
Terms for subject Environment containing naturale | all forms | exact matches only
Accordo parziale aperto in materia di prevenzione, di protezione e di organizzazione dei soccorsi contro i grandi rischi naturali e tecnologiciOpen Partial Agreement on Major Hazards EUR-OPA
Accordo parziale aperto in materia di prevenzione, di protezione e di organizzazione dei soccorsi contro i grandi rischi naturali e tecnologiciOpen partial agreement on the prevention of, protection against, and organisation of relief in major natural and technological disasters
Accordo parziale aperto in materia di prevenzione, di protezione e di organizzazione dei soccorsi contro i grandi rischi naturali e tecnologiciEUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement
acqua minerale naturale utilizzata a fini curativinatural mineral water used for curative purposes
ambiente naturalenatural environment The complex of atmospheric, geological and biological characteristics found in an area in the absence of artifacts or influences of a well developed technological, human culture
ambiente naturalenatural environment
analisi del rischio naturalenatural risk analysis
area naturalenatural area An area in which natural processes predominate, fluctuations in numbers of organisms are allowed free play and human intervention is minimal
area naturalenatural area
area naturale protettawilderness area
area naturale protettanatural area
area naturale sensibilesensitive natural area Terrestrial or aquatic area or other fragile natural setting with unique or highly-valued environmental features
area naturale sensibilesensitive natural area
areale naturalenatural range
autodepurazione naturalenatural self-purification
autodepurazione naturaleself-purifying capacity
bacino di decantazione naturale per le acque inquinatenatural settling pond for polluted waters
base ecologica per la gestione dell'ambiente naturaleecological basis for environmental management
bellezza naturalenatural beauty
bilancio naturalebalance of nature
calamità naturalenatural disaster
capitale naturale criticocritical natural capital
catastrofe naturalenatural disaster
comitato per la conservazione degli habitat naturali e seminaturali e della flora e della fauna selvaticheCommittee on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora
concentrazione di fondo naturalebackground concentration
Conferenza internazionale sui sistemi di preallarme per la riduzione dei disastri naturaliInternational Conference on Early Warning Systems for the Reduction of Natural Disasters
Conferenza mondiale sulla riduzione dei disastri naturaliWorld Conference on Disaster Reduction
conservazione degli habitat naturaliconservation of natural habitats
conservazione delle risorse naturalinatural resource conservation
conservazione delle risorse naturalinatural resource conservation The management of living and non-living resources in such a way as to sustain the maximum benefit for present and future generations
conservazione delle risorse naturalipreservation of natural resources
contabilitá delle risorse naturalinatural resource accounting
Convenzione relativa alla conservazione della vita selvatica e dell'ambiente naturale in EuropaBern Convention
Convenzione relativa alla conservazione della vita selvatica e dell'ambiente naturale in EuropaConvention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats
copertura naturalenatural vegetation
copertura naturalenatural cover
Decennio internazionale per la riduzione dei disastri naturaliInternational Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction
degrado dell'ambiente naturaledeterioration of the natural environment
degrado delle risorse naturalidegradation of natural resources The result of the cumulative activities of farmers, households, and industries, all trying to improve their socio-economic well being. These activities tend to be counterproductive for several reasons. People may not completely understand the long-term consequences of their activities on the natural resource base. The most important ways in which human activity is interfering with the global ecosystem are: 1. fossil fuel burning which may double the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration by the middle of the next century, as well as further increasing the emissions of sulphur and nitrogen very significantly; 2. expanding agriculture and forestry and the associated use of fertilizers (nitrogen and phosphorous) are significantly altering the natural circulation of these nutrients; 3. increased exploitation of the freshwater system both for irrigation in agriculture and industry and for waste disposal
degrado delle risorse naturalidegradation of natural resources
depurazione naturalebiological treatment
depurazione naturalebiological purification
depurazione naturalebiological epuration
deterioramento del manto vegetale naturaledeterioration of natural vegetation
deterioramento della copertura naturaledeterioration of natural vegetation
dinamica naturalenatural dynamics
