
Terms for subject Environment containing materiale | all forms | exact matches only
altri materiali isolantiother insulation materials
altro materiale elettronico fuori uso per esempio: circuiti stampatiother discarded electronic equipment e.g. printed circuit boards
assorbenti, materiali filtranti, stracci, indumenti protettiviabsorbents, filter materials, wiping clothes and protective clothing
bilancio dei materialibalance of materials
bilancio materialimaterials balance
caduta di materiale dall'altowidow-maker
carico di materiali di rifiuto in sospensione nell'acquawaterborne waste load
cemento, mattoni, mattonelle, ceramiche e materiali in gessoconcrete, bricks, tiles, ceramics and gypsum based materials
cemento, mattoni, mattonelle, ceramiche e materiali in gessoconcrete, bricks, tiles, ceramics, and gypsum based materials
cemento,mattoni,mattonelle,ceramiche e materiali in gessoconcrete, bricks, tiles, ceramics, and gypsum based materials
cemento,mattoni,mattonelle,ceramiche e materiali in gessoconcrete, bricks, tiles and ceramics
ciclo di vita dei materialimaterial life cycle All the stages involved in the manufacturing, distribution and retail, use and re-use and maintenance, recycling and waste management of materials
ciclo di vita dei materialimaterial life cycle
Comitato per l'adeguamento al progresso tecnico - emissioni sonore delle macchine e dei materiali per cantieriCommittee for the Adaptation to Technical Progress of the Directives on Noise Emission of Construction Plant and Equipment
commissione d'inchiesta sulla gestione e il trasporto di materiale nucleareCommittee of Inquiry into the handling and transport of nuclear material
contaminazione di alimenti e prodotti per i consumatori dovuta al rilascio di materialeContamination of nutrition and consumer products due to material release
controllo del materiale in stoccaggiostock management
controllo del materiale in stoccaggiostock management The handling or controlling of accumulated materials or stored goods
costruzione con materiale riciclatoconstruction with recycled material Construction with waste product used as raw material
costruzione con materiale riciclatoconstruction with recycled material
discarica di materiale disseccatotipping of dry matter
Dispersione di materiale radioattivo nell'ambientedispersion of radioactive material to the environment
disponibilità dei materiali secondariavailability of secondary materials
disposizione sul materiale elettronico di scartoelectronic scrap regulation Government or management prescribed rule for the disposal and recycling of electric parts, circuits and systems, especially computer devices
disposizione sul materiale elettronico di scartoelectronic scrap regulation
eliminazione di materiale bellicodisposal of warfare materials Disposal of the material remnants of war, which can seriously impede development and cause injuries and the loss of lives and property. The disposal of warfare waste is problematic because it can be highly dangerous, toxic, long-living and requires the utilization of specific and sophisticated technologies, particularly in the case of mines and unexploded bombs which have been left on the war territories
eliminazione di materiale bellicodisposal of warfare materials
fanghi acquosi contenenti materiali ceramiciaqueous sludges containing ceramic materials
imballaggi in più materialimixed
imballaggio recuperabile sotto forma di riciclo del materialepackaging recoverable in the form of material recycling
industria dei materiali edilibuilding materials industry
industria di materiali elettricielectrical goods industry
industria di materiali elettricielectrical goods industry Economic activity for manufacturing electric material and devices
isolamento diretto di materiali pregiatidirect isolation of valuable materials
materiale alternativoalternative material Materials employed in the place of others which are more dangerous for the environment, such as phosphate substitutes in detergents
materiale ambientaleenvironmental material
materiale assorbente fibrosofibrous absorbing material
materiale audiovisivoaudiovisual equipment Equipment designed to aid in learning and teaching by making use of both hearing and sight
materiale da costruzionebuilding material Any material used in construction, such as steel, concrete, brick, masonry, glass, wood, etc.
