
Terms for subject Environment containing plate | all forms
continentaal platcontinental shelf The gently sloping seabed of the shallow water nearest to a continent, covering about 45 miles from the shore and deepening over the sloping sea floor to an average depth of 400 ft. It continues until it reaches the continental slope. The continental shelf contains most of the important fishing grounds and a range of resources, including gas and oil, sand and gravel. However, the shelf is, in general, a structural extension of the continent, and so may also be a source of minerals found in that region, such as tin, gold and platinum
continentale platcontinental shelf
Protocol inzake de bescherming van de Middellandse Zee tegen verontreiniging door exploratie en exploitatie van het continentaal plat en de zeebodem en de ondergrond daarvanProtocol for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution Resulting from Exploration and Exploitation of the Continental Shelf and the Seabed and its Subsoil
Protocol inzake de bescherming van de Middellandse Zee tegen verontreiniging door exploratie en exploitatie van het continentaal plat en de zeebodem en de ondergrond daarvanOffshore Protocol