
Terms containing rapport | all forms | exact matches only
law, fin.aanbeveling uit het rapport-Delmas-MartyDelmas-Marty recommendation
transp., environ.allereerste rapportzero-version report
comp., MSautomatisch rapportauto-report (A type of report that is automatically generated from the data that is displayed on a form)
gen.bijzonder rapportspecial report
gen.CLH-rapportCLH report
comp., MSCLM-rapportenCLM reports (Audit information pertaining to credential management activities within Certificate Lifecycle Manager (CLM))
transp., avia.COMPAS-rapportCOMPAS Report
construct.concept rapportdraft report
fin.de Larosière-rapportde Larosière report
lawde voorlezing van het rapportthe reading of the report
patents.drukwerken, te weten boeken, tijdschriften, rapporten, gegevensbanken, handleidingen, documentatie en andere publicatiesprinted matter, namely books, periodicals, reports, databases, user guides, documentation and other
patents.drukwerken, te weten boeken, tijdschriften, rapporten, gegevensbanken, handleidingen, documentatie en andere publicaties, leermiddelen en onderwijsmateriaalprinted matter, namely books, periodicals, reports, databases, user’s guides, documentation and other publications, instructional and teaching material (uitgezonderd toestellen)
comp., MSdynamisch rapportdynamic report (An Excel workbook that contains at least one matrix that is created by the report wizard)
econ.economische rapporten van een landCountry economic memorandum
gen.een uitvoerig rapport toevoegento attach a detailed report
nucl.phys.eerder in de bescheiden of het rapport opgenomen hoeveelheidquantity previously entered into the record or report
comp., MSgedetailleerd rapportdrill-through report (A secondary report that is displayed when a user clicks an item in a report. Detailed data is displayed in the same report)
patents.gedrukte rapportenprinted reports
gen.gemeenschappelijk rapport betreffende een derde landjoint report on third country
immigr.gemeenschappelijke rapporten van de lidstaten over landen van herkomstjoint situation reports from the Community Member States on third countries of origin
gen.GLAWARS-rapportGLAWARS commission report
patents.het opstellen van financiële rapportenpreparation of financial reports
patents.het opstellen van rapportenpreparation of reports
gen.het rapport van de Commissiereport from the Commission
patents.hoezen voor rapportenreport covers
med.hypnotisch rapportrapport
IT, dat.proc.JTM-rapportjob transfer and manipulation report
IT, dat.proc.JTM-rapportJTM report
comp., MSlokaal rapportlocal report (An Excel file that has been saved to the user's local file system)
med.medisch rapportmedical report
dialys.medische rapportenmedical records
comp., MSMorphX-rapportMorphX report (A report that is developed using the MorphX integrated development model)
gen.nader rapportreport to the Queen
environ.nationaal rapport over de nalevingnational compliance report
comp., MSniet-afhankelijk rapportunbound report (A report that isn't connected to a record source such as a table, query, or SQL statement)
comp., MSop query gebaseerd rapportquery-based report (A type of report generated from an Application Object Tree (AOT) query)
patents.opstelling van zakelijke rapportenpreparation of business reports
comp., MSpagina RapportenReports page (The page in the Administration Center that details Exchange Hosted Services statistics for the hosted organization)
gen.panel-rapportpanel report
environ.parlementair verslag/rapportparliamentary report
gen.periode waarop het rapport betrekking heeftreference period
gen.periode waarop het rapport betrekking heeftreference period staff report
gen.periodiek rapportperiodic report
pharma.periodieke rapporten m.b.t. de veiligheid van geneesmiddelenperiodic safety updates
pharma.periodieke rapporten m.b.t. de veiligheid van geneesmiddelen voor centraal toegelaten productenperiodic safety update reports for centralised medicinal products
patents.planning, beheer, onderzoek en rapporten inzake financiënfinancial planning, management, research and report
dialys.poliklinisch rapportoutpatient records
fin.preliminair rapportIndicative statement
comp., MSrapport Aantal query'sNumber of Queries report (A Web analytics report that provides information on the number searches performed)
nucl.phys.rapport betreffende veranderingen van de inventarisinventory change report
UNrapport BrahimiReport of the Panel on United Nations Peace Operations
UNrapport BrahimiBrahimi report
environ.rapport "De Milieudimensie"Report on the Environmental Dimension
gen.rapport inzake gevraagd onderzoekcommissioning report
IT, dat.proc.rapport-manipulerende bewerkingenreport manipulation operations
IT, dat.proc.rapport-manipulerende werkspecificatiereport manipulation work specification
pharma.rapport met stellingnameposition paper
comp., MSRapport met voorstellen voor de beste zoekresultatenBest Bet Suggestions report (A Web analytics report that identifies terms that should become Best Bets)
construct.rapport-MontiMonti report
construct.rapport-MontiA New Strategy for the Single Market
comp., MSrapport OpslaggebruikStorage Usage report (A Web analytics report that provides information about storage usage trends)
account.rapport over de werking van het systeemcompliance report
comp., MSRapport over gebruik van de beste zoekresultatenBest Bet Usage report (A Web analytics report that identifies the Best Bet terms and how they are utilized by the system)
construct.rapport over het ontginningsplan voor een deel van het stroomgebiedsub-basin report
