
Terms for subject Environment containing per | all forms | exact matches only
afvalinzameling per producentwaste collection by producer
beoordeling per sectorsectoral assessment
beoordeling/heffing per sectorsectoral assessment
0,1 C per decennium-regel"0.1°C per decade" rule
de veiligheidsgrenzen worden uitgedrukt in rad per tijdseenheidthe safety limits will be expressed in rads per time unit
emissie per capitaper capita emission
emissie per eenheid BNPemissions per unit of GNP
emissie per hoofd van de bevolkingper capita emission
Europese beoordeling van bodem- en waterverontreiniging per stroomgebiedEuropean Watershed-wide Assessment of Soil and water Pollution
gegevens per hoofd van de bevolkingper capita data
gegevens per hoofdper capita data No definition needed (van de bevolking)
gehalte aan koolwaterstoffen per klassehydrocarbon index by type
gewogen emissiegrenswaarde per brandstoffuel-weighted emission limit value
het per ongeluk vrijkomen van organismenaccidental release of organisms Genetically engineered organisms that are released in the environment by mistake; once released they may exhibit some previously unknown pathogenicity, might take over from some naturally occurring bacteria (possibly having other positive functions which thus are lost) or pass on some unwanted trait to such indigenous bacteria. There is also concern that an uncontrolled genetic mutation could produce a form with hazardous consequences for the environment
het per ongeluk vrijkomen van organismenaccidental release of organisms
industriële CO2-emissie - kg per 1987 US$ van het BBPindustrial CO2 emissions-kg per 1987 US$ of GDP
industriële CO2-emissie - metrische ton per inwonerindustrial CO2 emissions-metric tons per capita
milliequivalent per litermilliequivalent per litre
milliequivalent per litermeq/l
milliequivalent per literme/l
nationale inventarislijst van antropogene emissies per bron en verwijderingen per put van alle broeikasgassen die niet worden beheerst krachtens het Protocol van Montrealnational inventory of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of all greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol
nationale inventarislijst van antropogene emissies per bron en verwijderingen per put van alle broeikasgassen die niet worden beheerst krachtens het Protocol van Montrealnational greenhouse gas inventory
toedeling per capitaper capita allocation
toedeling per hoofd van de bevolkingper capita allocation
verkeer per spoor of tramrail traffic
vervoer per pijpleidingtransportation by pipeline Transportation of gases, liquids or slurries by a system of tubes, of steel or plastics. Petroleum, natural gas and products derived from them are the main substances transported by pipelines
vervoer per pijpleidingtransportation by pipeline
verzwakkings-coëfficient per atoomatomic attenuation coefficient