
Terms for subject Microsoft containing linear | all forms
attenuazione linearelinear attenuation (The intensity of a beam of light that diminishes at a constant rate as it gets further from the light source)
espressione linearelinear expression (An option that changes a 2-dimensional linear expression, such as 5^2, to a built-up (3-dimensional) format)
frazione linearelinear fraction (A fraction that is written on a single line: the numerator is placed on the left, followed by the fraction bar, and the denominator on the right. Example: 3/4)
interpolazione linearelinear interpolation (One of three methods used to describe how an animation transitions between values over its duration. This method produces a constant rate of change)
programmazione linearelinear programming (The process of creating programs that find optimal solutions for systems of equations (composed of linear functions) in which the terms given are not sufficient to derive a straightforward solution)
programmazione linearelinear programming (The process of creating programs that find optimal solutions for systems of equations (composed of linear functions) in which the terms given are not sufficient to derive a straightforward solution)
ricerca linearelinear search (A simple, though inefficient, search algorithm that operates by sequentially examining each element in a list until the target element is found or the last item has been completely processed. Linear searches are primarily used for very short lists)
sfumatura linearelinear gradient (A brush where one color gradually transitions into another along a line)
tempo linearelinear time (A function that has a run time of O(n); that is, if the function operates on a collection of n items, the function might have to examine each item in the collection, performing up to n comparisons)
Venn lineareLinear Venn (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show overlapping relationships in a sequence. Works best with Level 1 text only)