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Terms containing human | all forms | exact matches only
polit.afdeling Human ResourcesHuman Resources Unit
h.rghts.act., engl.Asian Human Rights CommissionAsian Human Rights Commission
comp., MScyclus van Human Capital-beheerhuman capital management cycle (A recurring set of recruitment, hiring, training, compensation, and performance evaluation activities performed by parties that compensate employees and contractors in exchange for services)
polit.directoraat 1A - Human ResourcesDirectorate for Human Resources
polit.directoraat 1A - Human ResourcesDirectorate 1A - Human Resources
polit.directoraat Human ResourcesDirectorate for Human Resources
polit.directoraat Human ResourcesDirectorate 1A - Human Resources
polit.Directoraat 1 - Human Resources en PersoneelsadministratieDirectorate 1 - Human Resources and Personnel Administration
polit.directoraat Ontwikkeling human resourcesDirectorate for Human Resources Development
h.rghts.act., engl.European Human Rights FoundationEuropean Human Rights Foundation
pharma., engl.human chorion gonadotrophinhuman chorion gonadotrophin
stat., social.sc.Human Development indexHuman Development Index
comp., MSHuman Interactive Proof-vraagHIP challenge (A challenge meant to be easily solved by humans, while remaining too hard to be economically solved by computers)
health., life.sc., engl.human leucocyte antigenhuman leucocyte antigen
pharma., engl.human menopausal urinary gonadotrophinhuman menopausal urinary gonadotrophin
chem.human menopausal urinary gonadotrophinehuman menopausal urinary gonadotrophin
tech., engl.human oriented production engineeringhuman oriented production engineering
med.human placental lactogengonadotrophine
PRhuman resourcehuman resources
fin., empl., engl.human resource managementhuman resource management
empl.human resourceshuman resources human resources
engl.Human Rights Field Operation in BurundiHuman Rights Field Operation in Burundi
UN, engl.Human Rights Field Operation in RwandaHuman Rights Field Operation in Rwanda
h.rghts.act., UNHuman Rights Field Operation van de Verenigde Naties in RwandaHuman Rights Field Operation in Rwanda
h.rghts.act., engl.Human Rights WatchHuman Rights Watch
h.rghts.act., engl.International League for Human RightsInternational League for Human Rights
lab.law.Shared Service Center Human Resources ManagementShared Service Center for Human Resources Management
lab.law.Shared Service Center Human Resources ManagementShared Service Center for HRM
med.teken van HumanHuman sign
gen.United Nations Global Initiative to Fight Human TraffickingUnited Nations Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking