
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms | exact matches only
afbrænding havetincineration at sea
afbrænding havetincinerator ship
afbrænding landjordenincineration on land
affaldsforbrænding havetmarine incineration
affaldsforbrænding havetincineration at sea
afgiftsdifferentiering miljøområdettax differentiation in favour of the environment
aflejring jordoverfladerdeposition on ground surfaces
afrikansk miljøovervågning med henblik bæredygtig udviklingAfrican Monitoring of the Environment for Sustainable Development
afvaskning med regnvand og foliar absorption busklagets bladeleaching in rain and foliar absorption foliar uptake at the shrub layer or stratum
akvakulturens indvirkning miljøetenvironmental impact of aquaculture Fish farming pollutes the water with nutrients, methane and hydrogen sulphide which threaten both farmed fish and other marine life. Dangerous pesticides have been used to treat infestations of sea lice
akvakulturens indvirkning miljøetenvironmental impact of aquaculture
alger dyrket spildevandsewage-grown algae
alpint græsland kalkholdig bundalpine calcareous grassland
skadedyrsangreb afgrødeinfestation of crops
skadedyrsangreb fødevarerinfestation of food
angreb fødevarerinfestation of food Food that has been contaminated and deteriorated by some kind of pest
antibegroningssystemer skibeantifouling systems on ships
antifouling-systemer skibeantifouling systems on ships
antropogen indvirkning klimasystemetanthropogenic interference with the climate system
antropogen indvirkning klimasystemetanthropogenic interference
Arbejdsgruppen Højt Embedsmandsplan vedrørende Alpe-konventionenWorking Party of Senior Officials on the Convention on the Alps
Arbejdsgruppen Højt Plan vedrørende MiljøpolitikHigh-Level Working Group on Environmental Policy
beboelse landetrural settlement
beboelse landetrural habitat The biotopes located in areas where agriculture is practiced
beboelse landetrural settlement A collection of dwellings located in a rural area
billedet opfanges en fluorescerende skærmthe image is reproduced on a fluorescent screen
biocids biologiske virkning overflade- og grundvandbiological effect of biocides in surface and ground waters
biomasse lang sigtlong-term biomass
bortskaffelse landdisposal on land
brand udyrket arealwildfire
brand udyrket arealfree-burning fire
brandbælte skråningundercut line
brydning åbent havoffshore mining
brydning åbent havoffshore mining Oil extraction from platforms situated a short distance from the coast
Demonstrationsprojekter miljøområdetDemonstration projects in the field of the environment
Den Mellemstatslige Forhandlingskomité med henblik en Konvention om Biologisk MangfoldighedIntergovernmental Committee on the Convention on Biological Diversity
Den Mellemstatslige Forhandlingskomité med henblik en Konvention om Biologisk MangfoldighedIntergovernmental Committee on Biodiversity
Den Mellemstatslige Forhandlingskomité med henblik en Rammekonvention om KlimaændringerIntergovernmental Negotiating Committee for a Framework Convention on Climate Change
Den Multilaterale Konference om Årsager til og Forhindring af Skader Skov- og Vandområder som følge af Luftforurening i EuropaMunich Multilateral Conference on the causes and prevention of damage to forests and waters by air pollution in Europe
Den Videnskabelige Komité for Europa for 10-års Status over Arter Konventionens ListerEuropean Region Technical Committee for the 10-year Review of the Appendices to the Convention
deponering med henblik bortskaffelsetipping for the purpose of disposal
deponering kontrolleret lossepladslandfill treatment
deponering lossepladslandfill
deponering specielt indrettet lossepladsspecially engineered landfill
der vokser sur jordbundacidophilous
der vokser sur jordbundacidophilic
destruktion pilotanstaltpilot-plant rendering
Det Rådgivende Udvalg for Fællesskabsaktioner MiljøområdetAdvisory Committee on Community Action relating to the Environment
detergent fosfatbasisphosphate-based detergent
dinarisk skovfyrskov dolomitDinaric dolomite Scots pine forest
direkte aflejring af tørre partikler de overjordiske plantedeleaerial deposition of dry particles particulate deposits on the above-ground parts of plants
direktiv miljøområdetDirective on the environment
dybtliggende geologiske formationer landdeep geological formation on land
eksempel affaldsforvaltningmodel waste-management programme
eksponeringshastigheden det sted hvor filmens sværtning er maksimalthe exposure rate at the point of maximum film darkening
eksport af affald med henblik nyttiggørelseexport of waste for recovery