comp., MSrapport over niet-uitgevoerde bezorgingnon-delivery report (A notification that an e-mail message was not delivered to the recipient)
comp., MSrapport Populaire query'sPopular Queries report (A Web analytics report that provides information on the most popular searches)
polit., lawrapport ter terechtzittingReport for the Hearing
polit., lawrapport ter terechtzittingreport for the hearing
polit.rapport-TrumpfTrumpf Report
polit.rapport-TrumpfReport on the operation of the Council with an enlarged Union in prospect
gen.rapport van de accountantauditor's report
gen.rapport van de accountantaudit report
environ.rapport van de monitoring van lozingendischarge monitoring report DMR
polit., lawrapport van de rechter-rapporteurreport from the Judge-Rapporteur
lawrapport van de rechter-rapporteurreport presented by a Judge acting as Rapporteur
UNrapport van de studiegroep over de VN vredesoperatiesReport of the Panel on United Nations Peace Operations
UNrapport van de studiegroep over de VN vredesoperatiesBrahimi report
life.sc., construct.rapport van een grondmechanisch onderzoeksoil survey report
life.sc., construct.rapport van een grondonderzoeksoil survey report
construct.rapport van een onderzoekreconnaissance report
environ.rapport van interne monitoringself-monitoring report
transp., nautic.rapport van regelingrecord of settlement
gen.rapport voor inbedrijfstellingcommissioning report
comp., MSrapport voor leveranciersanalysevendor analysis report (A document that displays vendor invoice amounts summarized by one or more dimensions. A vendor analysis report is used to monitor and control expenditures assigned to parties, products, locations, activities, or one or more of their classifiers)
comp., MSRapport wijzigenModify Report (A button, found on the Report toolbar, that enables the user to customize a report)
gen.rapporten omtrent tendensen in de criminaliteitcriminality trend reports
comp., MSReport Data Provider-gebaseerd rapportReport Data Provider-based report (A report where the data source is defined in a Report Data Provider (RDP) class)
comp., MSReporting Services-rapportReporting Services report (A report type that acts as a wrapper for a SQL Server Reporting Services report so that the Reporting Services report can be displayed in a PerformancePoint dashboard)
comp., MSShadow Copy-rapportShadow Copy report (A DPS report that provides information on how well data is being protected by the shadow copies)
law, min.prod.speciaal rapportspecial report
commun.statisch conformance-rapportstatic conformance review
comp., MSstatisch rapportstatic report (An Excel workbook that contains no matrices. Essentially a snapshot of data at the point in time of creation)
commun.technisch rapporttechnical report
industr.technisch rapportTechnical Report
commun.technisch rapport van ETSIETSI technical report
commun.technisch rapport van het ETSIETSI technical report
stat.tienjarig financiëel rapport in verband met volkstelligenmajor program components document
lawtijdschema dat is opgenomen in het rapport over het asielrechttimetable contained in the report on asylum
gen.toelichtend rapportexplanatory report
gen.Toelichtend rapport bij de Overeenkomst betreffende uitlevering tussen de lidstaten van de Europese UnieExplanatory report on the Convention relating to extradition between the Member States of the European Union
lawToelichtend rapport bij de Overeenkomst ter bestrijding van corruptie waarbij ambtenaren van de Europese Gemeenschappen of van de lidstaten van de Europese Unie betrokken zijnExplanatory Report on the Convention on the fight against corruption involving officials of the European Communities or officials of Member States of the European Union
econ., account.tussentijds rapportinterim report
fin.tussentijds technisch rapportinterim technical report
patents.uitgave van boeken, tijdschriften, dagbladen, periodieken, rapporten, handboeken, teksten, computersoftwarepublication of books, magazines, journals, periodicals, reports, manuals, texts, computer software
gen.verkennend rapportoutlook report
comp., MSVisuele rapportenVisual Reports (" A menu item that displays output forms (in Excel and Visio) that consume Project data stored in local OLAP cubes. The reports are "visual" in the sense that they can contain graphics, tables etc.")
econ., market.voorlegging van het beschrijvend gedeelte van het rapport aan de partijenissuance of descriptive part of the report to the parties
work.fl., commun.voorlopig rapportintermediate report
polit., lawvoorlopig rapportpreliminary report
work.fl., commun.voorlopig rapportinterim report
comp., MSvoorwaardelijk rapportconditional report (A report that displays or suppresses portions of the data according to whether specified conditions are met)
commun., ITwaarmerking van de oorsprong van een rapportreport origin authentication
comp., MSWebonderdeel RapportReport Web Part (A feature that allows users to view and interact with reports that are created in PerformancePoint Dashboard Designer)
health., commun.wekelijks epidemiologisch rapportweekly epidemiological bulletin
comp., MSwerkbalk RapportReport toolbar (The toolbar at the top of the Report section, used to create and edit reports)
comp., MSwizard RapportReport Wizard (A wizard that guides users through creating and publishing a Reporting Services report)
comp., MSX-rapportx-report (A type of report that is generated to record current sales totals for a specific cash register)
comp., MSZ-rapportz-report (A type of report that is generated to record current sales totals for a specific cash register and to close the current work shift)
patents.zakelijke rapportenbusiness reports