direttiva relativa alla conservazione degli habitat naturali e seminaturali e della flora e della fauna selvaticheHabitats Directive
direttiva relativa alla conservazione degli habitat naturali e seminaturali e della flora e della fauna selvaticheDirective on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora
disastro naturalenatural disaster Violent, sudden and destructive change in the environment without cause from human activity, due to phenomena such as floods, earthquakes, fire and hurricanes
ecosistema acquatico naturalenatural aquatic community
ecosistema forestale quasi-naturalesubnatural forest ecosystem
esaurimento delle risorse naturaliexhaustion of natural resources
estrazione di gas naturalenatural gas extraction The tapping of natural gas from wells located under the sea and in general from underground sources often in association with petroleum deposits; it is used as a fuel, having largely replaced coal-gas for this purpose, and as a source of intermediates for organic synthesis
faglia geologica naturalenaturally occuring repository
faglie geologiche naturalinaturally occurring repositories
Federazione dei parchi naturali e nazionali d'EuropaFederation of European Nature and National Parks
fertilità naturalenatural fertility
fertilizzante naturalenatural fertiliser
fertilizzante naturalenatural fertiliser Organic material added to the soil to supply chemical elements needed for plant nutrition
fibra naturalenatural fibre A textile fiber of mineral, plant or animal origin
foresta naturalenatural forest A forest area that has developed free from the influence of humans and remains largely unaffected by their activities. The natural forest may include, but is not necessarily equivalent to, an old-growth forest
fosfato naturalerock phosphate
fosfato naturalemineral phosphate
gas naturalenatural gas A natural fuel containing methane and hydrocarbons that occurs in certain geologic formations
gestione dell'ambiente naturalenature management
gestione dell'ambiente naturaleenvironmental management
gestione delle risorse naturalimanagement of natural resources Planned use of natural resources, in particular of non-renewable resources, in accordance with principles that assure their optimum long-term economic and social benefits
gestione delle risorse naturalimanagement of natural resources
Giornata internazionale per la riduzione dei disastri naturaliInternational Day for Natural Disaster Reduction
habitat naturale di interesse comunitarionatural habitat type of Community interest
irradiazioni dovute alle radiazioni naturali di fondoexposure to natural background radiation
isola di varietà genetica naturaleisland of natural genetic diversity
lago eutrofico naturalenatural eutrophic lake
materiale naturalenatural material
materiale naturalenatural material No definition needed
materiale organico proveniente da prodotti naturali es. grasso, ceraorganic matter from natural products e.g. grease, wax
monumento naturalenatural monument A natural/cultural feature which is of outstanding or unique value because of its inherent rarity, representative of aesthetic qualities or cultural significance. Guidance for selection of a natural monument is: 1. The area should contain one or more features of outstanding significance (appropriate natural features include spectacular waterfalls, caves, craters, fossil beds, sand dunes and marine features, along with unique or representative fauna and flora; associated cultural features might include cave dwellings, cliff-top forts, archaeological sites, or natural sites which have heritage significance to indigenous peoples).; 2. The area should be large enough to protect the integrity of the feature and its immediately related surroundings
paesaggio naturalevirgin landscape
paesaggio naturalenatural scenery
paesaggio naturalenatural site
paesaggio naturalenatural scenery An area where human effects, if present, are not significant to the landscape as a whole
parco naturalenature park
parco naturalenatural park A designation of project lands which preserves natural resources for their scientific, scenic, cultural and/or educational value by limiting development and management practices. Land managed to protect rare and endangered species of flora and fauna will be designed as natural areas
parco naturalenatural park
parco naturale regionaleregional natural park
parco naturale regionaleregional natural park A park operated and managed by a region
parco nazionale federale parchi nazionali interamente costituiti come riserve naturali ed ogni altro uso del territorio è pertanto vietato,al contrario di quanto avviene in altre forme di parco nazionale dove possono essere ammesse altre attività come il pascolo o l'utilizzazione dei boschi,sia pure in forma moderatanational park
patrimonio naturalenatural heritage Generally, the world's natural resources as handed down to the present generation, and specifically, the earth's outstanding physical, biological and geological formations, and habitats of threatened species of animals and plants and areas with scientific, conservation or aesthetic value
