
Terms containing A | all forms | exact matches only
chem.a,a,a-trichloortolueena, a, a-trichlorotoluene
gen.A.A.-conferentieAfro-Asian Conference
comp., MSA2A-integratieA2A integration (The process of coordinating the operation of the various programs, databases, and existing technologies of a business or enterprise so that they function as an efficient, business-wide system)
ITA*-algoritmeA-star algorithm
ITA*-algoritmeA* algorithm
life.sc., chem.a-aminopropionzuuralanine
health.a1-antitrypsine deficiëntieAlpha-1-Antitrypsin Deficiency
econ.A-artikelfast mover
construct.A.A.V.tenders, general administrative conditions for
construct.A.A.V.conditions, general administrative for tenders
construct.A.A.V.General administrative conditions for tenders
el.A/B robbed-bit-signaleringA/B robbed-bit signalling
el.A/B robbed-bit-signaleringA/B robbed-bit signaling
el.A-bandA system band
el.A-bandA system
nat.res.a.barbadensisaloe (Aloe vera, Aloe barbadensis)
nat.res.a.barbadensisBarbados aloe (Aloe vera, Aloe barbadensis)
commun.A-B-A-remailingA-B-A remail
commun.A-B-B-remailingA-B-B remail
commun.A-B-C-remailingA-B-C remail
el.A-beeldA-scope presentation
ITA-4 beeldschermfull page display
commun., tech.A/B-lus-testlijnloop A/B test line
gen.A.Borschette-conferentiecentrumA.Borschette Conference Centre
gen.a.c.before meal
gen.A.C. componentalternating current component
gen.A.C. de Bruijn InstituutA.C. de Bruijn Institute
comp., MSA capellaA cappella (One of the music genres that appears under Genre classification in Windows Media Player library. Based on ID3 standard tagging format for MP3 audio files. Winamp genre ID 123)
el.a-contactmake contact
comp., MSa conto-overzichton-account statement (A report of invoiced on-account transaction amounts for a project)
comp., MSa conto-transactieon-account payment (A fixed installment payment that is agreed to in a payment plan)
lawa contrario-redeneermethodeargument from the contrary
lawa contrario-redeneermethodeargumentum a contrario
lawa contrario-redeneermethodea contrario argument
gen.A.D. condensatoraxial-lead capacitor
ed.A-deelcategory-A funds
ed.A-deelA category
commun., ITA/D-interfacedigital/analogue interface
commun., ITA/D-interfacea/d interface
tech., el.A-D-omzetteranalog-to-digital converter
tech., el.A-D-omzetteranalogue-digital convertor
tech., el.A-D-omzetteranalogue-to-digital converter
tech., el.A-D-omzetteranalog-digital convertor
ITA/D-omzetter met een in evenwicht gehouden ladingcharge balancing a/d converter
ITA/D-omzetter volgens het tellertypecounter type analog/digital converter
ITA/D-omzetter volgens het tellertypecounter type analogue/digital converter
ITA/D-omzetter volgens het tellertypecounter type a/d converter
ITA/D-omzetter volgens opeenvolgende benaderingensuccessive approximation analogue/digital converter
ITA/D-omzetter volgens opeenvolgende benaderingensuccessive approximation converter
ITA/D-omzetter volgens opeenvolgende benaderingensuccessive approximation analog/digital converter
ITA/D-omzetter volgens opeenvolgende benaderingensuccessive approximation a/d converter
el.A/D-omzettinganalog-to-digital conversion
el.A/D-omzettingA/D conversion
gen.A-doosregular slotted container
med.A.E.antitoxin unit
el.A en B-signaleringA and B signalling
el.A en B-signaleringA and B signaling
ITA EN-NIET B bewerkingA AND-NOT B operation
IT, el.A-en-NIET-B poortA and not B gate
commun.A-faciliteitadditional facility
earth.sc.A-filterA-weighting network
med.A/G verhoudingquotient of albumin and globulin
health.A gewogen geluidblootstellingA-weighted sound exposure
health.A gewogen geluiddrukA-weighted sound pressure
phys.sc., environ., tech.A-gewogen geluiddrukniveauA-weighted sound pressure level
phys.sc., environ., tech.A-gewogen geluiddrukniveauA-weighted sound level
earth.sc.A-gewogen geluidsniveauA-weighted noise level
lawa governofor your guidance
agric.A0-horizonF layer
life.sc., agric.A1-horizonH layer
life.sc., agric.A1-horizonH horizon
