
Terms containing hand-over | all forms | in specified order only
lawerfstelling over de handconstitution of a trust
commun., engl.hand-overhand-over
commun.hand-over binnen de celintra-cell handover
commun.hand-over toegangs-bursthandover access burst
commun.hand-over tussen cellenintercell handover
commun.hand-over tussen celleninter-cell handover
commun.hand-over van de dragerbearer handover
commun.hand-over van de drager binnen de celintra-cell bearer handover
commun.hand-over van de drager tussen celleninter-cell bearer handover
commun.hand-over van de verbindingconnection handover
commun.hand-over van de verbinding binnen de celintra-cell connection handover
commun.hand-over van de verbinding tussen celleninter-cell connection handover
commun.interne hand-overinternal handover
commun.mogelijkheden van "international roaming" en "hand-over"international roaming and hand-over facilities
construct.over de hand metselento lay bricks overhand