
Terms for subject Microsoft containing sulla | all forms | exact matches only
autenticazione basata sulle attestazioniclaims-based authentication (The process of authenticating a user based on a set of claims about the user's identity contained in a trusted token. This token is often issued and signed by an entity that is able to authenticate the user by other means, and that is trusted by the entity doing the claims-based authentication)
basato sulla data di scadenzaend date-based (Pertaining to a computer running FlexGo technology that meters computer usage until a defined usage expiration date. The usage expiration date can be extended by days or months, on a recurring basis)
commento sull'articoloitem comment (A comment attached to an item and entered by a cashier or appearing at the point of sale or on receipts)
dati sulle prestazioniperformance data (Sampled numeric data collected from Windows NT performance counters)
enumerazione basata sull'accessoaccess-based enumeration (A feature that displays only the files and folders that a user has permissions to access)
esplorazione basata sulla ricercaSearch-Driven Navigation (A set of controls that helps users navigate directly to where they want to go in SharePoint, without having to navigate the hierarchy or edit the URL)
identità basata sulle attestazioniclaims-based identity (A unique identifier that represents a specific user, application, computer, or other entity, enabling it to gain access to multiple resources, such as applications and network resources, without entering credentials multiple times. It also enables resources to validate requests from an entity)
imposta sulle societàvennootschapsbelasting A corporation tax in the Netherlands (Paesi Bassi)
imposta sulle societàVpB A corporation tax in the Netherlands (Paesi Bassi)
informativa sulla privacyprivacy policy (An organization's requirements for complying with privacy regulations and directives)
Informativa sulla privacy di Microsoft UpdateMicrosoft Update Privacy Statement (A privacy statement that explains the data collection and use practices of the Windows Update and Microsoft Update Services)
informazioni sull'attivitàtask information (Information provided about a specific task)
Informazioni sull'indirizzo condivisoShared Address Information (An IP address of the OneNote session that is being shared with other users)
informazioni sulla risorsaresource information (The categories of information shown in the Resource Sheet view that specify details about a resource, such as name, type, group, maximum units, and standard rate)
informazioni sulla società esternacompany information (Information specified by an external account or contact)
informazioni sulla società esternacompany information (Information specified by an external account or contact)
Informazioni sulle eccezioniException Assistant (A Visual Studio debugging tool that provides information about the cause of an exception in a Visual Basic or Visual C program)
localizzare sulla mappamap (To display an address or location on a map)
metodo di ammortamento a quote costanti basato sulla vita utile del cespitestraight-line service life depreciation method (A method of depreciation that calculates the depreciation of a fixed asset as a fixed amount in each depreciation period)
metodo di ammortamento a quote costanti basato sulla vita utile rimanente del cespitestraight-line service life remaining depreciation method (A method of depreciation that calculates the depreciation of a fixed asset as a fixed amount in each depreciation period. There will be a difference in the depreciation amount calculated between straight-line service life remaining and straight-line service life when there is an adjustment posted to the asset)
nota sulla chiamatacall note (A note with general information about the call, such as subject, that is generated by the ACD to potentially be forwarded or transferred along with the call)
nota sulla conversazioneconversation note (A note you type on the Notes tab of a conversation window to potentially be forwarded along with the call and saved in the call history)
note sulla versionerelease notes (A document that contains general release information and late changes. It is one of the deliverables leading to the release readiness approved milestone)
notifica sulla ricezione del messaggiomessage disposition notification (A request for disposition information from a recipient after a message has been successfully delivered. The information might include whether the message was displayed, printed, or deleted without display, or if a recipient refused to send notification)
notifica sulla ricezione del messaggioMDN (A request for disposition information from a recipient after a message has been successfully delivered. The information might include whether the message was displayed, printed, or deleted without display, or if a recipient refused to send notification)
notifiche sulla qualità videovideo quality notifications (Alerts to Lync users about the quality of the network, computer, camera, and lighting conditions)
posizione lavorativa di riferimento per indagine sulle retribuzionisalary survey reference job (A benchmark job description provided by the administrator of a salary survey (usually a third party) that allows different companies to compare their internal jobs to a standard description found in the marketplace)
programmazione basata sulle risorseeffort-driven scheduling (The default method of scheduling in Project; the duration of a task shortens or lengthens as resources are added or removed from a task, while the amount of effort necessary to complete a task remains unchanged)
relazione sulle risorseresource report (Printed information about a project's resources, which usually includes information about costs and the allocation of resources)
relazione sullo statostatus report (A description of the status of a member's project work and related work)
report sulla velocitàvelocity report (A report that provides a measure of the rate of work accomplished per iteration unit of time)
retribuzione basata sulla produttivitàpay per performance (An employee payment system that is based on measures of goals and reviews. Employees receive increased compensation for their work if they or their team, department, or company reaches certain targets)
scrivi sulla bachecawrite on wall (To post a message on a friend's Facebook wall)
Servizio Web di informazioni sulle registrazioni di certificatiCertificate Enrollment Policy Web Service (A role service within the AD CS server role that enables users and computers to obtain certificate enrollment policy information even when the computer is not a member of a domain or if a domain-joined computer is temporarily outside the security boundary of the corporate network)
sottomenu sulla barra di navigazioneoverflow crumb (A subfolder in the breadcrumb bar's overflow menu)