
Terms for subject Environment containing bouw | all forms | exact matches only
bouw-en sloopafvalinclusief wegenbouwconstruction and demolition waste including road construction
bouw- en sloopafval inclusief wegenbouwconstruction and demolition waste including road construction
bouw-en sloopafvalinclusief wegenbouwconstruction and demolition wastes including excavated soil from contaminated sites
bouw met hergebruik van materiaalconstruction with recycled material
bouw met hergebruik-materiaalconstruction with recycled material
bouw met hergebruik-materiaalconstruction with recycled material Construction with waste product used as raw material
Code voor de bouw en uitrusting van schepen die vloeibaar gemaakte gassen in bulk vervoerenCode for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk
Code voor de bouw en uitrusting van schepen die vloeibaar gemaakte gassen in bulk vervoerenGas Carrier Code
de bouwconstruction work
ecologisch bouwengreen building The self-contained dwelling where man simulates the ways of ecosystems, i.e. his wastes are converted to fuel by anaerobic digestion for methane production and the residues from the digestion are used for growing food. The food residues are composted and/or used for methane production. Solar energy is trapped by the greenhouse effect and used for house, crop and water heating. A windmill would be used for electricity. Thus, given sufficient space, sunshine, rainfall and wind, the ecohouse is in theory a self-contained system recycling its own wastes and using the sun as its energy input
ecologisch bouwengreen building
gemengd bouw- en sloopafvalmixed construction and demolition waste
gemengd bouw-en sloopafvalmixed construction and demolition waste
gevaarlijk bouw-/gebruiksmateriaalhazardous working material
het bouwenconstruction work The construction, rehabilitation, alteration, conversion, extension, demolition or repair of buildings, highways, or other changes or improvement to real property, including facilities providing utility services. The term also includes the supervision, inspection, and other on-site functions incidental to the actual construction
het bouwenconstruction work
milieubewust bouwen/milieubewuste constructietechniekenenvironmentally sensitive building
milieuvriendelijke bouwenvironment equitable construction
nesten bouwennesting
nesten bouwennesting The building of nests for egg laying and rearing of offspring
ongeordende bouwsplinter development
veiligheidsnorm voor de bouwsafety standard for building A collection of rules and regulations adopted by authorities concerning structural and mechanical standards for safety
veiligheidsnorm voor de bouwsafety standard for building
voor de bouw bestemd product in contact met drinkwaterConstruction Products in contact with Drinking Water