
Terms for subject Microsoft containing voce | all forms | exact matches only
elemento del flusso di lavoro vociline item workflow work item (A workflow work item that is created by a line item workflow instance)
eliminazione vocientry pruning (The process of removing entries from the catalog)
flusso di lavoro vociline item workflow (A workflow created for each line item in a workflow document)
gerarchia di codici di voce doganalecommodity code hierarchy (A category hierarchy that orders categories that are created from commodity codes)
Posizione voceLine Item Order (The display name of an attribute that specifies the position of an item in the list of contract line items)
prodotto voce di spesaexpense product (A received product that is a current asset, not held for sale or consumed in production, and for which there is no stock control policy requiring quantity tracking or inventory control policy requiring stock value tracking, and for which there is an accounting policy requiring the recording of the cost as an expense)
tipo di voceentry type (The kind of tool used to store Account History, Business Contact History or Opportunity (for example, an e-mail message, note, task, or appointment). The type of utility used to store an entry)
Viva voceSpeakerphone (The name of a device profile that is activated when the device is used as a speaker phone)
voce Averecredit (An account entry that typically increases liabilities, owners' equity, or income, and decreases assets or expenses)
voce contabileaccount entry (A record of the increase or decrease in economic value classified by a ledger account)
voce contabile giornale di registrazione secondariosubledger journal account entry (An account entry in a subledger journal account)
voce del Diariojournal entry (An item in the Journal folder that acts as a shortcut to an activity that has been recorded)
voce dell'elenco di supervisionesupervision list entry (" An individual item on the list of e-mail addresses or users that are subject to or excepted from the actions of the closed campus supervision policy or anti-bullying supervision policy. For example, a bully's e-mail address would be an entry on the supervision list of a "victim", and a parent's e-mail address might be added as an entry on the supervision list of their child, who is a student subject to the closed campus supervision policy. ")
voce di associazionebinding entry (A mapping between a field in a table and a variable. In the ADO Visual C++ extensions, Recordset fields are mapped to C/C++ variables)
voce di collegamentonesting (A media entry in a Web playlist that references another Web playlist file)
voce di collegamento multimedialemedia link entry (An entry in a data feed that contains a reference to a related media resource. This is the Open Data Protocol (OData) representation of an entity that has related binary large object data that is not serialized in the data feed)
voce di contrattocontract line (The specific description in a contract of the service support to be provided, including pricing and how support is to be allotted)
voce di controllo di accessoaccess control entry (An entry in either a securable object's discretionary access control list (DACL) or an object's system access control list (SACL). In a DACL, the entry grants or denies permissions to a user or group. In a SACL, the entry specifies which security events to audit for a particular user or group or controls the Windows Integrity Level for the object)
voce di contropartitaoffset entry (In allocations, an entry used to balance the account, dimension, or other field information for the allocation destination. Offset entries typically clear or reduce the source amounts)
voce di file multimedialemedia entry (An individual entry in a playlist that specifies the location of a media asset, and for Web playlists, additional attributes such as whether the media asset can be sought or skipped by clients during playback)
voce di indice analiticoindex entry (A field code that marks specific text for inclusion in an index. When you mark text as an index entry, Microsoft Office Word inserts an XE (Index Entry) field formatted as hidden text)
voce di listinoprice list item (The individual elements that represent the product and properties that compose a price list)
voce di loglog entry (A record in a log file)
voce di menumenu item (" A choice on a menu, selectable by either the keyboard or a mouse. In some instances, a menu item that is not available (that is, not appropriate) for a given situation is "grayed" (dimmed in comparison to the valid menu choices).")
voce di registrolog entry (A record in a log file)
voce di ruolorole entry (The individual entry on a management role. Role entries provide access to cmdlets, scripts, and other special permissions that let users perform a specific task. A role entry is often a single cmdlet and the parameters that members of a role group can run when the role is assigned to the role group)
voce doganalecommodity (Interchangeable products with no physical differentiation that are supplied by multiple vendors)
voce metaversemetaverse entry (An Identity Lifecycle Manager (ILM) 2007 object that has been projected into the metaverse from a connector space object and is linked to at least one object in the connector space. A metaverse entry represents the aggregated view of objects from one or several connected data sources)
voce secondariasubentry (" An index entry that falls under a more general heading. For example, the index entry "planets" could have the subentries "Mars" and "Venus.")