life.sc., agric.A-horizonA horizon
agric.A0-horizonF horizon
agric.A0-horizontF layer
life.sc., agric.A-horizontA horizon
life.sc., agric.A1-horizontH layer
life.sc., agric.A1-horizontH horizon
agric.A0-horizontF horizon
med.A.I.H.homologous insemination
commun., el.A-interfaceA+ interface
el.a-isochroon gegevenskanaalasynchronous data channel
el.a-isochroon gegevenskanaalanisochronous data channel
ITa-isochroon signaalanisochronous signal
med.A-ketenenzymatically active moiety
commun., ITA-law pulscodemodulatieA-law pulse code modulation
commun., ITA-law pulscodemodulatieA-law PCM
med.a-lipoproteïnemieTangier disease
industr., construct."A-mengsel"unloaded vulcanizate
industr., construct."A-mengsel"pure gum vulcanizate
earth.sc., tech.A-meterload meter
earth.sc., tech.A-meteramperemeter
earth.sc., tech.A-meterammeter
earth.sc.a.middelgrote koelinstallatiecommercial refrigerating plant
construct.A-monteurfitter grade A
comp., MSA1-notatieA1 notation (An alphanumeric convention for referencing the location of cells in a worksheet. The column is represented by a letter (A through IV, for a total of 256 columns) and the row is represented by a number (1 through 65536))
commun.A-operatorA operator
insur.A.P.A.association for the prevention of accidents
fin.a pariat par value
fin.a pariat par
fin.a pari uitgegeven aandeelshare issued at par
fin.a pari uitgegeven obligatiebond issued at par
fin.a pari uitgekeerd kredietloan disbursed at par
gen.A/P2-filtermasker voor organische dampen en schadelijk stofA/P2 filter respirator for organic vapour and harmful dust
chem.a-polair styreen-monomeernonpolar styrene monomer
commun., el.a-poortn-terminal-pair network
el.A-postA position
el.A-postA board
fin.a posteriori afgegevenissued retrospectively
fin.a posteriori afgegevenissued retroactively
transp.a posteriori afgegeven certificaatcertificate issued retrospectively
math.a posteriori waarschijnlijkheidposterior probability
pharma.A priori kansPrior probability
stat., scient.a priori kansprior probability
math.a priori waarschijnlijkheida priori probability
math.a priori waarschijnlijkheidprior probability
lawA-puntA point
sugar.A-quotumbasic quota
sugar.A-quotumA quota
ITA.R.C.-netattached resource computer network
ITA.R.C.-netARC network
comp., MSA-recordA record (A type of resource record in the Domain Name System that associates a specific IP address with a domain name. This is the record that contains the information that connects your domain name to your actual Web site content when people type your domain name into a browser)
transp.A-R-netnetwork for short and medium distances
IT, transp., avia.a/s giercomputerautostabilization yaw computer
IT, transp., avia.a/s giercomputerA/S yaw computer
commun.A-schermdisplay module
commun.A-schermtype A display
commun.A-schermA scope
chem., met.a seccoin secco
nat.sc., agric.a-selecte steekproefmethoderandom selection
agric., chem.a-selectief middelnon-selective pesticide
agric., chem.a-selectief middelbroad-spectrum pesticide
tech.A.S.H.V.E.effektieve temperatuurYagloueffective temperature A.S.H.V.E. Yaglou
industr., construct., chem.A-stadiumA stage
stat., commun., el.A-stationA station
fin., polit., agric.A1-stelselA1 system
fin., polit., agric.A2-stelselA2 system
sugar.A-suikerA sugar
el.A-systeemA system band
el.A-systeemA system
earth.sc., mech.eng.a.theoretisch cilinder-slagvolumetheoretical displacement
comp., MSA/V Conferencing Edge-serviceA/V Conferencing Edge service (An Office Communications Server that resides in the perimeter network and provides a single trusted point through which media traffic can traverse NATs and firewalls)
comp., MSA/V Edge-serverA/V Edge server (Enables internal users to share audio and video data with external users (that is, users who are not logged on to your internal network))
earth.sc.A.V.C.automatic volume control
commun.A-veldA-tail field
law, immigr.A-visumairport transit visa
mun.plan., earth.sc.a.vleugelklepbutterfly damper