pericoli naturalinatural hazard The probability of occurrence, within a specific period of time in a given area of a potentially damaging phenomenon of nature
pericolosità naturalenatural hazard
perturbazione naturalenatural disturbance
pianura alluvionale naturalenatural floodplain
pietra naturalenatural stone A gemstone that occurs in nature, as distinguished from a man-made substitute
prevenzione dei rischi naturalinatural risks prevention Precautionary measures, actions or installations implemented to avert the probability of harm to humans, property or natural resources posed by conditions or events in the environment neither initiated nor formed by human activity
prevenzione dei rischi naturalinatural risks prevention
processo naturalenatural process
progetto "Aree naturali"Wilderness project
Programma di lavoro della Commissione riguardante un progetto sperimentale per la raccolta, il coordinamento e l'uniformazione dell'informazione sullo stato dell'ambiente e delle risorse naturali nella ComunitàCoordination of Information on the Environment
Programma di lavoro della Commissione riguardante un progetto sperimentale per la raccolta, il coordinamento e l'uniformazione dell'informazione sullo stato dell'ambiente e delle risorse naturali nella ComunitàCommission work programme concerning an experimental project for gathering, coordinating and ensuring the consistency of information on the state of the environment and natural resources in the Community
Programma europeo per la climatologia ed i rischi naturaliEuropean Programme on Climatology and Natural Hazards
prospezione di gas naturalenatural gas exploration Underground prospection conducted with various methods to discover natural gas deposits which are usually found in the immediate vicinity of crude petroleum
prospezione di gas naturalenatural gas exploration
protezione degli habitat naturali e seminaturaliProtection of natural and semi-natural habitats
protezione dell'ambiente naturalenature protection
protezione delle aree naturalinatural areas protection Active management of nature areas in order to ensure that wildlife is protected and the quality of its environment is maintained
protezione delle aree naturalinatural areas protection
purificazione di gas naturalenatural gas purification
radioattività naturalenatural radioactivity Radiation stemming mainly from uranium, present in small amounts in many rocks, soils, building material, etc.
respirazione naturale dell'acquanatural respiration of water
ricchezze naturali comuniglobal commons
ricettacolo naturale dell'inquinamentonatural environmental receptor of pollution
rifiuti da fibre tessili grezze ed altre sostanze fibrose naturali, principalmente di origine vegetalewastes from unprocessed textile fibres and other natural fibrous substances mainly of vegetable origin
rifiuti dal processo di purificazione del gas naturalewastes from natural gas purification
rifiuti dal processo di purificazione del gas naturalewastes from natural gas purification and transportation
Rifiuti della raffinazione del petrolio, purificazione del gas naturale e trattamento pirolitico del carboneWastes from petroleum refining, natural gas purification and pyrolytic treatment of coal
rifiuti della raffinazione del petrolio purificazione del gas naturale e trattamento pirolitico del carbonewastes from petroleum refining, natural gas purification and pyrolytic treatment of coal
rigenerazione naturalenatural regeneration The replacement by an organism of tissues or organs which have been lost or severely injured
rischio naturalenatural risk Probability of harm to human health, property or the environment posed by any aspect of the physical world other than human activity
riserva di luoghi naturaliarea of special planning control
riserva di luoghi naturaliarea of outstanding natural beauty
riserva naturalenature reserve Areas allocated to preserve and protect certain animals and plants, or both. They differ from national park, which are largely a place for public recreation, because they are provided exclusively to protect species for their own sake. Endangered species are increasingly being kept in nature reserves to prevent them from extinction, particularly in India, Indonesia and some African countries. Natural reserves were used once to preserve the animals that landowners hunted, but, in the 19th century, they became places where animals were kept to prevent them from dying out. Special refuges and sanctuaries are also often designated to protect certain species or groups of wild animals or plants, especially if their numbers and distribution have been significantly reduced. They also serve as a place for more plentiful species to rest, breed or winter. Many parts of the world also have marine and aquatic reserves to protect different species of sea or freshwater plant and animal life
riserva naturaleresearch natural area
riserva naturale europeaEuropean nature reserve
riserva naturale europeaEuropean nature reserve No definition needed
