where justice is administered
tiesu sistēmajudicial system Entire network of courts in a particular jurisdiction
tiešās emisijasdirect emissions