agric.A-vormige leidingA-section duct
agric.A-vormige leidingA-frame ventilator
agric.A-vormige uithouderA-bracket
comp., MSA/V-vergaderingsserverAudio/Video Conferencing Server (A server running Lync Server or Office Communications Server that mixes and manages audio and video inputs from multiple sources for multiparty audio and video conferences)
IT, el.A-wetA-law
ITA-wetlaw A
ITA-wet codec met on-chip-filterA-wet-codec with on-chip-filter
social.sc.A-wetgevingtype A legislation
lawA-Z polisall-risks policy
lawA-Z polisall-in policy
fin.aandelen a pari uitgevento issue shares at par
gen.aangenomen A-puntenList of "A" items adopted
insur.aanvullende W.A.-motorrijtuigverzekering van de principaalcontingent liability motor insurance
gen.Afdeling Bouw- en Woningtoezicht, A'damBuilding and Housing Inspection Department
polit.afdeling Kwaliteit wetgeving A - economisch en wetenschapsbeleidLegislative Quality Unit A - Economic and Scientific Policy
fin.afgegeven a posterioriissued retrospectively
fin.afgegeven a posterioriissued retroactively
fin.aflossing a pariredemption at the nominal value
fin.aflossing a pariredemption at par
insur.alleen W.A.-verzekering voor lichamelijk letselact liability only
gen.ambitie t.a.v.de buitenwereldexternal ambition
gen.anti-A agglutinineanti-A agglutinin
med.anti-A bloedgroepbepalinganti-A blood-grouping
stat., scient.Bayesiaanse betrouwbaarheidsintervallen met hoogste a-posteriori kansdichtheidhighest posterior density intervals
math.Bayesiaanse betrouwbaarheidsintervallen met hoogste a posteriori kansdichtheidhighest posteriori density interval
transp.bepaling t.a.v.het delen van het vervoerprovision as to the share of the traffic to be carried
ITbeperkingen t.a.v.de verwerkingprocessing restrictions
insur., busin.beroeps-W.A.-verzekeringprofessional indemnity insurance
lawbesluit A bevestigddecision A confirmed
ITbesturingseenheid voor een A/D-omzetteranalog/digital converter controller
ITbesturingseenheid voor een A/D-omzetteranalogue/digital converter controller
ITbesturingseenheid voor een A/D-omzettera/d converter controller
polit.Bij de definitieve aanneming van de A-punten met betrekking tot wetgevingsbesluiten heeft de Raad besloten de volgende informatie in deze notulen op te nemen : ...When finally adopting the "A" items relating to legislative acts, the Council agreed to enter the following in these minutes:
health., chem.bisfenol-a-diglycidyletherBisphenol-A-Diglycidyl ether
construct.blok A-infrastructuur IIIA block infrastructure III
life.sc.bodem met een profiel bestaande uit een A-en C-horizontA/C soil
gen.Bond voor Wetenschappelijke Arbeiders, A'damAssociation of Scientific Research Workers
law, econ.c.a.o.-loonagreed wage structure
gov.categorie A : hogere leidinggevende en scheppende functies en functies met een studiekarakter, voor welke functies kennis op universitair niveau vereist iscategory A : administrative and advisory duties which require university education
ed.Centraal Bureau Aanmelding en Plaatsing a.s. eerstejaars studentenCentral Registration Board
ed.Centraal Bureau Aanmelding en Plaatsing a.s. eerstejaars studentenCentral Applications and Placement Office
agric., food.ind., engl.chocolate a la tazachocolate a la taza
agric., food.ind., engl.chocolate familiar a la tazachocolate familiar a la taza
med.13-cis-vitamine-a-zuur13-cis-retinoic acid
comp., MSClass A IP-adresClass A IP address (A unicast IP address that ranges from through The first octet indicates the network, and the last three octets indicate the host on the network. Class-based IP addressing has been superceded by Classless Interdomain Routing (CIDR))
lawclausule t.a.v.de rechten v.d.menshuman rights clause
gen.College van advies van Dr. A. Kuyperstichtingadvisory body of the Dr. A. Kuyper Institute
nat.sc., industr.Comité van beheer A 1 "Socio-technologische systemen en veiligheid in de industrie"Management Committee Committee A1 - Systems of Socio-Technologies and Industrial Safety
