
Terms containing account | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSaccessi con account MicrosoftMicrosoft account logins (In Windows 8 all windows portal experiences support and persist Live ID logins streamlining the partner experience when working with multiple services and sites)
comp., MSaccount abilitato per POPPOP-enabled account (An account that can receive mail using the POP3 protocol)
comp., MSaccount Active DirectoryActive Directory account (The identity of a user, which can be used to grant access to resources or authority to perform certain tasks)
comp., MSaccount Administratoradministrator account (On Windows-based computers, a user account that is a member of the computer's local Administrators group or a member of a group that is a member of the local Administrators group, such as the Domain Admins group in a Windows domain. This is the first account that is created when you install an operating system on a new workstation, stand-alone server, or member server. By default, this account has the highest level of administrative access to the local computer)
comp., MSaccount alternativoalternate account (An additional user account that is in a different domain, but within the same forest as the primary account)
comp., MSaccount amministratoreadministrator account (A type of user account that allows complete access to the computer. Administrators can make any desired changes. This account type is not recommended for daily use, and should only be used when necessary)
comp., MSAccount aziendaleorganizational account (A user account assigned by an organization (work, school, non-profit) to one of their constituents (an employee, student, customer) that provides sign in access to one or more of the organization's Microsoft cloud service subscriptions, such as Office 365 or Windows Azure. These accounts are stored in an organization's cloud directory (also known as Windows Azure Active Directory), and are typically deleted when the user leaves the organization. Organizational accounts differ from Microsoft accounts in that they are created and managed by admins in the organization, not by the user)
comp., MSaccount azioneaction account (The Windows account that is used by the MonitoringHost.exe processes to gather data from providers and to run actions, such as scripts and command-line batch files, on monitored devices)
comp., MSaccount commercialebusiness account (The person or business to which the salesperson tries to sell a product or service)
comp., MSaccount computercomputer account (An account that is on a local system or domain)
comp., MSaccount con limitazionilimited account (A type of account that allows customers to use a limited set of Windows Live services without signing up for a new e-mail address or providing an existing alternate one. The ID that is created can't be used to send or receive e-mail. A customer with this account type can only reset their password if they subsequently add an alternate e-mail address to their account)
comp., MSaccount con restrizionirestricted account (An account that has restricted functionality. In Windows Live, these accounts are designed for children under the age of 13 and provide a limited set of features. For example, restricted accounts don't have permission to synchronize libraries across computers)
comp., MSAccount connessiConnected Accounts (A feature that lets users receive and send mail from other e-mail accounts in Outlook Web App. They can add and delete those accounts, check their account synchronization status, and manage e-mail from those accounts in their Inbox using Inbox rules)
comp., MSaccount del servizioservice account (An account that is intended to be used to run a service. A service account has privileges beyond those provided when a service is run as part of the system, such as the ability to connect over the network to another computer)
comp., MSaccount del Servizio Gestione avanzata Criteri di gruppoAGPM Service Account (The account under which the AGPM Service runs)
comp., MSaccount del servizio gestitomanaged service account (A new type of domain account designed to provide applications such as SQL Server or Exchange with automatic password management and simplified service principal name (SPN) management)
comp., MSaccount del servizio RFIDRFID Service account (The Windows account whose identity is used to run the BizTalk RFID service)
comp., MSaccount della risorsaresource account (A single security principal-usually a user account-that is created in Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) and used to map to a single federated user)
comp., MSaccount delle newsnews account (An online account, usually provided by an Internet service provider (ISP), that lets users access newsgroups)
comp., MSaccount designatodesignated account (The Microsoft Exchange Server user account that is the sender of control messages)
comp., MSaccount di accessoaccess account (An account used to crawl Web sites, servers and network resources included in a content index)
comp., MSaccount di accesso al contenutocontent access account (An account used to crawl Web sites, servers and network resources included in a content index)
comp., MSaccount di archiviazionestorage account (An account that provides access to Windows Azure storage services to obtain persistent, redundant storage in the cloud. The storage services include these fundamental services: 1. Blob service 2. Queue service 3. Table service)
comp., MSaccount di attività pianificatetimer account (A dedicated, administrator-level user account that performs scheduled administrative tasks)
