
Terms for subject Microsoft containing | all forms | exact matches only
adgang feltniveaufield-level access (The permission that is assigned to a user or users that allow them to read, update, or create a specific field)
adresse meddelelsesabonnentnotification subscriber address (A package that contains information about how to reach a particular user. It includes items such as the protocol to use and the target address)
Afspil Play To (The feature that allows users to stream music, images or videos to a specific device on their home network)
anbringelse tværs af sidercross-page posting (In ASP.NET Web pages, the process of submitting a page to a specified target page in contrast to submitting the page to itself)
Arbejd fartenWork on the go (" Refers to being able to do your work from anywhere with your mobile device, whether you are in your office, at home, or traveling ("on the go").")
Backgammon internettetInternet Backgammon (An Internet game that is played by two players on a virtual board with pieces called stones that move forward according to the roll of dice until the winner removes all of his stones from the board)
Banke call waiting (A service that notifies a user that a call is coming in while the user is in a call)
Belønninger BingBing Rewards (A program that gives customers the opportunity to earn credits redeemable for rewards. Rewards credits are earned by searching on Bing, setting their Home page to Bing, or trying out new Bing features)
bibliotek separat drevstand-alone drive library (A single-drive, non-automated unit, such as a tape drive or CD-ROM drive, that holds a single tape or disc. With this type of library, the user manually inserts a tape or disc into the drives)
cache et værtssystemhosted cache (A server or WAN appliance in a branch office which aggregates all data cached by peers to ensure higher availability)
Dam internettetInternet Checkers (An Internet game that is played by two players on a virtual chessboard of 64 squares. Players only play on the dark squares and aim at capturing all of their opponent's pieces by jumping over them)
Dataændring serverServer Side Incremental (A feature that must be enabled in Active Directory to run incremental import of profiles)
diskenhed flere diskespanned volume (A dynamic volume consisting of disk space on more than one physical disk. You can increase the size of a spanned volume by extending it onto additional dynamic disks. You can create spanned volumes only on dynamic disks. Spanned volumes are not fault tolerant and cannot be mirrored)
dobbeltklikke double-click (To press and release a mouse button twice in rapid succession without moving the mouse. Double-clicking is a means of rapidly selecting and activating a program or program feature)
dpi-følsom skærmniveauper monitor–DPI aware (Pertaining to an application that adjusts the size of UI elements dynamically to accommodate changes to the DPI setting)
dpi-følsom systemniveausystem–DPI aware (Pertaining to an application that always renders at the system DPI setting, which is calculated by Windows based on the primary display at first logon)
egenskabsgitter øverste niveautop-level property grid (A property grid that only displays the properties that appear in the sentence-level view of an action)
ekstern datalog lejeradministratorniveautenant-level external data log (An error log that contains errors and exceptions that occur when SharePoint tries to connect to external systems through Business Connectivity Services. It can be retrieved by tenant administrators)
element blokniveaublock-level element (An HTML element that, in general, begins a new line. A block-level element may include other block-level elements or inline elements)
Film BingBing Movies (A part of the Bing search engine dedicated to movies)
fordelingsmetode baseret fast procentdelfixed percentage allocation method (A method for calculating allocations based on a specified percentage)
fordelingsmetode baseret vægtede værdierfixed weight allocation method (A method for calculating allocations by using weighted values)
forfalskning af anmodning tværs af webstedercross-site request forgery (An attack where a malicious website makes an HTTP request to a target website in such a way that the website thinks that the request is part of a legitimate user's session)
forskel store og små bogstavercase-sensitive (Capable of distinguishing between uppercase and lowercase letters. A case-sensitive search finds only text that is an exact match of uppercase and lowercase letters)
fuldstændig sletning fjernenhedremote device wipe (A technology that enables the Exchange server to set a mobile device to erase all data the next time the device connects to the Exchange server)
gemme en midlertidig placeringstage (To copy the directories and files to be installed to a destination computer without configuring registry settings)
gengivelse klientsidenclient-side rendering (Technology that enables rendering operations to be handled by the client)
Guiden Deling af mappe domæneDomain Folder Sharing Wizard (A wizard that guides the user through sharing a folder with members of the same domain)
hente forhåndprefetch (To load content in the background before a user sees it)
hjælpelinje masterniveaumaster-level guide (A guide that is created and edited in Slide Master view, and that applies to slides that use the master layout in which it was created)
Hold styr dit livKeep your life in sync (" In this context, "your life" refers to the user's digital information and goods (photos, contacts, music, email/messages, and apps/games). To be "in sync" means to be "synchronized" or "harmonious." This string, therefore, means that Windows Phone will keep users' important information and belongings synchronized in one place, while at the same time helping keep their life organized and harmonious.")