fish.farm.communautaire bewaking "a posteriori"retrospective Community surveillance
energ.ind.conferentie "Energy for a new Century"Energy for a New Century Conference
lawconflict t.a.v.voorrechten op roerende goederenchange of the law applicable to the preferential rights
gen.Consultatiebureau voor Tropische Ziekten, A'damMedical Centre for Tropical Diseases
med.contact met hepatitis A in gezinsverbandhousehold hepatitis A contact
med.contact met hepatitis A in instellingeninstitutional hepatitis A contact
market.conto a metajoint venture account
market.conto a metajoint account
gen.CSE I-A overeenkomst, CSE-personeelsovereenkomstConcluding Act of the Negotiation on Personnel Strength of Conventional Armed Forces in Europe
gen.CSE I-A overeenkomst, CSE-personeelsovereenkomstCFE 1A
IT, tech.D/A-omvormerdigital-to-analog converter
IT, tech.D/A-omvormerdigital-analogue converter
health.dagelijks A gewogen geluidblootstellingdaily A-weighted sound exposure
fin.de controle a posteriori geschiedt door middel van steekproevensubsequent verifications shall be carried out at random
fin., econ.de swaps a pari afsluitento conclude a swap at par
gen.deze produkten worden aan lijst A toegevoegdthese products are added to the list A
lawdies a quodies a quo
lawdies a quoday on which the period begins
math.diffuse a priori verdelingvague prior
math.diffuse a priori verdelingdiffuse prior
stat.diffuse a priori-verdelingvague prior
stat.diffuse a priori-verdelingdiffuse prior
polit.directoraat 1A - Human ResourcesDirectorate for Human Resources
polit.directoraat 1A - Human ResourcesDirectorate 1A - Human Resources
polit.directoraat 1A - Interne markt, Milieu, VervoerDirectorate for the Internal Market, Environment and Transport
polit.directoraat 1A - Interne markt, Milieu, VervoerDirectorate 1A - Internal Market, Environment, Transport
polit.directoraat 2A - Protocol/ConferentiesDirectorate for Protocol and Conferences
polit.directoraat 2A - Protocol/ConferentiesDirectorate 2A - Protocol/Conferences
polit.directoraat-generaal A - AdministratieDirectorate-General for Administration
polit.directoraat-generaal A - AdministratieDirectorate-General A - Personnel and Administration
polit.directoraat-generaal A - AdministratieDirectorate-General for Personnel and Administration
polit.directoraat-generaal A - AdministratieDirectorate-General A - Administration
el.draden A en BA and B leads
med.draw-a-man-testdraw-a-man test
chem.driewals in A-opstellingcalender A-type or triangular
chem.E553a, E553 aE553ai magnesium silicate
chem.E553a, E553 aE553aii magnesium trisilicate
chem.E553a, E553 aE553a
chem.E450a iE450a i
chem.E450a iE450ai
food.ind., chem., engl.E 553 a iE 553 a i
food.ind., chem., engl.E 553 a imagnesium silicate
health., anim.husb., food.ind.E 450 a idisodium diphosphate
food.ind., chem.E 160 a iE 160 a i
food.ind., chem.E 160 a imixed carotenes
chem.E450a idi sodium dihydrogen diphosphate
gen.E 450 a iE 450 i
food.ind., chem., engl.E 553 a iimagnesium trisilicate asbestos free
food.ind., chem., engl.E 160 a iibeta-carotene
food.ind., chem., engl.E 160 a iiE 160 a ii
food.ind., chem., engl.E 553 a iimagnesium trisilicate
food.ind., chem., engl.E 553 a iiE 553 a ii
chem.E450a iiitetra sodium diphosphate
chem.E450a iiiE450aiii
engl.E 450 a iiiE 450 iii
engl.E 450 a iiitetrasodium diphosphate
engl.E 450 a iiiE 450 a iii
chem.E450a iiiE450a iii
engl.E 450 a ivE 450 a iv
engl.E 450 a ivtetrapotassium diphosphate
engl.E 450 a ivE 450 v
chem.E450a ivE450aiv
chem.E450a ivtetra potassium diphosphate
chem.E450a ivE450a iv
chem.E553ai, E553a i, magnesiumsilicaatE553ai magnesium silicate
chem.E553ai, E553a i, magnesiumsilicaatE553aii magnesium trisilicate
chem.E553ai, E553a i, magnesiumsilicaatE553a
chem.E553aii, E553a ii, magnesiumtrisilicaatE553ai magnesium silicate
chem.E553aii, E553a ii, magnesiumtrisilicaatE553aii magnesium trisilicate
chem.E553aii, E553a ii, magnesiumtrisilicaatE553a
fin.een swap a pari afsluitento conclude a swap at par