energiens indvirkning miljøetenvironmental impact of energy Energy and environmental problems are closely related, since it is nearly impossible to produce, transport, or consume energy without significant environmental impact. The environmental problems directly related to energy production and consumption include air pollution, water pollution, thermal pollution, and solid waste disposal. The emission of air pollutants from fossil fuel combustion is the major cause of urban air pollution. Diverse water pollution problems are associated with energy usage. One major problem is oil spills. In all petroleum-handling operations, there is a finite probability of spilling oil either on the earth or in a body of water. Coal mining can also pollute water. Changes in groundwater flow produced by mining operations often bring otherwise unpolluted waters into contact with certain mineral materials which are leached from the soil and produce an acid mine drainage. Solid waste is also a by-product of some forms of energy usage. Coal mining requires the removal of large quantities of earth as well as coal. In general, environmental problems increase with energy use and this combined with the limited energy resource base is the crux of the energy crisis. An energy impact assessment should compare these costs with the benefits to be derived from energy use
energiens indvirkning miljøetenvironmental impact of energy
eng alluviale aflejringeralluvial meadow
eng flodaflejringeralluvial meadow
eng sø- og vandløbsaflejringeralluvial meadow
erklæring tro og lovestatutory declaration A declaration made in a prescribed form before a justice of the peace, notary public, or other person authorized to administer an oath
erklæring tro og lovestatutory declaration
Europa-Parlamentets og Rådets beslutning nr. 406/2009/EF af 23. april 2009 om medlemsstaternes indsats for at reducere deres drivhusgasemissioner med henblik at opfylde Fællesskabets forpligtelser til at reducere drivhusgasemissionerne frem til 2020effort sharing decision
Europa-Parlamentets og Rådets beslutning nr. 406/2009/EF af 23. april 2009 om medlemsstaternes indsats for at reducere deres drivhusgasemissioner med henblik at opfylde Fællesskabets forpligtelser til at reducere drivhusgasemissionerne frem til 2020Decision No 406/2009/EC on the effort of Member States to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions to meet the Community's greenhouse gas emission reduction commitments up to 2020
Europæisk Dokumentationscenter MiljøområdetEuropean environmental documentation centre
Europæisk informationsnet for teknologioverførsel miljøområdetNetwork for Environmental Technology Transfer
evaluering af indvirkning miljøetenvironmental impact assessment
fiskeri åbent havopen sea fishing
fiskeri åbent havopen sea fishing Fishing in the deepest parts of the sea
fiskeriets indvirkning miljøetenvironmental impact of fishing Fishing may have various negative effects on the environment: effluent and waste from fish farms may damage wild fish, seals, and shellfish. Fish farmers use tiny quantities of highly toxic chemicals to kill lice: one overdose could be devastating. So-called by-catches, or the incidental taking of non-commercial species in drift nets, trawling operations and long line fishing is responsible for the death of large marine animals and one factor in the threatened extinction of some species. Some fishing techniques, like the drift nets, yield not only tons of fish but kill millions of birds, whales and seals and catch millions of fish not intended. Small net holes often capture juvenile fish who never have a chance to reproduce. Some forms of equipment destroy natural habitats, for example bottom trawling may destroy natural reefs. Other destructive techniques are illegal dynamite and cyanide fishing
fiskeriets indvirkning miljøetenvironmental impact of fishing
FN-center for nødhjælp miljøområdetUnited Nations centre for emergency environmental assistance
foranstaltninger med sigte miljøvenligt landbrugmeasures for agro-environment
foranstaltninger med sigte miljøvenligt landbrugagro-environmental measures
forbrænding havetmarine incineration
forbrænding havetincineration at sea
forbrænding landjordenincineration on land
forvaltning af vådområder en passende måderational management of wetlands
fritidsaktiviteters indvirkning miljøetenvironmental impact of recreation Recreation and tourism are often accompanied by extensive damage to the environment. Aquatic ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to the effects of an increased tourist trade and the resultant building of hotel accommodations, sewage disposal works, roads, car parks and landing jetties on banks and coastlines; and the increased angling, swimming, water skiing, shooting or use of motor-boats in the water body. These all produce direct deleterious effects when conducted on a massive scale, including shore damage, chemical changes in the water, and sediments and biological changes in the plant and animal communities