hovednavn sikkerhedskontoindehaversecurity principal name (A name that uniquely identifies a user, group, or computer within a single domain. This name is not guaranteed to be unique across domains)
Ikke arbejdeOff Work (An item on the user's My Status drop-down menu. This is a status the user can select to say that he or she is not working right now, but is on personal time)
Internet Explorer skrivebordetInternet Explorer for the desktop (The web browser component of Windows that provides a traditional and familiar browsing experience)
klikke click (To press and release a mouse button once without moving the mouse. Clicking is usually performed to select or deselect an item or to activate a program or program feature)
knap proceslinjentaskbar button (A button that represents an item or program that is open and running on your computer. For example, if you open Microsoft Word, and then minimize it, it will be displayed as a taskbar button, which you can then click when you want to maximize it)
konfiguration ved tryk en knappush-button configuration (In some Wi-Fi Protected Setup networks, a method that enables users to push a physical or software-based button to automatically configure network names, connect devices to the network, and enable data encryption and authentication)
Konfigurationsprogram til Microsoft Office 365 computerenMicrosoft Office 365 desktop setup (A program that downloads and installs Microsoft updates that are recommended for users running Microsoft Online Services services)
kontrakt for Afspil Play To contract (A contract that allows developers to leverage the Play To button on the Connect Charm to invoke the remote-play behavior. In response to the button click, the developer can invoke the Windows Play To experience. Or the developer can provide a custom Play To experience)
Live Meeting-session i et mødecenter via VoIP og prøveVOIP-enabled Live Meeting trial conference center session (A Live Meeting session conducted using VoIP to transmit data and conducted on a Live Meeting conference center accessed with a trial account)
Log Sign In (A UI element that creates a user session or establishes user access to a service)
log log on (To gain access to a specific computer, program, or network by identifying oneself with a username and a password)
Log somSign in as (The label for the list that enables a user to select a status before signing in. Possible status options are Available, Busy, Do Not Disturb, and so on)
logge sign in (To create a user session for an Internet account. For example, you sign in to a Microsoft account, an Internet service provider account, or Skype)
Læg Hang Up (A button on Audio Controls and Phone Controls that disconnects the current call)
mappe øverste niveautop-level folder (The uppermost directory on a computer, partition or volume)
medlem tværs af områdercross-forest member (A member of a security group whose user account is in a different forest from the group account)
Microsoft Online Services - Log Microsoft Online Services Sign In (The application that is installed on a Microsoft Online Services end user's computer to provide a single sign-in point for Microsoft Online Services)
Musik BingBing Music (A part of the Bing search engine dedicated to music)
Navn adgangspunktAccess Point Name (A field in the Properties dialog box for GPRS installation items in the Mobile Deployment Manager MMC snap-in that enables the user to specify the wireless access point for the device)
navn adgangspunktaccess point name (The name of the access point used to establish wireless connectivity)
navn akseaxis label (The text or number that identifies the categories or the scaling of an axis. The axis label usually appears below or to the left of the axis)
navn trådløst netværkwireless network name (The name used to identify a wireless network)
Nyheder BingBing News (A part of the Bing search engine dedicated to news)
nyt forsøg aggressiv adressehentningaggressive address acquisition retry (A registry setting that allows the DHCP client to transmit more messages to the server to obtain an IP address when the PC is in connected standby mode. This setting can increase power consumption but can also help resolve IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) problems more quickly)
Office Starter fartenOffice Starter To-Go (A feature that enables users to take Office Starter programs with them on a USB drive or other portable device and use them on another computer while the device is plugged in)
Ordbog BingBing Dictionary (The Bing service that provides dictionary search)
Oversætter BingBing Translator (The service that allows users to translate text and web pages into different languages using the Microsoft statistical machine translation system)
Oversætter Bing-værktøjslinjenBing Bar Translator (A service available on Bing Bar allowing translation of web-page text in place using the Microsoft statistical machine translation system)
parathedsværktøj til Microsoft Office 365 computerenMicrosoft Office 365 desktop readiness tool (A program for Office 365 that assesses a computer's readiness for Office 365, prepares it for Office 365, and reports the state of the computer to a small business administrator and/or to Microsoft)
Person Windows LiveSomeone on Windows Live (The display name UI label used when there isn't a display name value available, as when data can't be retrieved or someone hasn't completely filled out their profile)
post overvågningslistesupervision list entry (" An individual item on the list of e-mail addresses or users that are subject to or excepted from the actions of the closed campus supervision policy or anti-bullying supervision policy. For example, a bully's e-mail address would be an entry on the supervision list of a "victim", and a parent's e-mail address might be added as an entry on the supervision list of their child, who is a student subject to the closed campus supervision policy. ")
poste post to (A UI option to share a message on Windows Live, Facebook, or both)
poste Facebookpost on Facebook (To post messages or upload photos to Facebook)
program computerendesktop application (An application that is meant to run on a desktop computer)
Programinstallation baseret gruppepolitikGroup Policy Software Installation (An extension to the editor that accompanies the Group Policy Management Console (GPMC). The extension is used to deploy software packages by using a domain-based Group Policy object)
programmet Microsoft Online Services - Log Microsoft Online Services Sign In Application (The application that is installed on a Microsoft Online Services end user's computer to provide a single sign-in point for Microsoft Online Services)