environ.eigenschap t.a.v.de milieutoxicologieecotoxological property
gen.eigenschap t.a.v.de ontplofbaarheidflammable property
transp.eis t.a.v.de overlevingskans van passagierspassenger survivability criterion
med.embolisatie van de takken van de a.carotis externaembolization of the external carotid artery branches
med.embolisatie van de takken van de a.carotis externaembolisation of the external carotid artery branches
IT, dat.proc.engineering A-formaatengineering size A
transp.equivalentiefactor in p.a.e.passenger car equivalent
mun.plan.fabrieken van stalen meubelen,o.a.brandkastenfabriekenmanufacture of metal furniture,including safes
gen.Feministisch Socialistisch Platform, A'damFeminist Socialist Platform
gen.Feministische oefengroep op basis van radicale therapie , A'damA feminist group which seeks to promote self-assertiveness among women, based on certain advanced ideas of self-awareness
law, commer.formulier-A/Bform A/B
gen.gecombineerde A-en H-bomthree-F bomb
gen.gecombineerde A-en H-bomfission fusion fission bomb
law, agric.geheel van rechten die een bejaarde boer voor de verdere duur van zijn leven bedingt bij de overdracht van zijn landbouwbedrijf aan zijn opvolger, o.a.vruchtgebruik, recht van gebruik e n bewoningsettlement on retirement
law, agric.geheel van rechten die een bejaarde boer voor de verdere duur van zijn leven bedingt bij de overdracht van zijn landbouwbedrijf aan zijn opvolger, o.a.vruchtgebruik, recht van gebruik e n bewoningprovision for retired farmers
law, agric.geheel van rechten die een bejaarde boer voor de verdere duur van zijn leven bedingt bij de overdracht van zijn landbouwbedrijf aan zijn opvolger, o.a.vruchtgebruik, recht van gebruik e n bewoningretirement
health.gelijkwaardig aanhoudend A-gewogen geluiddrukpeilequivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure level
cultur.geïllustreerd A.B.C.-boekpictorial alphabet book
agric.gierst,boekweit,kanariezaad,n.a.v.millet,buckweat,canary seed,not otherwise specified
polit.goedkeuring van de lijst van A-puntenapproval of the list of "A" items
antenn.greenslaag f, keerlaag f, speri a ag fdepletion layer
commer., polit., agric.halflangkorrelige en langkorrelige A volwitte rijstmilled medium-grain and long-grain A rice
med.Hep A-vaccinHep A vaccine
comp., MShepatitis A-vaccinhepatitis A vaccine (A vaccine for immunization against hepatitis A virus infection)
med.hepatitis A-virushepatitis virus A
gen.Hogere Zeevaartschool, A'dam etc.Nautical Training College
stat., social.sc.i/a-ratioinactive/active ratio
stat., social.sc.i/a-ratiobenefit-dependency ratio
IT, transp.i.a.s.-meterIAS control AWLS
lawin zake A tegen Bin re A versus B
med.influenza A H1N1-virusinfluenza A virus subtype H1N1
med.influenza A H1N1-virusA H1N1 virus
math.informatieve a priori verdelinginformative prior
ITIS-A hiërarchieinheritance hierarchy
ITIS-A hiërarchietype hierarchy
ITIS-A hiërarchieIS-A hierarchy
ITIS-A relatieISA relationship
ITIS-A relatieIS-A relationship
ITIS-A typeinheritance hierarchy
ITIS-A typetype hierarchy
ITIS-A typeIS-A hierarchy
gen.Joodse Invalide Vereniging, A'damJewish Society for Aid to the Poor and Disabled
ITklasse-A-amplificatieclass A amplification
el.klasse A ingestelde trapclass-A stage
el.klasse A-instellingclass A operation
commun.klasse-A-modulatieclass A modulation
el.klasse A-versterkerclass-A amplifier
nat.sc.L. M. A. Laboratorium voor Middelhoge ActiviteitL. I. A. Laboratory for Intermediate-level Activity
commun.lamineermachine voor o.a.kettingformulierencontinuous form laminating machine
commun.lineaire A/D-en D/A-omzetterlinear A/D and D/A converter
law, lab.law.looptijd van de c.a.o.duration of the collective agreement
med.M.A.O.-remmersmonoamine oxidase inhibitors
commun.M&A time base-subsysteemM&A time base subsystem
environ.magnetrons dienen o.a. tot opwekking van centimetergolvenmagnetrons are used for the generation of waves in the cm range