riserva naturale integraleintegral natural reserve Areas allocated to preserve and protect certain animals and plants, or both. They differ from national parks, which are largely a place for public recreation, because they are provided exclusively to protect species for their own sake. Endangered species are increasingly being kept in nature reserves to prevent them from extinction. Nature reserves also serve as a place for more plentiful species to rest, breed or winter
riserva naturale integraleintegral natural reserve
riserva naturale integralefully protected integral reserve
riserva naturale marinamarine reserve
riserva naturale volontariavoluntary natural reserve Area of national interest which is protected under the responsibility of its owner in order to safeguard wildlife, archeological and geological sites
riserva naturale volontariavoluntary natural reserve
risorsa naturalenatural resource
risorsa naturale non rinnovabilenon-regenerating natural resource
risorsa naturale non riproducibilenon-regenerating natural resource
risorse naturalinatural resource A feature or component of the natural environment that is of value in serving human needs, e.g. soil, water, plantlife, wildlife, etc. Some natural resources have an economic value (e.g. timber) while others have a "noneconomic" value (e.g. scenic beauty)
risorse naturali comunishared natural resources
risorse naturali riproducibilinatural resource which has a regenerative capability
santuario naturalewildlife sanctuary 1. An area, usually in natural condition, which is reserved (set aside) by a governmental or private agency for the protection of particular species of animals during part or all of the year. 2. An area designated for the protection of wild animals, within which hunting and fishing is either prohibited or strictly controlled
santuario naturalewildlife sanctuary
schede meccanografiche color naturalebuff tabulating cards
scienze naturalinatural science The branches of science dealing with objectively measurable phenomena pertaining to the transformation and relationships of energy and matter; includes biology, physics, and chemistry
sedimentazione naturaleunhindered settling
sfruttamento adeguato delle risorse naturalimoderate utilization of natural resources
sistema di drenaggio naturalenatural drainage system
sistema euromediterraneo di prevenzione, attenuazione e gestione delle catastrofi naturali e causate dall'uomoEuromediterranean system of mitigation, prevention and management of natural and man-made disasters
sistema euromediterraneo per la prevenzione, il contenimento ed il controllo delle calamità di origine umana e naturaleEuromediterranean system of mitigation, prevention and management of natural and man-made disasters
Sistema per lo scambio di informazioni sui disastri naturali e ambientaliNatural and Environmental Disaster Information Exchange System
sito naturalenatural site
spreco delle risorse naturaliwastage of natural resources
statistica delle popolazioni naturaliwildlife population statistics The numerical facts or data collected through various methodologies, such as sighting surveys, which represent or estimate the size of any wildlife species for purposes such as analyzing population trends
statistica delle popolazioni naturaliwildlife population statistics
stato di conservazione di un habitat naturaleconservation status of a natural habitat
studio dei rischi naturalinatural risk analysis Analysis of the probability of occurrence, within a specific period of time in a given area, of a potentially damaging phenomenon of nature
studio dei rischi naturalinatural risk analysis
stuttura naturale delle acquenatural structure of the water
tenore naturaleback-ground level
tipo di habitat naturale d'interesse comunitarionatural habitat type of Community interest
tipo di habitat naturale prioritariopriority natural habitat type
torbiera alta degradata ancora suscettibile di rigenerazione naturaledegraded raised bog still capable of natural regeneration
Unione internazionale per la conservazione della natura e delle risorse naturaliInternational Union for Conservation of Nature
Unione internazionale per la conservazione della natura e delle risorse naturaliInternational Union for the Protection of Nature
Unione internazionale per la conservazione della natura e delle risorse naturaliWorld Conservation Union
Unione internazionale per la conservazione della natura e delle risorse naturaliInternational Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources
valutazione del patrimonio naturalenatural heritage assessment Evaluation of the natural structures, resources and landscapes to ensure their careful management and preservation
valutazione del patrimonio naturalenatural heritage assessment
vegetazione naturalenatural vegetation
vegetazione naturalenatural cover
zona naturale che presenta un interesse ecologico o relativo alla fauna o alla floranatural area which is of particular interest in terms of ecology or wildlife
zona naturale protettawilderness area
zona naturale protettanatural area
zona soggetta a disastri naturalidisaster-prone area
zona soggetta a disastri naturaliarea prone to natural disasters