
Terms containing on | all forms | exact matches only
commun.add-on conferentieconference call, add-on
commun.add-on conferentieadd-on conference call
commun., engl.Advisory Committee on Technical and Operational MattersAdvisory Committee on Technical and Operational Matters
immigr.Africa Caribbean Pacific Observatory on MigrationACP Observatory on Migration
immigr.Africa Caribbean Pacific Observatory on MigrationAfrica Caribbean Pacific Observatory on Migration
environ., chem.4-amino-3-methyl-6-fenyl-1,2,4-triazine-5-onmetamitron
environ., chem.4-amino-3-methyl-6-fenyl-1,2,4-triazine-5-on4-amino-3-methyl-6-phenyl-1, 2, 4-triazin-5-one
stat., scient.An-toets van AjneAjne's An test
insur.any one policyany one bottom
ITA-wet codec met on-chip-filterA-wet-codec with on-chip-filter
gen.Comité voor de uitwisseling an ambtenarenCommittee on the exchange of officials
engl.Committee on Ways and MeansCommittee on Ways and Means
patents.computerprogramma’s die on line over het Internet en het world wide web worden verspreidcomputer programs distributed on-line over the Internet and Web
commun.conference call,add-onconference call add-on
gen.Conferentie an Directeuren-Generaal van de nationale statistische bureausConference of the Directors-General of the National Statistical Institutes
agric.conservering on-farmon-farm conservation
agric.conservering on-farmin situ conservation on-farm
gen.Electronic Data Interchange on CommerceElectronic Data Interchange on Commerce
IT, engl.EU Data Protection Commissioners Working Party on PoliceEU Data Protection Commissioners Working Party on Police
engl.European Council on Foreign RelationsEuropean Council on Foreign Relations
engl.European Forum on Development ServiceEuropean Forum on Development Service
environ., R&D.European network for Research on Global ChangeEuropean Network for Research on Global Change
social.sc., engl.European Observatory on Family MattersEuropean Observatory on Family Matters
chem.3,4-methyleendioxyfenylpropaan-2-on3, 4 methylenedioxy-phenylpropan-2-one
fin.free-on-rail-waardefree on rail value
fin.free-on-rail-waardeFOR value
IT, patents.goederen en diensten in verband met on-linedatabankenon-line database goods and services
ITgroepsselectie en on-selectiefunctieframing and unframing function
int. law., UN, engl.Handbook on Procedures and Criteria for Determining Refugee StatusHandbook on Procedures and Criteria for Determining Refugee Status
commun.handover incomplete remain on source channelhandover IROSC
mech.eng.heftruck met meestijgende bestuurdersplaats,type "walk-on"walk-on type truck with elevating operator position
patents.het leveren van on-line ondersteuningsdiensten aan gebruikers van computerprogramma’sproviding on-line support services for computer program
patents.het on-line verstrekken van bedrijfs- en commerciëleprovision of on-line business and commercial information
patents.het verlenen van toegang tot on-line informatie- en communicatiedienstenproviding access to on-line information and communication services
patents.het verlenen van toegang tot on-line tijdschriften, boeken, handboeken en catalogussenproviding access to on-line magazines, books, manuals and catalogues
patents.het verstrekken van bedrijfsinformatie, waaronder on-line informatie van een computerdatabase door middel van een webpagina op Internetprovision of business information, including that provided on-line from a computer database by means of web pages on the Internet
engl.International Action Network on Small ArmsInternational Action Network on Small Arms
health., pharma., engl.International Cooperation on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Veterinary ProductsInternational Cooperation on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Veterinary Products
account., polit., engl.International Standard on Quality ControlInternational Standard on Quality Control
med.Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and ChemiotherapyInterscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy
transp., nautic.lift-on-lift-offlo-lo
transp., nautic.lift-on-lift-offlift-on lift-off
transp.lift-on / lift-off-schiplift-on / lift-off ship
transp.lift-on/lift-off-schiplift-on/lift-off ship