comp., MSaccount di condivisione rapidaQuick Share Account (A feature to define the quick upload of images using a user-defined storing location (such as SkyDrive or Facebook) to be listed in the context menu)
comp., MSaccount di esecuzione del flusso di lavoroworkflow execution account (A user account that is granted the rights for executing workflows)
comp., MSaccount di esecuzione server di reportreport server execution account (The account under which the Report Server Web service and Report Server Windows service run)
comp., MSaccount di fatturazionebilling account (An account where customers manage their payments, dues, invoicing, and contact information for paid Microsoft services. These accounts are managed on the Billing and Account Management website)
comp., MSaccount di gruppogroup account (A collection of user accounts in a workgroup, identified by group name and personal ID (PID). Permissions assigned to a group apply to all users in the group)
comp., MSaccount di posta elettronicae-mail account (The server name, user name, password, and e-mail address used to connect to an e-mail service. You create the e-mail account using information provided by your mail administrator or Internet service provider (ISP))
comp., MSaccount di ricerca per indicizzazionecrawling account (An account used to crawl Web sites, servers and network resources included in a content index)
comp., MSaccount di servizio automaticounattended service account (The security account that is used when a data source is configured to connect as a single shared identity for all users)
comp., MSaccount di sistema localeLocal System account (A predefined local account that is used to start a service and provide the security context for that service)
comp., MSaccount DPMReportDPMReport account (The account that the Web and NT services of SQL Server Reporting Services use to access the DPM database. This account is created when an administrator configures DPM reporting)
law, econ.account EPSOEPSO account
lab.law.account executivecontact man
lab.law.account executiveaccount executive
comp., MSaccount faxfax account (A collection of settings for sending and receiving faxes using a particular fax modem or fax server. Before you can send or receive faxes in Windows, you must set up a fax account)
comp., MSaccount globaleglobal account (In an Active Directory network, a normal user account in a user's domain)
comp., MSaccount GuestGuest account (A built-in account used to log on to a computer running Windows when a user does not have an account on the computer or domain or in any of the domains trusted by the computers domain)
comp., MSaccount InternetInternet account (A generic term for a registered username at an Internet Service Provider (ISP). An Internet account is accessed via username and password. Services such as dial-in PPP Internet access and e-mail are provided by ISPs to Internet account owners)
comp., MSaccount MicrosoftMicrosoft account (A single set of sign-in credentials (email address and password) that provides user access to PCs running Windows and Live-connected services)
comp., MSaccount Microsoft per le aziendeMicrosoft Account for Organizations (The Microsoft Commerce Platform portal that gives organizations the ability to view, manage, and purchase Microsoft organizational services, licenses, and subscriptions, like O365, Windows Intune, and GSM, from a single location)
comp., MSaccount modalità utenteuser mode account (The user account that the software uses to log on user mode)
comp., MSaccount onlineonline account (A single set of sign-in credentials (typically, e-mail address and password) that is used to access the services provided by an online service provider (OSP))
comp., MSaccount padreparent account (An account that is above other accounts in the hierarchy to which any action taken on the main account entity can propagate to)
comp., MSaccount per bambinichild account (An account optimized for children that parents can control and customize)
comp., MSaccount per dashboard desktopdesktop dashboard account (An account that is required to certify desktop apps for Windows)
comp., MSaccount per dashboard hardwarehardware dashboard account (An account that is required to submit hardware certification packages, device metadata, service metadata, and drivers for Windows)
comp., MSaccount per le aziendeaccount for organizations (The Microsoft Commerce Platform portal that gives organizations the ability to view, manage, and purchase Microsoft organizational services, licenses, and subscriptions, like O365, Windows Intune, and GSM, from a single location)
comp., MSaccount per l'uso del computerComputer Use Time Account (An e-mail address and password that authorizes you to add computer use time to your computer)
comp., MSaccount per sviluppatore di Windows StoreWindows Store developer account (An account that is required to submit an app in the Windows Store)
comp., MSAccount personaleMy Account (A web experience on Office.com that enables users to manage their Office licenses and subscriptions)
comp., MSaccount predefinito Administratorbuilt-in administrator account (On Windows-based computers, a user account that is a member of the computer's local Administrators group or a member of a group that is a member of the local Administrators group, such as the Domain Admins group in a Windows domain. This is the first account that is created when you install an operating system on a new workstation, stand-alone server, or member server. By default, this account has the highest level of administrative access to the local computer)