projekt virksomhedsniveauenterprise-level project (A major project that is related to an organization, such as a team coordination project or a project created to establish consistency across the organization)
publicering tværs af webstedercross-site publishing (A content publishing model in which multiple sites select and republish content that is authored and managed in a single source location)
holdon hold (The state of an operational process that has been suspended or the status of a document and product that participate in a process that is suspended)
hold, I ventepositionon hold (A status that indicates that an active telephone call has been temporarily suspended)
klientsidenclient-side (Occurring on the client side of a client-server system. For example, on the World Wide Web, JavaScript scripts are client-side because they are executed by your browser (the client). In contrast, CGI scripts are server-side because they run on the Web server. Java applets can be either server-side or client-side depending on which computer (the server or the client) executes them)
lagerstocked (A policy that controls whether products are tracked in stock)
samme niveausibling (A process or node in a data tree that is descended from the same immediate ancestor(s) as other processes or nodes)
regel for udgående format telefonnummeroutbound translation rule (A rule that converts phone numbers to the local dialing format for interaction with private branch exchange (PBX) systems)
regnskabsperiode holdon-hold fiscal period (The state of a fiscal period that can be reopened and that prevents its use as a time period classifier for account entries)
session klientsidenclient-side session (The Windows PowerShell session on a user's local computer, which has the basic Windows PowerShell commands available to it)
session serversidenserver-side session (The runspace on the datacenter (host) server, which contains the commands used by the remote user in a client-side session)
Shopping BingBing Shopping (A part of the Bing search engine dedicated to online shopping)
sikkerhedskopiering blokniveaublock level backup (A type of backup operation that can be performed on a file system. The backup and restore operations can either be full, incremental or differential, and a physical (block-level) restore is performed at the volume level)
skrive vægwrite on wall (To post a message on a friend's Facebook wall)
skrivebords-app, program computerendesktop app (An application that is meant to run on a desktop computer)
Spil BingBing Video Games (A part of the Bing search engine dedicated to video games)
Spil BingBing Games (A part of the Bing search engine dedicated to online games)
strøm batterietbattery charge (The amount of battery power left on the system. It is shown, in percentage, if user holds the mouse over the battery icon)
størrelse virtuel hukommelseVirtual Memory Size (In Task Manager, the amount of virtual memory, or address space, committed to a process)
Svar sundhedserklæringSoHR (The validation of a statement of health (SoH) that a system health validator (SHV) produces and sends to the NAP administration server. The SoHR can contain remediation instructions)
svar tilstandserklæringstatement of health response (The validation of a statement of health (SoH) that a system health validator (SHV) produces and sends to the NAP administration server. The SoHR can contain remediation instructions)
Søg internettetSearch on Web (​A feature that enables the user to start a web search from text that is selected within a document)
tab debitorerbad debt (An accounts receivable that will likely remain uncollectable and will be written off)
telefon skrivebordetdesk phone (A telephone that sits on a desk and is to be used with Lync Server and Office Communications Server)
tilstanden Skriv linjelined mode (A Tablet PC input mode that provides a non-restrictive writing surface with a lined guide that enables users to write freeform (i.e. cursive, print, or a mix of these). In lined mode, user's ink is continuously recognized and converted to text as soon as the user starts writing the next word)
trinvis udgivelse webincremental publish to the Web (A feature that allows you to publish updates to a previously published Web site quickly by publishing only those files you have updated)
tryk og hold, trykke og holde nedepress and hold (One of the right-click equivalent actions performed with a finger or a tablet pen. The action entails pressing a finger or the tip of a pen on the screen, holding it down until a mouse icon or menu appears, and then lifting the finger or pen)
trykke tap (To briefly press a UI element with your fingertip or stylus to perform an activity (such as choosing an action from a menu or opening an item))
trykke og holde nedetap and hold (To tap a device screen and hold one's finger or stylus in place)
trykning trykkericommercial printing (The process of producing copies of documents, publications, or images in high volume)
Tv BingBing TV (A part of the Bing search engine dedicated to TV)
udvidelsen Gruppepolitik klientsidenGroup Policy client-side extension (A component responsible for implementing a specific portion of Group Policy on the client computer. For example, Registry client-side extension processes registry-specific information within Group Policy)
URL-adresse portalportal URL (An internal Web address for accessing Live Meeting Manager on an intranet)
validering figurniveaushape-level validation (The act of checking a visual workflow to ensure that the shapes and connections are valid)
Vejret BingBing Weather (A part of the Bing search engine dedicated to weather)
venteposition, sætte holdhold (To temporarily suspend an active phone call)
Videoer BingBing Videos (A part of the Bing search engine dedicated to videos)
vise kortmap (To display an address or location on a map)
websted øverste niveautop-level Web site (The default, top-level site provided by a Web server or virtual server. To gain access to the top-level Web site, you supply the URL of the server without specifying a page name or subsite)
websted øverste niveautop-level site (A Web site at the top of the hierarchy in a site collection, from which you can manage site collection features)
Windows 8 ét sprogWindows 8 Single Language (An edition of Windows 8 designed to make Windows affordable to mainstream consumers in emerging markets)
Økonomi BingBing Finance (A part of the Bing search engine dedicated to finance)