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Terms containing intensieve | all forms | exact matches only
health.afdeling voor intensieve zorgintensive care unit
econ., agric.bedrijf met intensieve landbouwintensive cultivation farm
ITcomputer-intensieve toepassingcomputation-intensive application
agric.de dubbele schijveneg is een werktuigvoor de teelt van intensieve gewassenthe tandem disc harrow is an implement for intensive crop cultivations
environ., energ.ind.energie-intensieve industrieenergy intensive industry
environ., energ.ind.energie-intensieve sectorenergy intensive industry
econ., energ.ind.energie-intensieve sectorenergy-intensive sector
med.intensieve behandelingintensive treatment
med.intensieve behandelingintensive therapy
agric.intensieve cultuurintensive cultivation
environ., construct.intensieve economische exploitatieintensive economic exploitation
econ.intensieve fokkerijintensive livestock farming
social.sc.intensieve gebruikerintensive user
stat., scient.intensieve groothedenintensive magnitudes
stat., scient.intensieve groothedenhomograde quantities
stat., scient.intensieve groothedenenumerable quantities
earth.sc.intensieve grootheidintensive property
earth.sc.intensieve grootheidintensive magnitude
agric.intensieve houderijintensive stock raising
agric.intensieve houderijsystemenintensive systems of housing and management
agric.intensieve kalveropfokintensive rearing of calves
el.intensieve koolbooglamphigh-intensity carbon arc lamp
agric.intensieve kuiken opfokintensive poultry rearing
environ.intensieve landbouwintensive farming Farming in which as much use is made of the land as possible by growing crops close together or by growing several crops in a year or by using large amounts of fertilizers
econ.intensieve landbouwintensive farming
environ.intensieve mechanische beluchtingmechanic intensive aeration
agric.intensieve mesterijintensive fattening
agric.intensieve opfokintensive rearing
ed.intensieve opleidingintensive training
agric.intensieve pluimveehouderijintensive poultry keeping
agric.intensieve pluimveehouderijintensive stock-rearing
agric.intensieve pluimveehouderijintensive poultry farming
agric.intensieve pluimveehouderijintensive animal husbandry
agric.intensieve schapenhouderij in open luchtintensive out-door sheep farming
ed.intensieve schoolaccelerated school
agric., mech.eng.intensieve stoominstallatieintensive steaming plant
agric.intensieve technieken voor de opfok van lammerenlambs-factory techniques
med.intensieve therapieintensive treatment
med.intensieve therapieintensive therapy
agric.intensieve veehouderijintensive livestock farming
agric.intensieve veehouderijintensive livestock rearing
environ.intensieve veehouderijfactory farming The technique of capital intensive animal-raising in an artificial environment, used for chicken, egg, turkey, beef, veal and pork production. Animals are restrained in a controlled indoor environment and their food is brought to them. The building take on the appearance of industrial units
environ.intensieve veehouderijintensive animal husbandry Specialized system of breeding animals where the livestock are kept indoors and fed on concentrated foodstuffs, with frequent use of drugs to control diseases which are a constant threat under these conditions
environ.intensieve veehouderijfactory farming
ed., agric.intensieve veehouderijintensive livestock production
agric.intensieve veehouderijintensive stock-rearing
nat.sc., agric.intensieve veehouderijclose herding
agric.intensieve veehouderijintensive animal husbandry
agric.intensieve visteelt binnenintensive indoor fish farming
agric.intensieve visteelt binnenintensive indoor fish cultivation
agric.intensieve visteelt buitenintensive outdoor fish farming
agric.intensieve voederinghigh feeding
agric.intensieve voederingintensive feeding
agric.intensieve voederingheavy feeding
food.ind., chem.intensieve zoetstofhigh intensity sweetener
chem.intensieve zoetstofintense sweetener
comp., MSintensieve zorgintensive care unit (A section of a hospital that provides comprehensive care for critically ill patients requiring immediate and continuous attention)
comp., MSintensieve zorgenICU (A section of a hospital that provides comprehensive care for critically ill patients requiring immediate and continuous attention)
ed., agric.landbouwgebieden met een intensieve landbouwintensive agricultural area
ed.Maastrichtcommuniqué over de toekomstige prioriteiten voor intensievere Europese samenwerking inzake beroepsonderwijs en br -opleidingMaastricht Communiqué on the Future Priorities of Enhanced European Cooperation in Vocational Education and Training VET
interntl.trade.maatregelen voor intensievere voorlichting op commercieel terreinfacilities for the increased flow of trade information
agric., construct.9 meter brede kas voor intensieve groententeelt9-m greenhouse for intensive vegetable cultivation
environ., polit., agric.nadelig effect van intensieve landbouw,schadelijk effect van intensief bodemgebruik,nadelig effekt van intensieve agrarische bedrijfsvoeringadverse effect of intensive agriculture
gen.Regelingen voor intensievere samenwerking tussen de Europese Unie en de West-Europese Unie krachtens het protocol inzake artikel 17 van het Verdrag betreffende de Europese Uniearrangements for enhanced cooperation between the European Union and the Western European Union
ITregelingssysteem voor intensieve verzorgingintensive care monitoring
math.reken-intensieve methodecomputer-intensive methods
ITtechnologie-intensieve industrietechnology-intensive industry
industr.technologie-intensieve sectoortechnology-intensive sector
lawVerklaring (nr. inzake intensievere samenwerking tussen de Europese Unie en de West-Europese UnieDeclaration on enhanced cooperation between the European Union and the Western European Union
crim.law.Verklaring van Berlijn betreffende een intensievere samenwerking bij de bestrijding van de drugscriminaliteit en de georganiseerde misdaad in EuropaBerlin Declaration on Increased Cooperation in Combating Drug Crime and Organised Crime in Europe
agric.waarnemingspunt voor intensieve bewakingintensive monitoring plot
agric.zeer intensieve landbouwvery intensive agriculture