gen.Medisch Comité Nederland-Vietnam, A'damNetherlands-Vietnam Medical Committee
commun.meetconcept voor prestatie t.a.v.onderhoudsmogelijkheidmaintainability performance measure concept
med.met rode bloedlichaampjes van groep A geïmmuniseerde persoonperson immunized by group A red corpuscles
math.methode waarbij van alle a priori informatie gebruik wordt gemaaktfull information method
IT, el.monolitische d/a-omzettermonolithic d/a converter
account.mutaties in het vermogenssaldo a.g.v. besparingen en kapitaaloverdrachtenchanges in net worth due to saving and capital transfers
account.mutaties in het vermogenssaldo a.g.v. neutrale waarderingsverschillenchanges in net worth due to neutral holding gains/losses
account.mutaties in het vermogenssaldo a.g.v. nominale waarderingsverschillenchanges in net worth due to nominal holding gains/losses
account.mutaties in het vermogenssaldo a.g.v. overige volumemutaties in activachanges in net worth due to other changes in volume of assets
proced.law.N/A BEward of court
proced.law.N/A BEwidowhood
proced.law.N/A NLward of court
tax.nationale belastingregeling t.a.v.ondernemingennational company tax system
gen.Nederlandse Federatie Jeugd- en Jongerenwerk, A'damDutch Youth Work Federation
gen.Nederlandse Gemeenschap voor Geneeskunst, A'damRoyal Netherlands Medical Association
gen.Nederlandse Opera-Stichting, A'damNetherlands Operatic Society
gen.Nederlandse Vereniging van Vrouwenbelangen, Vrouwenarbeid en gelijk Staatsburgerschap, A'damNetherlands Association for Equal Rights and Opportunities for Women
gen.Nederlandse Vrouwenbeweging, A'damDutch Women's Movement
health.nieuwe influenza AH1N1vhuman swine influenza A H1N1
health.nieuwe influenza AH1N1vinfluenza A H1N1 v
health.nieuwe influenza AH1N1vMexican flu
health.nieuwe influenza AH1N1vMexican influenza
health.nieuwe influenza AH1N1vNorth American influenza
health.nieuwe influenza AH1N1vnovel H1N1 flu
health.nieuwe influenza AH1N1vnovel influenza A H1N1
health.nieuwe influenza AH1N1vNorth American flu
health.nieuwe influenza AH1N1vinfluenza A H1N1
health.nieuwe influenza AH1N1v2009 H1N1 flu
med.nieuwe influenza A H1N1-virusswine influenza virus A H1N1
med.nieuwe influenza A H1N1-virusMexican influenza virus
med.nieuwe influenza A H1N1-virusnovel flu virus
med.nieuwe influenza A H1N1-virusnovel influenza virus
med.nieuwe influenza A H1N1-virusnovel influenza virus A H1N1
med.nieuwe influenza A H1N1-virusinfluenza A H1N1 v virus
med.non A-non B hepatitisnon-A non-B hepatitis
med.non-A-non-B-hepatitisnon-A, non-B hepatitis
gen.nota A-punt"A" item note
gen.nota betreffende een A-punt"A" item note
gen.nota betreffende een I/A-punt"I/A" item note
gen.nota I/A-punt"I/A" item note
ITOCR-A schriftOCR-A font
comp., MSOffice 365 Education A4 voor faculteitenOffice 365 Education A4 for Faculty (An Office 365 online subscription that provides faculty and staff with the familiar Office desktop apps, the Office Web Apps, document sharing and collaboration, instant messaging and enterprise-class email. Includes advanced archiving capabilities and enterprise voice capabilities)
comp., MSOffice 365 Education A3 voor faculteitenOffice 365 Education A3 for Faculty (An Office 365 online subscription that provides faculty and staff with the familiar Office desktop suite of apps, the Office Web Apps, document sharing and collaboration, instant messaging and enterprise-class email. Includes voice mail and advanced archiving capabilities)
comp., MSOffice 365 Education A2 voor faculteitenOffice 365 Education A2 for Faculty (An Office 365 online subscription for faculty and staff who need access to communication and collaboration tools from virtually anywhere, at any time. Includes document viewing and lightweight editing for Office Web Apps)
comp., MSOffice 365 Education A4 voor studentenOffice 365 Education A4 for Students (An Office 365 online subscription for students with the familiar Office desktop apps, the Office Web Apps, document sharing and collaboration, instant messaging and enterprise-class email. Includes advanced archiving capabilities and enterprise voice capabilities)