comp., MSaccount predefinito Administratorbuilt-in administrator (On Windows-based computers, a user account that is a member of the computer's local Administrators group or a member of a group that is a member of the local Administrators group, such as the Domain Admins group in a Windows domain. This is the first account that is created when you install an operating system on a new workstation, stand-alone server, or member server. By default, this account has the highest level of administrative access to the local computer)
comp., MSaccount proxyproxy account (An account that is used to provide additional permissions for certain actions to users which do not have these permissions but have to execute these actions)
comp., MSaccount RASRAS account (A network account that enables a mobile device to remotely access a network)
comp., MSaccount RunAsRun As account (A Windows account that can be associated with a Run As profile, and that can use the Windows Authentication, NTLM, Basic, or Digest methods of authentication)
comp., MSaccount secondariosub-account (An account, and its information, that is included within another account)
comp., MSaccount società di destinazionedestination company account (The legal entity that is the recipient of a liability in an intercompany economic transaction)
comp., MSaccount società di originesource company account (The legal entity that is the origin of a liability in an intercompany economic transaction)
comp., MSaccount standardstandard account (A type of user account that allows users to install software and change system settings that do not affect other users or the security of the computer. This account type is recommended for daily use)
comp., MSaccount trascuratoneglected account (A Business Contact with whom there has been no interaction with for over 30 days)
comp., MSaccount utenteuser account (In Active Directory, an object that consists of all the information that defines a domain user, which includes user name, password, and groups in which the user account has membership. User accounts can be stored in either Active Directory or on your local computer)
comp., MSaccount utente con limitazionilimited user account (A type of user account that prohibits users from changing most computer settings and deleting important files. While such a user can access applications, they generally cannot install software or hardware, among other things)
comp., MSaccount utente condivisoshared user account (A single user account that is logged on to by multiple users)
comp., MSaccount utente di WindowsWindows user account (All the information that defines a user to the operating system, including the user name and any required password, membership in groups, and the rights and permissions that are associated with the user)
comp., MSaccount utente disabilitatodisabled user account (A user account that does not permit logging on)
comp., MSaccount utente localelocal user account (A user account on a specific computer. A local user account is available only on the computer where the local account is defined)
comp., MSaccount virtualevirtual account (A Local Service account that does not require password management. A virtual account is separate from the Local Service, Local System, and Network Service accounts. It uses the computer's account and credentials when it needs network access in a domain environment)
comp., MSaccount Windows LiveWindows Live account (Private information that a customer provides to establish their Windows Live ID. This information is separate from the customer's (outward-facing) profile and is never shared without explicit consent)
comp., MSAssistente configurazione accountAccount Setup Assistant (The assistant that helps users configure some of the most widely used e-mail accounts, such as POP, IMAP, Windows Live Hotmail, and Microsoft Exchange accounts)
comp., MSblocco accountaccount lockout (A Windows security feature that locks a user account if a number of failed logon attempts occur within a specified amount of time, based on security policy lockout settings. Locked accounts cannot log on)
comp., MSCambia account di accessoChange Sign-In Account... (An item on the Connect menu that opens the Accounts tab of the Options dialog box, where the user can change sign-in name and Communicator server information)
comp., MScertificazione accountaccount certification (The process that associates user accounts with key pairs)
comp., MScollegamento tra accountaccount linking (The process of linking Windows user accounts to Windows Live IDs or other online accounts, allowing seamless interaction between the two authentication models. As a result, users can be automatically logged into their online services when logging into Windows. They can also share with other users based on their Windows Live IDs (or other), granting them specific permissions to files and folders (read only, read-write, etc))
comp., MSControllo dell'account utenteUser Account Control (A security feature that helps prevent unauthorized changes to a computer, by asking user for permission or administrator credentials before performing actions that could potentially affect the computer's operation or that change settings that affect multiple users)
comp., MSControllo dell'account utenteUAC (A security feature that helps prevent unauthorized changes to a computer, by asking user for permission or administrator credentials before performing actions that could potentially affect the computer's operation or that change settings that affect multiple users)