materiale da costruzioneconstruction materials
materiale da lavoro pericolosohazardous working material A poison, corrosive agent, flammable substance, explosive, radioactive chemical, or any other material which can endanger human health or well-being if handled improperly
materiale da lavoro pericolosohazardous working material
materiale di decespugliamentobrush-clearance equipment
materiale di dragaggiodredged material Unconsolidated material removed from rivers, streams, and shallow seas with machines such as the bucket-ladder dredge, dragline dredge, or suction dredge
materiale di dragaggiodredged material
materiale di riempimentofilling material Any substance used to fill the holes and irregularities in planed or sanded surfaces so as to decrease the porosity of the surface for finish coatings
materiale di scartoscrap material Recyclable material from any manufacturing process or discarded consumer products (rifiuti)
materiale di scartowaste
materiale di scartowaste material
materiale di scarto (rifiutiscrap material
materiale di scavoexcavation heap
materiale di scavospoil
materiale di scavoexcavation heap Residue in form of a heap, consisting of earth or other material, produced by excavation
materiale di sostituzionealternative equipment
materiale di sterrospoil
materiale didatticoteaching material
materiale didatticoteaching material An article or device used to facilitate the learning process in an instructional setting
materiale elettronicoelectronic material
materiale elettronicoelectronic material No definition needed
materiale filtrantefilter medium
materiale filtrantefilter material
materiale impermeabilizzanteliner material A layer of synthetic or natural materials, on the sides of or beneath a landfill, landfill cell or surface impoundment, that restricts the downward or lateral escape of liquids carrying leachate into the surrounding environment
materiale impermeabilizzanteliner material
materiale in traccetrace material 1. Both metals and non-metals, essential for the metabolic processes of algae, invertebrates and vertebrates. Organisms that derive nearly all their energy via photosynthesis are especially dependent upon dissolved trace substances. 2. Impurities that are present at small but detectable levels
materiale in traccetrace material
materiale inerteinert material
materiale innovativonew material Novel high-performance materials obtained through the interdisciplinary research of chemistry, applied chemistry, chemical engineering, and mechanical engineering
materiale innovativonew material
materiale inquinatopolluted matter
materiale inquinatopolluted matter A solid, liquid or gas that has been contaminated, rendered impure or made unsafe for use
materiale insonorizzantesound insulation material
materiale insonorizzantesound insulation material Material used to reduce the transmission of sound to or from a body, device, room, etc.
materiale isolanteinsulating material Material that prevents or reduces the transmission of electricity, heat, or sound to or from a body, device or region
materiale locale da costruzionelocal building material
materiale naturalenatural material
materiale naturalenatural material No definition needed
materiale organico proveniente da prodotti naturali es. grasso, ceraorganic matter from natural products e.g. grease, wax
materiale particellare in sospensionesuspended particulate matter
materiale particolatoparticulates
materiale particolato atmosfericoparticulate matter in the atmosphere
materiale particolato atmosfericoatmospheric particulate A concentration of fine liquid or solid particles, such as dust, smoke, mist, fumes or smog, found in the atmosphere
materiale particolato atmosfericoparticulate matter
materiale particolato atmosfericoatmospheric particulate matter
materiale particolato depositatodeposited particulate matter
materiale per costruzioni stradaliroad construction material The aggregation of components used for building streets, highways and other routes, such as asphalt, concrete, brick, sand and gravel
materiale per costruzioni stradaliroad construction material
materiale per l'eliminazione dei rifiutiwaste destruction equipment
materiale per l'industriaindustrial material No definition needed
materiale portatorecarrier material
materiale radioattivo rimosso dal sitoradioactive material removed from the site
materiale riciclatorecycled material Waste materials that are transformed into new products in such a manner that the original products may lose their identity
materiale riciclatorecycled material
materiale sinteticosynthetic material
materiale sinteticosynthetic material Material made artificially by chemical reaction
materiale vegetaleplant material
materiali da costruzione a base di amiantoasbestos based construction materials
