
Terms for subject Microsoft containing fornitore | all forms | exact matches only
catalogo fornitorevendor catalog (A listing of product offerings that are available for purchase from a vendor)
criteri ordine fornitorepurchase order policy (A policy that authorizes parties to modify purchase order terms and to control order processing)
fattura fornitorevendor invoice (A source document that documents a vendor payment request. A vendor invoice can refer to one or more purchase orders. When the vendor invoice is authorized, a payment can be made to the vendor)
fattura fornitore interaziendaleintercompany vendor invoice (A vendor invoice that documents a vendor payment request from one legal entity to another legal entity that is part of the same organization that consolidates the accounts of both legal entities)
fornitore approvatoapproved vendor (A vendor that is authorized to supply products to one or more legal entities)
fornitore di hardware indipendenteindependent hardware vendor (A company that manufactures hardware devices and the associated device drivers)
fornitore di servizi di accesso a terze particlearing house (An Office Communications Server deployment that is configured to relay traffic between different customer domains)
fornitore di software indipendenteindependent software vendor (A third-party software developer; an individual or an organization that independently creates computer software)
fornitore interaziendaleintercompany vendor (A legal entity that assumes the role of a vendor that is authorized to supply products to one or more legal entities that are part of the same organization that consolidates the accounts of all of the legal entities)
fornitore non autorizzatodisallowed vendor (A vendor that is not authorized to supply products to one or more legal entities)
fornitore non sollecitatounsolicited vendor (A vendor that applies to supply products to one or more legal entities without responding to a formal or informal request)
fornitore potenzialeprospective vendor (A vendor whose abilities or capabilities to supply products to one or more legal entities are under review before being granted an approved vendor status)
gruppo di controllo tolleranza prezzi fornitorevendor price tolerance group (A group that can be assigned to vendors and that controls the allowable price variance percentage for invoice matching)
importo netto per riga ordine fornitorepurchase order line net amount (The expected currency amount for a purchase order line, calculated as follows: Purchase order quantity (Unit price/Price unit) - Trade agreement discount + Purchase miscellaneous charge)
importo netto previsto per l'ordine fornitoreexpected purchase order net amount (The anticipated currency amount for a purchase order line, calculated as follows: Purchase order Net unit price Invoice quantity)
ordine fornitorepurchase order (A source document that documents the offer to buy products or the acceptance of an offer to sell products in exchange for payment)
ordine fornitore interaziendaleintercompany purchase order (A purchase order that one legal entity generates from a sales order sent by another legal entity that is part of the same organization that consolidates the accounts of both legal entities)
ordine fornitore pianificatoplanned purchase order (An order proposal generated by a master scheduling calculation to fulfill a requirement for a purchased item)
pagamento anticipato fornitorevendor prepayment (A payment made to a vendor before any items are received or services are performed)
percentuale del limite massimo di fornitura rispetto all'ordine fornitorepurchase order overdelivery percentage (The percentage by which product receipt quantities are allowed to exceed the purchase order quantity)
percentuale del limite minimo di fornitura rispetto all'ordine fornitorepurchase order underdelivery percentage (The percentage by which product receipt quantities are allowed to be less than the purchase order quantity)
prezzo unitario netto nell'ordine fornitorepurchase order net unit price (The expected currency amount per unit that is represented by the purchase order, calculated as follows: Purchase order line net amount / Quantity on the purchase order)
report analisi fornitorevendor analysis report (A document that displays vendor invoice amounts summarized by one or more dimensions. A vendor analysis report is used to monitor and control expenditures assigned to parties, products, locations, activities, or one or more of their classifiers)
sconto su ordine fornitorepurchase order discount (An amount deducted from the total net amount calculation on a purchase order)
spedizione diretta dal fornitore al clientedrop shipment (The delivery of goods directly from the vendor to the customer)