comp., MSOffice 365 Education A3 voor studentenOffice 365 Education A3 for Students (An Office 365 online subscription for students with the familiar Office desktop suite of apps, the Office Web Apps, document sharing and collaboration, instant messaging and enterprise-class email. Includes voice mail and advanced archiving capabilities)
comp., MSOffice 365 Education A2 voor studentenOffice 365 Education A2 for Students (An Office 365 online subscription for students with communication and collaboration tools from virtually anywhere, at any time. Includes document viewing and lightweight editing with Office Web Apps)
comp., MSOffice 365 ProPlus A voor faculteitenOffice 365 ProPlus A for Faculty (Office ProPlus Subscription for Faculty and Staff at K12 and Higher Education institutions)
comp., MSOffice 365 ProPlus A voor studentenOffice 365 ProPlus A for Students (Office ProPlus Subscription for Students at K12 and Higher Education institutions)
math.oneigenlijke a priori verdelingimproper prior
law, lab.law.ontwerp-c.a.o.draft agreement
insur.overeenkomst van verdeling van schade ingevolge W.A.-verzekeringthird-party sharing agreement
el.PDC-A-interfacePDC-A interface
work.fl., IT"peek-a-boo"-kaartbody-punched aspect cards
work.fl., IT"peek-a-boo"-kaartbody-punched feature cards
work.fl., IT"peek-a-boo"-kaartcoincidence hole cards
IT, dat.proc.peek-a-boo-kaartBatten card
IT, dat.proc.peek-a-boo-kaartbody-punched aspect card
IT, dat.proc.peek-a-boo-kaartcoincidence hole card
IT, dat.proc.peek-a-boo-kaartpeek-a-boo card
IT, dat.proc.peek-a-boo-kaartpeep-hole card
work.fl., IT"peek-a-boo"-kaartpeek-a-boo cards
work.fl., IT"peek-a-boo"-kaartpeep-hole cards
work.fl., IT"peek-a-boo"-kaartBatten cards
commun.prestatie t.a.v.onderhoudsmogelijkheidmaintainability performance
transp., avia.prestatieklasse A-vliegtuigenperformance class A aeroplane
law, market.procedure m.a.v.een klacht of ambtshalveprocedure on complaint or on the Commission's own initiative
comp., MSProefabonnement Office 365 Education A3 voor faculteitenOffice 365 Education A3 for Faculty Trial (A limited-day trial for an Office 365 online subscription that provides faculty and staff with the familiar Office desktop suite of apps, the Office Web Apps, document sharing and collaboration, instant messaging and enterprise-class email. Includes voice mail and advanced archiving capabilities)
comp., MSProefabonnement Office 365 Education A3 voor studentenOffice 365 Education A3 for Students Trial (A limited-day trial for an Office 365 online subscription for students with the familiar Office desktop suite of apps, the Office Web Apps, document sharing and collaboration, instant messaging and enterprise-class email. Includes voice mail and advanced archiving capabilities)
transp., avia.Protocol betreffende een wijziging van artikel 50a van het Verdrag inzake de internationale burgerluchtvaart, ondertekend te Montreal, 26 oktober 1990Protocol relating to an amendment to Article 50a of the Convention on International Civil Aviation, signed at Montreal on 26 October 1990
UNProtocol tot wijziging van artikel 1, letter a, artikel 14, eerste lid, en artikel 14, derde lid, letter b, van de Europese Overeenkomst van 30 september 1957 betreffende het internationale vervoer van gevaarlijke goederen over de weg ADRProtocol amending Article 1 a, Article 14 and Article 14 b of the European Agreement of 30 September 1957 concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by road ADR
gen.Psychoanalytisch Instituut, A'damPsychoanalytic Institute
gen.R.A.I. Tentoonstellings- en Congrescentrum, AmsterdamR.A.I. Exhibition and Congress Centre
med.recombinant-A genrecA gene
stat.reeks van type A van Gram-Charliertype A series
stat.reeks van type A van Gram-CharlierGram-Charlier series type A