materiali da costruzione a base di gessogypsum based construction materials
materiali di riferimentoReference Materials
materiali di scarto a base di vetrowaste glass-based fibrous materials
materiali ferrosi separati dalle ceneri pesantiferrous materials removed from bottom ash
materiali isolanti contenenti amiantoinsulation materials containing asbestos
materiali nucleari contenuti nelle scorie e negli scartinuclear materials contained in wastes and discards
Materiali recuperatiReclaimed substances
messa in riserva di materialiaccumulation of material
operazione di deposito dei materiali radioattiviprocess of storing radioactive material
proprietà dei materialiproperties of materials The physical and chemical characteristics of the substances or parts of which a thing or object is made
proprietà dei materialiproperties of materials
prova dei materialitesting of materials The complex of tests performed in order to ascertain the characteristics and behaviour of materials; they are classified in physical and chemical tests, mechanical tests and technological tests
prova dei materialitesting of materials
reattività nei confronti del materiale del contenitorereactivity towards container material
riciclaggio dei materialirecycling of material
riciclaggio dei materialimaterial recycling
rifiuti da materiali compositi fibre impregnate, elastomeri, plastomeriwastes from composite materials impregnated textile, elastomer, plastomer
rifiuti della fabbricazione di altri materiali compositi in cementowastes from other cement-based composite materials
rifiuti della fabbricazione di cemento, calce e gesso e manufatti con questi materialiwastes from manufacture of cement, lime and plaster and articles and products made from them
rifiuti della fabbricazione di cemento,calce e gesso e manufatti con questi materialiwastes from manufacture of cement, lime and plaster and articles and products made from them
rifiuti della fabbricazione di prodotti di ceramica, mattoni, mattonelle e materiali da costruzionewastes from manufacture of ceramic goods, bricks, tiles and constructions products
rifiuti della fabbricazione di prodotti di ceramica,mattoni,mattonelle e materiali da costruzionewastes from manufacture of ceramic goods, bricks, tiles and construction products
rifiuti della fusione di materiali ferrosiwastes from casting of ferrous pieces
rifiuti della fusione di materiali non ferrosiwastes from casting of non-ferrous pieces
Rifiuti derivanti dalla prospezione, l'estrazione, il trattamento e l'ulteriore lavorazione di minerali e materiali di cavaWaste resulting from exploration, mining, dressing and further treatment of minerals and quarrying
rifiuti derivanti dalla prospezione,l'estrazione,il trattamento e l'ulteriore lavorazione di minerali e materiali di cavawastes resulting from exploration, mining, quarrying, and physical and chemical treatment of minerals
rifiuti derivanti dalla prospezione,l'estrazione,il trattamento e l'ulteriore lavorazione di minerali e materiali di cavawaste resulting from exploration, mining, dressing and further treatment of minerals and quarrying
riutilizzazione di materialireuse of materials Any re-utilization of products or components, in original form, such as when used glass bottles are sterilized and refilled for resale
riutilizzazione di materialireuse of materials
robustezza dei materialistrength of materials
robustezza dei materialistrength of materials No definition needed
scienza dei materialimaterials science
scienza dei materialimaterials science The study of the nature, behaviour, and use of materials applied to science and technology
selezione del materiale contaminatoclassification of contaminated material
sospensioni acquose contenenti materiali ceramiciaqueous suspensions containing ceramic materials
stracci,materiali filtranti e indumenti protettivinon specificati altrimentipackaging, absorbents, wiping cloths, filter materials and protective clothing not otherwise specified
stracci,materiali filtranti e indumenti protettivinon specificati altrimentiabsorbents, wiping cloths, filter materials and protective clothing not otherwise specified
stracci,materiali filtranti e indumenti protettivinon specificati altrimentiwaste packaging
suole di carbone usate e materiali incombustibili dall'elettrolisiused carbon strips and fireproof materials from electrolysis
tecnologia dei materialimaterials technology Any technical means or equipment used for the production and optimization of material goods that consist of any of a diverse range of properties, either alone or in combination, such as glass, metal, plastics and ceramics
terra e materiali di dragaggiosoil and dredging spoil
terra e materiali di dragaggiosoil including excavated soil from contaminated sites, stones and dredging spoil
valorizzazione di rifiuti come materialiuse of waste as material