
Terms for subject Microsoft containing protocollo | all forms | exact matches only
Centralized Conference Control Protocol, protocollo CCCPCentralized Conference Control Protocol (A custom protocol for communicating conference creation and control commands from clients to Communications Server)
impostazione del protocolloprotocol setting (A setting that defines how business transactions are to be supported for a specific business-to-business protocol. Each business profile defines the various settings for processing messages (encoding) or transmitting messages (transport) for each of the business-to-business protocols over which the partner can communicate. A protocol setting can be for encoding protocols or for a transport protocol)
protocollo di allocazione della larghezza di banda, Bandwidth Allocation Protocolbandwidth allocation protocol (A Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) control protocol that is used on a multiprocessing connection to dynamically add and remove links)
protocollo di autenticazione Kerberos V5Kerberos V5 authentication protocol (An authentication mechanism used to verify user or host identity. The Kerberos V5 authentication protocol is the default authentication service. Internet Protocol security (IPsec) can use the Kerberos protocol for authentication)
protocollo di codificaencoding protocol (A protocol that governs the structure and content of a business-to-business message. The encoding protocol settings for a business profile define the encoding protocol that a business division uses to send and receive business-to-business messages. Some examples of encoding protocols are X12, EDIFACT, HIPAA, and EANCOM)
protocollo di comunicazionecommunications protocol (A set of rules or standards designed to enable computers to connect with one another and to exchange information with as little error as possible. The protocol generally accepted for standardizing overall computer communications is a seven-layer set of hardware and software guidelines known as the OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model. A somewhat different standard, widely used before the OSI model was developed, is IBM's SNA (Systems Network Architecture). The word protocol is often used, sometimes confusingly, in reference to a multitude of standards affecting different aspects of communication, such as file transfer (for example, XMODEM and ZMODEM), handshaking (for example, XON/XOFF), and network transmissions (for example, CSMA/CD))
protocollo di protezionesecurity protocol (A specification that defines security-related data objects and rules about how the objects are used to maintain security on a computer system)
protocollo di recapitodelivery protocol (The set of communication rules used to route notification messages to external delivery systems)
protocollo di retenetwork protocol (A set of rules and parameters that defines and enables communication through a network)
Protocollo di stato del certificato onlineOnline Certificate Status Protocol A protocol that allows real-time validation of a certificate's status by having the CryptoAPI make a call to an OCSP responder and the OCSP responder providing an immediate validation of the revocation status for the presented certificate. Typically, an OCSP responder responds with the revocation status check request based on the certificate revocation list (CRL) or other forms of revocation status it retrieves from the certification authorities (OCSP)
protocollo di trasportotransport protocol (A protocol that governs the transport channel used for sending messages back and forth between two partners. With respect to trading partner management (TPM), only the AS2 protocol is supported)
protocollo DiscardDiscard Protocol (An application layer protocol in which a Discard server throws away whatever data is received)
protocollo DRTDRT protocol (The protocol used to exchange cache information and find routes in the DRT mesh)
protocollo IKE, Internet Key ExchangeInternet Key Exchange (A protocol that establishes the security association and shared keys necessary for computers to communicate by using Internet Protocol security (IPsec))
protocollo IMAPInternet Message Access Protocol (A method computers use to send and receive e-mail messages. It allows you to access e-mail without downloading it to your computer)
protocollo IPInternet Protocol (A routable protocol in the TCP/IP protocol suite that is responsible for IP addressing, routing, and the fragmentation and reassembly of IP packets)
protocollo IP versione 4Internet Protocol version 4 (An Internet Protocol that has 32-bit source and destination addresses. IPv4 is the predecessor of IPv6)
protocollo L2CAPlogical link control and adaptation protocol (A protocol used in personal wireless network applications that provides connection-oriented and connectionless data services to upper layer protocols with protocol multiplexing capability, segmentation and reassembly operation, and group abstractions)
protocollo 2PCtwo-phase commit (A protocol that ensures that transactions that apply to more than one server are completed on all servers or none at all. Two-phase commit is coordinated by the transaction manager and supported by resource managers)
protocollo PCTPrivate Communication Technology (A proposed protocol standard that supports authentication and encryption to secure privacy in Internet communications. PCT is similar to the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol)
protocollo POP3Post Office Protocol version 3 (An Internet standard protocol that allows a user to download e-mail from his or her inbox on a server to the client computer where messages are managed. This protocol works well for computers that are unable to maintain a continuous connection to a server)
protocollo PXEPXE protocol (An extension to the DHCP protocol that enables information to be sent to network-bootable systems and enables these systems to find RIS servers)
protocollo server WebWeb Server protocol (A language or protocol used by all Web servers to communicate with Web browsers)
protocollo S2SS2S protocol (An authentication protocol between two servers or services)
protocollo S2Sserver-to-server protocol (An authentication protocol between two servers or services)
protocollo WebSocketWebSocket protocol (A feature of Internet Information Services (IIS) that lets the server establish a long-running, full-duplex, bidirectional TCP connection to the client and that lets the server push data to the client)
protocollo WEP, Wired Equivalent PrivacyWired Equivalent Privacy (An encryption algorithm system included as part of the 802.11 standard, developed by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers as a security measure to protect wireless LANs from casual eavesdropping. WEP uses a shared secret key to encrypt packets before transmission between wireless LAN devices and monitors packets in transit to detect attempts at modification. WEP offers both 40-bit and 128-bit hardware-based encryption options)
risponditore Protocollo di stato del certificato onlineOnline Certificate Status Protocol responder A computer on which the Online Responder service and Online Responder web proxy are running (OCSP)
sostituzione del protocolloprotocol rollover (A procedure that enables switching from one protocol to another when a Windows Media server fails to make a connection using a particular protocol)
stack di protocolliprotocol stack (A complete set of protocols that work together to enable communication on a network)