
Terms for subject Microsoft containing funzione | all forms | exact matches only
attività di funzionefunction activity (A workflow activity for simple data manipulations as a result of a request, e.g. concatenating the first name and last name of a user to produce the display name)
chiamata funzione mountmount call (A call to the mount function in UNIX. The mount function requests that a removable file system contained on the block special file identified by spec be mounted on the directory identified by dir. The spec and dir arguments are pointers to path names. After a successful call to mount, all references to the file dir refer to the root directory on the mounted file system. The mounted file system is inserted into the kernel list of all mounted file systems. This list can be examined through the mounted file system table)
codice funzioneoccupation code (A code that represents the type of work performed by an employee within the organization)
data di entrata in funzioneplace in service date (The date that an asset is ready and available for service)
finestra di dialogo Argomenti funzioneFormula Palette (A tool that helps you create or edit a formula and also provides information about functions and their arguments)
funzione a gestione dinamicadynamic management function (One of a set of built-in functions that returns server state information about values, objects, and settings in SQL Server)
funzione a valori scalariscalar-valued function (A function that returns a single value, such as a string, integer, or bit value)
funzione CLRCLR function (A function created against a SQL Server assembly whose implementation is defined in an assembly created in the .NET Framework common language runtime (CLR))
funzione con valori di tabellatable-valued function (A user-defined function that returns a table)
funzione di accessoaccessor (A data structure or group of structures created by the consumer that describes how row or parameter data from the data store is to be laid out in the consumer's data buffer, enabling providers to optimize access. An accessor is a collection of bindings)
funzione di aggregazioneaggregate function (A function that performs a calculation on multiple values and returns a single value)
funzione di aggregazione a livello di rigarow aggregate function (A function that generates summary values, which appear as additional rows in the query results)
funzione di aggregazione definita dall'utenteuser-defined aggregate function (An aggregate function created against a SQL Server assembly whose implementation is defined in an assembly created in the .NET Frameworks common language runtime)
funzione di attesawait function (A function that blocks the execution of the calling thread until a specified set of conditions has been met)
funzione di BesselBessel function (A worksheet function that can be used to perform engineering calculations in Excel)
funzione di controllo raccolta datidata collection control function (An API function that provides sophisticated control over the data collection logger)
funzione di conversioneconversion function (A function that converts one data type or format to another data type or format)
funzione di derivazione di chiaveKDF (A cryptographic function that generates key material from a secret value)
funzione di derivazione di chiavekey derivation function (A cryptographic function that generates key material from a secret value)
funzione di dominiodomain function (A function, such as DAvg or DMax, that is used to calculate statistics over a set of records (a domain))
funzione di interpolazioneeasing function (A mathematical formula to produce more realistic animations. For example, an easing function can be used to create objects that bounce or spring realistically)
funzione di partizionepartition function (A function that defines how the rows of a partitioned table or index are spread across a set of partitions based on the values of certain columns, called partitioning columns)
funzione di rangoranking function (Function that returns ranking information about each row in the window (partition) of a result set depending on the row's position within the window)
funzione di richiamatacallback function (A function provided by (IIS) that allows an Internet Server API (ISAPI) extension or filter to access IIS services)
funzione di riepilogosummary function (A type of calculation that combines source data in a PivotTable report or a consolidation table, or when you are inserting automatic subtotals in a list or database)
funzione di sostituzionereplacer (A function used for replacing the value of text, digtal etc)
funzione di suddivisionesplitter function (A function used to split the specified columns into a set of additional columns using the specified splitter)
funzione hashhash function (An algorithm that produces a hash value of some piece of data, such as a message or session key. With a good hash algorithm, changes in the input data can change every bit in the resulting hash value; for this reason, hashes are useful in detecting any modification in a data object, such as a message. Furthermore, a good hash algorithm makes it computationally infeasible to construct two independent inputs that have the same hash. Typical hash algorithms include MD2, MD4, MD5, and SHA-1)
funzione interessanteinteresting function (A function is "interesting" if APM has been configured to collect it. Operations Manager comes with a predefined list of well known functions; additional methods can be added to customize monitoring)
funzione kernelkernel function (A program designed to be executed on an accelerator in a C++ Accelerated Massive Parallelism (C++ AMP) application)
funzione lambdalambda function (A block of programming language code that operates as a function but is not named and cannot be called or referenced except through normal flow of operation. For example, the instruction within the braces in the following code is a lambda function: for (int x=0; x<10; x++) { int y = 2*x; })
funzione lavorativajob function (One or more tasks, duties, and responsibilities that are assigned to a job)
funzione non gestitaunmanaged function (A function that is compiled to machine code (such as x86 or x64) as opposed to intermediate language (IL))
funzione non riuscitafailed function (The function call from the call stack that actually caused an exception, for example, the last method called from the user code or a call to a web service or .NET Remoting call)
funzione pseudocasualepseudo-random function (A function that takes a key, label, and seed as input, then produces an output of arbitrary length)
funzione pseudocasualePRF (A function that takes a key, label, and seed as input, then produces an output of arbitrary length)
funzione recupero factfact retriever (A component that implements an IFactRetriever interface to retrieve user-specific fact information from a custom store)
funzione utenteuser function (A grouping of the tasks a certain employee needs to perform when participating in a specific business process)
offset funzionefunction offset (Permits using Ildasm.exe to locate the actual line of source code corresponding to the particular stack frame. Function offsets appear in the event detail stack area (at the end of each stack frame))
pulsante Funzione del Tablet PCFunction tablet button (A tablet button that you can use in combination with other tablet buttons to do a task. This is similar to using a key combination on a standard keyboard)