ITlog-onlog on
ITlog-onsign on
ITlog-onlog in
transp.many-to-one vervoermany-to-one service
gen.Marine on-call vloot Middellandse ZeeNaval On-Call Force, Mediterranean
commun.MCI-oneMCI one
health., ITmedische literatuur on linemedical literature on line
chem.6-methyl-1,3-dithiol4,5-bchinoxaline-2-on6-methyl-1, 3-dithiolo4,5-bchinoxalin-2-one
health.3,4-methyleendioxifenylpropan-2-on3, 4 methylenedioxyphenyl propan-2-one
chem.3,4 methyleendioxyfenylpropan-2-on3, 4-methylenedioxyphenylpropan-2-one
health.3,4-methyleendioxyfenylpropan-2-on3, 4 methylenedioxyphenyl propan-2-one
chem.3,4 methyleendioxyfenylpropan-2-on1-1,3-benzodioxol-5-ylpropan-2-one
commun., ITmuziek op de'camp-on'-toegangmusic on hold
commun., ITmuziek op de'camp-on'-toegangmusic on camp-on access
chem.on-column injectoron-column injection
chem."on-column"-injectiestuk met primair en secundair koelsysteemon-column injection unit with primary and secondary cooling system
IT, dat.proc.ON ESCAPE-instructieON-ESCAPE instruction
agric.on-farm instandhoudingon-farm conservation
agric.on-farm instandhoudingin situ conservation on-farm
fin."on going"-evaluatieson-going assessment
IT, tech.on-lineon-line
transp.on lineon-line
commun., IT, engl.on lineon line
IT, tech.on-lineonline
IT"on-line backpropagation" algoritmeon-line back-propagation algorithm
gen.on-line bepaling van de zuiverheid van het oppervlakon-line measurement of surface cleanness
ITon-line COM-recorderon-line COM recorders
met.on-line controle van de oppervlaktetoestandon-line characteristics of surface
IT, transp., avia.on line data interchangeon-line data interchange
patents.on-line distributie van audiovisuele ontspanningon-line distribution of audiovisual entertainment
patents.on-line distributie van software via Internet en soortgelijke computernetwerkenon-line distribution of computer software over the Internet and similar computer networks
ed., ITon-line Europese leermiddelengidson-line European learning resource directory
ITon-line gegevenscomprimeringon-line reduction of data
ITon line geheugenon-line storage
gen.on-line gekoppeldon-line
ITon line instructeure-trainer
met.on-line instrumentenon-line instrumentation
patents.on-line, interactieve, cd-rom- en multimedia-softwarecomputer software for on-line, interactive, CD-ROM and multimedia use
ed., ITon-line leermiddelengidson-line resource directory
tech.on line massaspectrometer voor afzonderlijke deeltjeson-line single particle mass spectrometer
commun., ITon-line omgevingon-line environment
commun.on-line raadplegenonline consultation
ITon-line real-time verwerkingon-line real-time operation
med.on-line scheidingon-line separation
commun.on-line situatieon-line condition
commun.on-line stemmeninternet voting
commun.on-line stemmenonline voting
commun.on-line stemmenelectronic voting
commun.on-line stemmene-voting
ITon line systeemon-line computer system
med.on-line techniekon-line hyphenated techniques
mater.sc., industr., construct.on-line testenon-line testing
commun.on-line uitwisselingon-line exchange
ed., ITon-line videowoordenboekon-line video dictionary
fin.on-line-boekhoudsysteemon-line accounting system
commun.on-linedienston-line service
environ.on-linedienstverleningon-line service
environ.on-linedienston-line service Service providing an active connection with a communications network
environ.on-linedienstverleningon-line service Service providing an active connection with a communications network
fin., commun.on-linedistributie van muziekon-line distribution of music
ITon-linegebruikon-line usage
commun., ITon-line-informatiemaatschappijon-line information society
insur.on-line-informatiesysteemon-line information system
commer., polit., ITon-linekoperonline buyer
met.on-line-metenon-line diagnostics
gen.on-line-opvraagonline retrieval
law, ITon-lineversieserver version
comp., MSon-premises berichtensysteemon-premises messaging system (The messaging system that an administrator runs on their own servers in their own company as compared to a messaging system that is run in the cloud (hosted))
commun., ITon screen-modulatoron-screen modulator
environ.on site-behandelingon-site treatment
market.on-the-job-training van de franchisenemerfranchisee professional training
