
Terms for subject Environment containing acido | all forms | exact matches only
acidi non specificati altrimentiacids not otherwise specified
acidi nucleicinucleic acid Any of several organic acids combined with proteins (DNA or RNA) which exist in the nucleus and protoplasm of all cells
acidi nucleicinucleic acid
acido cloridricohydrochloric acid A solution of hydrogen chloride gas in water; a poisonous, pungent liquid forming a constant-boiling mixture at 20% concentration in water; widely used as a reagent, in organic synthesis, in acidizing oil wells, ore reduction, food processing, and metal cleaning and pickling. Also known as muriatic acid, HCl
acido 2,4 diclorofenossiacetico2, 4 dichlorophenoxyacetic acid
acido diluitodiluted acid A less concentrated acid
acido fosforoso e fosforicophosphoric and phosphorous acid
acido fulvicofulvic acid
acido mineralemineral acid
acido nitroso e nitriconitric acid and nitrous acid
acido solforicosulphuric acid A toxic, corrosive, strongly acid, colorless liquid that is miscible with water and dissolves most metals, and melts at 10C; used in industry in the manufacture of chemicals, fertilizers and explosives, and in petroleum refining
acido solforoso e solforicosulphuric acid and sulphurous acid
acido 2,4,5 triclorofenossiacetico2, 4, 5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid
acido umicohumic acid
acido umico brunobrown humic acid
acido umico grigiogrey humic acid
aumumento del tasso di acido aminolevulinico nel sangue e nell'urinaincrease in the content of aminolevulinic acid in the blood and urine
catrame acidoacid tar
catrame acidoacid sludge
catrami acidiacid tars
concentrazione invernale di acido nitrosowinter concentration of nitrous acid
depositi acidiacid deposition
deposizione acidaacid deposition A type of pollution which washes out of the atmosphere as dilute sulphuric and nitric acids. It tends to be a regional rather than a global phenomenon, linked to particular industrial activities and meteorological conditions. It includes rain, more than normally acidic snow, mist, sleet, fog, gas and dry particles. It upsets the balance of nature, disrupting ecosystems, and destroys forests and woodlands, plants and crops; kills aquatic life by altering the chemical balance of lakes and rivers and corrodes building materials and fabrics. The pollutants are caused principally by discharges from power station chimneys of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides released by burning fossil fuels, coal and oil
deposizione acida per via seccadry acidic fallout
deposizione acida per via seccadry acidic deposition
deposizione acida per via seccadry acid deposition
deposizione acida per via umidawet acidic deposition
deposizione acida per via umidawet acidic fallout
deposizione acida per via umidawet acid deposition
diminuzione della deidrasi dell'acido aminolevulinicodecrease in the activity of the dehydrase of aminolevulinic acid
erbicida del gruppo degli acidi fenossiaceticiherbicide in the phenoxyacetic acid group
fanghi acidi da processi di alchilazioneacid alkyl sludges
fango acidoacid sludge
fango acido da processo di alchilazioneacid alkyl sludge
fase acidaacid stage
fermentazione acidaacid stage
idrolisi acidaacid hydrolysis
incisione con acidoetching The incision of lines on a plate of metal, glass, or other material by covering it with an acid-resistant coating, scratching through the coating, and then permitting an acid bath to erode exposed parts of the plate
incisione con acidoetching
inquinamento nei bagni di decapaggio acidipollution caused by acid pickling
la vetreria utilizzata per le analisi è stata sciacquata con acido nitrico diluitothe glassware used for the analyses was washed in diluted nitric acid
lisciviazione acida sotto pressioneacidic leaching under pressure
piogge acideacid rain
pioggia acidaacid rain Rain having a pH less than 5.6. The acidity results from chemical reactions occurring when water, sulphur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides, generally released by industrial processes, are chemically transformed into sulphuric and nitric acids
pioggia acidaacidic precipitation
pioggia acidaacid deposition
punto di rugiada acidoacid dewpoint
rifiuti fortemente acidistrong acid waste
rifiuti leggermente acidiweak acid waste
scrubber ad acido nitriconitric acid scrubber
secrezione acida basaleBasal Acid Output
Simposio sulle piogge acide dell'Accademia reale della chimicaRoyal Society Symposium on Acid Rain
soluzioni acide di decapaggioacidic pickling solutions
soluzioni acide di scartowaste acidic solutions
soluzioni acide di scartowastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and use MFSU of acids
torbiera acidabog A commonly used term in Scotland and Ireland for a stretch waterlogged, spongy ground, chiefly composed of decaying vegetable matter, especially of rushes, cotton grass, and sphagnum moss