
Terms containing distribuire | all forms | exact matches only
fin.distribuire azionito allot shares
comp., MSdistribuire con spaziaturastack (To position two or more objects so that they have a specific amount of space between, either vertically or horizontally)
IT, dat.proc.distribuire del testoto flow text
fin.distribuire i pagamenti su X annito spread payments over X years
commun.distribuire il tempo di reazionespread reaction time
transp.distribuire l'onere dei servizi nei periodi più calmispread of services in the less busy periods
lawdistribuire materiale propagandisticoto send out election addresses
transp.distribuire meglio i servizi di trasporto aereoto spread out the supply of air transport services
comp., MSdistribuire proporzionalmentespread by ratio (To spread a non-leaf-level value to all leaf-level members while maintaining the ratio between the non-leaf-level and leaf-level members)
lawdistribuire riservedistribute reserves er OJEC L 26-1977, p.5, art.10.f
commun.distribuire un messaggiospread a message
comp., MSdistribuire uniformementespread evenly (To enter a non-leaf-level value and spread it evenly over all leaf-level cells)
agric.gli spandiconcime a righe distribuiscono il concime per mezzo di tubi di caduta telescopicifertilizer drills spread the fertilizer by means of telescopic delivery tubes
gen.tradurre,stampare,distribuire proposte di modificatranslate, print and distribute amendments