account.rekening voor mutaties in het vermogenssaldo a.g.v. besparingen en kapitaaloverdrachtenchange in net worth due to saving and capital transfers account
fin.remail A-B-AA-B-A remail
fin.remail A-B-CA-B-C remail
account.rmutaties in het vermogenssaldo a.g.v. reële waarderingsverschillenchanges in net worth due to real holding gains/losses
fin.rubrieken van de schema's A, B en Cheadings in schedules A, B and C
construct.S.A.F.-bekkenSAF basin
med.S-A-knoopcentre of stimulus formation
interntl.trade.sectie A B/C/D van artikel XVIII van de GATTSection A B/C/D of Article of the GATT
polit.standpuntbepaling ten aanzien van een A-punta position on an "A" item
gen.Stichting het Schoolconcert, A'damSchool Concerts Organisation
gen.Stichting Internationale Kommunikatie, A'damInternational Communications Group
gen.Stichting Jazz en Geïmproviseerde Muziek in Nederland, A'damDutch Jazz Organisation
gen.Stichting Landelijke Unie van Vrouwelijke Vrijwilligers, A'damNational Union of Women Volunteers
gen.Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, A'damMathematics Centre
gen.Stichting ter bevordering van de vertaling van Nederlands letterkundig werk, A'damFoundation for Translations
gen.Stichting ter bevordering van de vertaling van Nederlands letterkundig werk, A'dam..Foundation for the Promotion of the Translation of Dutch Literary Works
gen.Stichting Veiligheidsinstituut, A'damSafety Research Institute
gen.Subgroep A : Thermische Isolatie van GebouwenSubgroup A on the Thermal Insulation of Buildings
fin.systeem van controle a posterioriex post facto control arrangement
cultur., commun.t.a.v.for the attention of
cultur., commun.t.a.v.attn.
lawt.a.v.derden geldend gemaakt rechtright exercised against third parties
law, fin.tijdelijk voordeel t.a.v.de kasmiddelentemporary cash advantage
math.type-A-gebiedtype A region
math.type-A-reekstype A series
math.type-A-reeks van Gram-CharlierGram-Charlier series type A
math.type-A-verdeling van Neymantype A distribution
fin.uitgifte a pariissue at par
earth.sc., life.sc.UV-A-stralingultraviolet A radiation
earth.sc., life.sc.UV-A-stralinglong-wavelength ultraviolet radiation
earth.sc., life.sc.UV-A-stralingultraviolet A
environ.UV-A-stralingUVA radiation
earth.sc., life.sc.UV-A-stralinglong-wave ultraviolet radiation
health., pharma.V&A inzake intrekking van aanvraagQ&A on withdrawal of application
health., pharma.V&A inzake weigeringQ&A on refusal
gen.varieren van a tot bvary between a and b
gen.varieren van a tot brange from a to b
environ.veerkracht t.a.v.antropogene invloedresilience vis-à-vis anthropic influences
health.verbod t.a.v.de betrokken diersoortprohibition affecting the species involved
gen.Vereniging tot integratie van homoseksualiteit , A'daman organization concerned with equal rights for homosexuals
market.verliessaldo A° P°loss carried over
market.verliessaldo A° P°balance of loss brought forward
market.verliessaldo A° P°loss carried forward
market.verliessaldo A° P°accumulated losses
astronaut., transp.vervorming a.g.v. belastingdeflection under load
astronaut., transp.vervorming a.g.v. belastingdeflection
earth.sc., life.sc.vlieghoogte ten opzichte van N.A.P.flying altitude above mean sea level
lab.law.Vrouwen actie-comité voor vervroegd AOW-pensioen, A'damWomen's Action Committee on lowering the age at which retirement pension is payable
social.sc.W.A.I.S. -testWechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
insur., transp., avia.W.A. luchtvaartuigenaircraft liability
gen.W.A.O.-uitkeringstatutory disability payment
transp.W.A.-verzekeringinsurance against civil liability
insur.W.A. zee- en binnenschepenLiability for ships sea, lake and river and canal vessels
gen.Werkgroep Kleine Dansgroepen, A'damAssociation of Small Dance Groups
insur.Wet van 9-11-1972,houdende enige gemeenschappelijke bepalingen t.a.v.de algemene burgerlijke pensioenwet en andere overheidspensioenwettenJoint Provisions Act
polit.wordt vermoedelijk A-puntlikely to become an "I" item
polit.wordt vermoedelijk A-puntlikely to become an "A" item