
Terms containing vervalst | all forms | exact matches only
immigr.Aanbeveling van de Raad inzake de uitrusting voor de herkenning van valse en vervalste documenten bij de visumdiensten van de buitenlandse vertegenwoordigingen en bij de binnenlandse diensten die bevoegd zijn voor de afgifte en verlenging van visaCouncil Recommendation on the provision for the detection of false or falsified documents in the visa departments of representations abroad and in the offices of domestic authorities dealing with the issue or extension of visas
gen.een regime waardoor wordt gewaarborgd dat de mededinging niet wordt vervalsta system ensuring that comPetition is not distorted
crim.law.moeilijk te vervalsen, individueel te verifiëren zegels op verpakkingentamper-resistant, individually verifiable seals on containers
law, fin.namaken van muntspeciën of vervalsen van muntspecien of munt-of bankbiljettencoinage offence
lawNationale Dienst Valse en Vervalste IdentiteitsdocumentenNational Service for False and Falsified Identity Documents
econ.niet-vervalste concurrentieundistorted competition
agric.niet vervalste wijnunadulterated wine
lawregime waardoor wordt verzekerd dat de mededinging binnen de interne markt niet wordt vervalstsystem ensuring that competition in the internal market is not distorted
immigr.valse en vervalste identiteitsdocumentenfalse and falsified identity documents
immigr.valse en vervalste reisdocumentenfalse and forged travel documents
immigr.valse of vervalste documentenfalse and falsified documents
lawverkiezingsresultaten vervalsento manipulate/rig the elections
market.vervalst artikeladulterated product
comp., MSvervalst e-mailberichtspoofed mail (An e-mail message whose sending address has been modified to appear as though it originates from a sender other than the actual sender of the message)
health., pharma., patents.vervalst geneesmiddelcounterfeit medicine
health., pharma., patents.vervalst geneesmiddelfalsified medicinal product
health., pharma., patents.vervalst geneesmiddelcounterfeit medical product
lawvervalst identiteitspapierforged identity document
lawvervalst paspoortforged passport
lawvervalst paspoortfalsified passport
transp.vervalst plaatsbewijsfalsified ticket
health., food.ind.vervalst voedingsmiddeladulterated food product
commer., health., agric.vervalste boteradulterated butter
agric.vervalste melkadulterated milk
med.vervalste receptenforgery of prescriptions
med.vervalste receptenforged prescriptions
comp., MSvervalste softwarecounterfeit software (Software that a system builder does not obtain from an authorized distributor, or that a royalty OEM does not obtain from an authorized replicator. Counterfeit software usually has many of the following problems: missing drivers, missing documentation, viruses, bugs, and other defects. Installing legitimate Microsoft products helps ensure the quality of your products, prevents customer problems, and reduces requests for customer support)
fin.vervalste waardepapierenforged securities