chem.one-grade oliemonograde oil
hobby, cultur.one-man-showone man show
environ., engl.one out, all outone out, all out
el.one-shot flip-flopsingle-shot flip-flop
el.one-shot flip-flopmonostable multivibrator
met.one sided tolerance intervalone-sided tolerance interval
market., ITone-stop bestelprocedureone-stop-ordering
commun.one-stop bestelprocedureone-stop ordering
market., ITone-stop factureringsprocedureone-stop-billing
commun.one-stop factureringsprocedureone-stop billing
law, commun."one-stop shopping"-procedureone-stop shopping procedure
commun., ITone-stop-maintenance-procedureone-stop maintenance procedure
fin.one-stop-shopone-stop shop
agric.one-tank systeemone-tank system
ITone-time programmableone time programmable memory
transp.one-to-many vervoerone-to-many service
med.one way screenone way vision screen
med.one way screenone way vision mirror
immigr., transp., avia."one-way"-documentone-way document
transp.one-zone-riderone-zone rider
chem.ongeblazen pekunblown pitch
coal.ongeblazen petroleumbitumenunblown bitumen
environ., industr., construct.ongelezen brochures en tijdschriftenoverissue pamphlets and magazines
environ., industr., construct.ongelezen brochures en tijdschriften zonder lijmrugoverissue pamphlets and magazines free from adhesive binding
environ., industr., construct.ongelezen krantenoverissue news
comp., MSOngelezen wijzigingenUnread Changes (A feature that highlights new or changed content in a shared notebook that the user has not yet read)
fin.ongeplaatst effectunsubscribed security
fin.ongeplaatst effectunsold security
fin.ongeplaatst effectundigested security
industr., construct.ongevoegd plaathoutunjoint plywood
industr., construct.ongevuld papierunloaded paper
industr., construct.ongevuld rubbermengselpure gum stock
industr., construct.ongevuld rubbermengselgum stock
transp.oprichten na onslaanrighting after capsize
IToverheid on lineelectronic government
IToverheid on linee-administration
IToverheid on lineeGovernment
IToverheid on linee-government
gen.Planning Group on Science and Technology for Developing CountriesPlanning Group on Science and Technology for Developing Countries OESO
commer., engl.Pour-on containerPour-on container
mater.sc.roll-on caprolled-on closure
mater.sc.roll-on capcurled cap
transp., nautic.roll on-roll off schiproll-on roll-off vessel
transp.roll-on-roll-offroll-on roll-off
transp.roll-on-roll-offro-ro transport
transp.roll-on-roll-off passagiersschiproll-on-roll-off passenger ship
transp.roll-on/roll-off verkeerroll-on/roll-off traffic
transp.roll-on/roll-off-ladingroll-on/roll-off cargo
transp.roll-on/roll-off-ladingroll-on / roll-off
transp., nautic.roll-on/roll-off-passagiersveerbootroll-on/roll-off passenger ferry
transp., nautic.roll-on/roll-off-passagiersveerbootro-ro passenger vessel
transp.roll-on/roll-off-systeemRoll-on/roll-off transport
industr., construct., chem.roll-on sluitingroll-on finish
arts., commun., ITscheppend werk on lineon-line creation
ITsign-onsign on
ITsign-onlog on
commun., ITSign-on/Sign-off procedureSign-on
commun., ITSign-on/Sign-off procedureSign-off
fish.farm.snit ANAN-cut
patents.software en publicaties in elektronische vorm, on-line verschaft vanuit gegevensbestanden of vanuit faciliteiten geleverd op het Internetcomputer software and publications in electronic form supplied on-line from databases or from facilities provided on the Internet including web sites (waaronder web-sites)
health.Special Programme on AidsSpecial programme on AIDS
fin., polit.spiegels van glas, ook indien ongelijst, achteruitkijkspiegelsglass mirrors including rear-view mirrors, unframed, framed or backed
commer., engl.Spot-on applicatorSpot-on applicator
health.tetrahydro-imidazo-4,5,1-jk1,4-benzodiazepin-21H-onen en -thionenTIBO derivatives
anim.husb.Toediening als pour-onPour-on use
anim.husb.Toediening als spot-onSpot-on use
commun."Video-on-demand"video on demand service
commun."Video-on-demand"video on demand
ITwake on LANremote wake-up
ITwake on LANWake-on-LAN
lawWet rechtsbijstand aan on- en minvermogendenLegal Aid Act
lawWet rechtsbijstand aan on-en minvermogendenLegal Aid Act
commun., ITx-on/x-off protocolflow control procedure