comp., MScriteri di accountaccount policy (On local area networks and multiuser operating systems, a set of rules governing whether a new user is allowed access to the system and whether an existing user's rights are expanded to include additional system resources. An account policy also generally states the rules with which the user must comply while using the system in order to maintain access privileges)
comp., MSdatabase di accountaccounts database (A database which stores user accounts and their network access properties)
comp., MSdominio accountmaster user domain (A Windows NT domain that holds user account data)
comp., MSdominio accountaccount domain (A Windows NT domain that holds user account data)
comp., MSGestione account e fatturazioniBAM (A service that allows a customer to view and manage account and billing information for Microsoft services online)
comp., MSGestione account e fatturazioniBilling and Account Management (A service that allows a customer to view and manage account and billing information for Microsoft services online)
comp., MSGiorni account trascuratiDays Neglected (A field in the Neglected Cases, Neglected Leads, and Neglected Accounts reports in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM user interface. The Days Neglected field is calculated from the number of days that the case, lead, or account has not received any type of activity)
comp., MSID accountaccount ID (A record-keeping number used to identify a subscriber/customer and to maintain a record of customer usage for billing purposes)
comp., MSimmagine dell'accountaccount picture (A graphical representation that's associated with a user account for Windows and Windows Live)
comp., MSinformazioni accountaccount information (The required information provided in order to authorize access to the enterprise application)
ed."learning account" conto individuale a fini di formazioneIndividual Learning Account
fin.Negotiable order of withdrawal accountNOW account
comp., MSnome dell'accountaccount name (The part of an e-mail address that identifies a user or an account on an e-mail system)
comp., MSnumero accountAccount Number (A field label on the Details tab of an account that lists the number assigned to the account. The account number is included as a part of the company profile)
comp., MSnumero accountaccount number (The identifying alphanumeric characters that have been assigned to an account)
comp., MSpagina AccountAccounts page (The page for creating and administering individual user accounts, and adding new administrators)
comp., MSpagina Web per l'individuazione del partner account del clientclient account partner discovery Web page (The Web page that is used to interact with a user to determine which account partner the user belongs to when Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) cannot automatically determine which of the account partners should authenticate the user)
comp., MSpartner accountaccount partner (A federation partner that is trusted by the Federation Service to provide security tokens to its users (that is, users in the account partner organization) so that they can access Web-based applications in the resource partner)
comp., MSproprietario dell'accountaccount owner (A person who signs up for an account. Some features, such as billing, purchasing account add-ons, and creating e-mail accounts, are available to the account owner only)
comp., MSproprietario dell'account di archiviazionestorage account owner (The Windows Azure user account used to create the storage account. By default, only the storage account owner has access to containers within the storage account)
comp., MSproxy del server federativo di accountaccount federation server proxy (The federation server proxy that is located in the perimeter network of the account partner organization. The account federation server proxy collects authentication credentials from a client that logs on over the Internet (or from the perimeter network) and passes those credentials to the account federation server)
comp., MSrecord dell'accountaccount record (The location for storing account information, including information that is entered on the Account form, linked records, and history items)
comp., MSscadenza accountaccount expiration (A time limit that is applied to the life of an account, so that it can be used only for a predetermined period of time)
comp., MSserver federativo di accountaccount federation server (The federation server that is located in the corporate network of the account partner organization. The account federation server issues security tokens to users based on user authentication. The server authenticates a user, pulls the relevant attributes and group membership information out of the account store, and generates and signs a security token to return to the user-either to be used in its own organization or to be sent to a partner organization)
comp., MSservizio certificazione accountaccount certification service (A Windows RMS Web service that creates and distributes RM account certificates)
comp., MSsessione di Live Meeting su VOIP tramite centro conferenze con account di provaVOIP-enabled Live Meeting trial conference center session (A Live Meeting session conducted using VoIP to transmit data and conducted on a Live Meeting conference center accessed with a trial account)
comp., MSstrumento di aggiornamento dell'accountaccount updater (A feature of Windows 8 mobile broadband networking that is used to bind an account that a user has with a mobile broadband service provider both to a unique identifier that we use in Windows to identify that user, and to the user's SIM card)