
Terms containing All | all forms | exact matches only
fish.farm., industr.all in all out systeemall in, all out system
fin., insur.all-in verzekeringwrap-up insurance policy
fin., insur.all-in verzekeringblanket policy
gen."all in-all out" systeemall in, all out' system
el.all-relais-toestelpower signal box with thumb switches
el.all-relais-toestelpower signal box with free levers
insur.all risks-verzekering voor aannemerscontractors'all risks
insur.all risks-verzekering voor aannemerserection all risks
insur.all risks-verzekering voor aannemerscontract works insurance
law, insur.all-riskverzekeringmotor vehicle comprehensive insurance
pharma.all-transretinoïne zuurall-trans-retinoic acid
mech.eng.all-weather bougieall-weather spark plug
transp."all-weather"-verkeerall-weather operating
transp."all-weather"-verkeerall-weather flight operation
lawcatch-all bepalingcatch-all clause
insur.Constructie All RisksContractors'All Risks
insur.industriële all risksverzekeringindustrial all risks insurance
account.International Standard Industrial Classification of all economic activiteiten third edition, ISIC Rev.3.International Standard Industrial Classification of all economic activities ISIC Rev.3.; third edition
account.International Standard Industrial Classification of all economic activiteiten third edition, ISIC Rev.3.International Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities Revision 3
environ., engl.one out, all outone out, all out
stat., scient.over-all steekproeffractieover-all sampling ratio
stat., scient.over-all steekproeffractieover-all sampling fraction
stat., scient.over-all steekproeffractieover-all sampling rate
math.over-all steekproeffractieoverall sampling fraction
commun.winner-take-all netwerkwinner-take-all network
commun.winner-take-all netwerkWTA network