
Terms for subject Environment containing zou | all forms
Arctische RaadArctic Council
Centrale Raad voor de MilieuhygiëneCentral Council on Environmental Protection
EG-RaadEU Council The Council of the European Union is an institution which exercises legislative and decision-making powers. At the same time, it is the forum in which the representatives of the Governments of the 15 Member States can assert their interests and try to reach compromises. The Council ensures general coordination of the activities of the European Community, the main objective of which is the establishment of an internal market, i.e. an area without internal frontiers guaranteeing four freedoms of movement - for goods, persons, services and capital - to which should soon be added a single currency. In addition, the Council is responsible for intergovernmental cooperation, in common foreign and security policy (CFSP) and in the areas of justice and home affairs (JHA), including for example matters of immigration and asylum, combating terrorism and drugs and judicial cooperation
EG Raad van MinistersEC Council of Ministers The organ of the EU that is primarily concerned with the formulation of policy and the adoption of Community legislation. The Council consists of one member of government of each of the member states of the Community, and its presidency is held by each state in turn for periods of six months
EG Raad van MinistersEC Council of Ministers
Europese Raad voor de MilieuhigieneEuropean Environmental Council
Federale Raad voor Duurzame OntwikkelingFederal Council for Sustainable Development
Hoge Raad voor Openbare Hygiëne van FrankrijkFrance's High Council for Public Hygiene
Internationale raad voor de vogelbeschermingInternational Council for Bird Protection
Internationale raad voor de vogelbeschermingInternational Council for Bird Preservation
Internationale Raad voor tropisch houtInternational Tropical Timber Council
kleurstof die kan worden gebruikt in voor menselijke voeding bestemde warencolouring matter authorised for use in foodstuffs intended for human consumption
Raad van Bestuur van het Europees Milieuagentschapmanagement board of the European Environment Agency
raad van bestuur van het mechanisme voor schone ontwikkelingExecutive Board of the Clean Development Mechanism
Raad voor duurzaam bosbeheerForest Stewardship Council
Raad voor het Milieu- en NatuuronderzoekAdvisory Council for Research on Nature and the Environment
stoot-luchtfilterimpingement-type air filter
waren/goederen en dienstengoods and services
wassen en strijkenlaundering The act of washing and ironing clothes, linen, etc.
wetgeving inzake chemische stoffen die een invloed hebben op het milieuenvironmental chemicals legislation