fritidsaktiviteters indvirkning miljøetenvironmental impact of recreation
Fællesskabet/Cost-samordningsudvalget for Luftforureningens Indflydelse Land- og VandøkosystemerCommunity-COST Concertation Committee on Air Pollution Effects on Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems
fællesskabsaktion miljøområdetaction by the Community for the environment
fællesskabsaktion miljøområdetCommunity action relating to the environment
fællesskabsaktion miljøområdetaction by the Community on the environment
fællesskabsaktion miljøområdetCommunity Actions for Environment
Fællesskabsaktioner med henblik naturbeskyttelseACNATAc tion by the Community relating to nat ure conservation
fællesskabsaktioner med henblik naturbevaringAction by the Community relating to Nature Conservation
fællesskabsaktioner med henblik naturbevaringaction by the Community relating to nature conservation
fællesskabsforanstaltningers indvirkning miljøetenvironmental impact of Community measures
fællesskabsinitiativ med sigte miljøbeskyttelse og fremme af den socioøkonomiske udviklingCommunity Initiative Contributing to Protection of the Environment and Promoting Economic Development
fællesskabsprogram for forskning og teknologisk udvikling området ikke-nuklear energi og rationel energiudnyttelsenon-nuclear energy and the rational use of energy
fællesskabsprogram for forskning og teknologisk udvikling området ikke-nuklear energi og rationel energiudnyttelseJoint Opportunities for Unconventional or Long-term Energy
genetisk ændrede bakterier, som lever grundlag af oliebacteria feeding on oil
governance miljøområdetenvironmental governance
gruppe af konventioner kemikalie- og affaldsområdetchemicals and waste cluster
Gruppen vedrørende Miljøet Internationalt Plan klimaændringerWorking Party on International Environment Issues Climate Change
græsland kalkfattig jordbundsiliceous grassland
græsland kalkholdig bundcalcareous grassland
græsland kalkholdig eller baserig klippegrundrupiculous calcareous or basophilic grasslands
græsland serpentinklippegrundserpentinophilous grassland
handelens indvirkning miljøettrade impact on environment Trade impacts on the environment can be direct, such as trade of endangered species, of natural resources, of natural products such as tropical timber, etc., or indirect, such as deforestation, loss of habitats, pollution from mining, from energy production, oil spills, global warming, etc., increases in transport infrastructures
handelens indvirkning miljøettrade impact on environment
handlingsprogram miljøområdetEnvironmental Action Programme
handlingsprogram miljøområdetEnvironment Action Programme
husholdningernes indvirkning miljøetenvironmental impact of households Household impacts on the environment include domestic heating emissions (hot air, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, water vapour and oxide of nitrogen, sulphur and other trace gases); domestic sewage consisting of human bodily discharges, water from kitchens, bathrooms and laundries; the dumping of bulky wastes such as old washing machines, refrigerators, cars and other objects that will not fit into the standard dustbin and which are often dumped about the countryside, etc.
husholdningernes indvirkning miljøetenvironmental impact of households
hvad der sker med input fra kilder landfate of inputs from land sources
håndteringsteknikker "endestationen""end of pipe" technology for elimination
import af affald med henblik bortskaffelseimport of waste for disposal
indgriben landintervention on land Stepping in or participating in problem solving efforts for troublesome or perplexing situations involving ground areas or the earth's surface
industriens indvirkning miljøetenvironmental impact of industry The effects on the environment connected with industrial activities are mainly related to the production of industrial wastes that can be divided into various types: solid waste, such as dust particles or slag from coal; liquid wastes from various processes, including radioactive coolants from power stations; and gas wastes, largely produced by the chemical industry
industriens indvirkning miljøetenvironmental impact of industry
indvirkning beskæftigelsesniveauetemployment level effect The result or impact of a specific policy, action or event upon the number of working-age persons holding jobs in a specific region, nation or sector of the economy
indvirkning beskæftigelsesniveauetemployment level effect
indvirkning ikkemålarterimpact on non-target species
indvirkning miljøeteffect on environment
indvirkning miljøetenvironmental impact
international konference om systemer for tidlig varsling med henblik forebyggelse af naturkatastroferInternational Conference on Early Warning Systems for the Reduction of Natural Disasters
international konvention om begrænsning af skadelige antifouling-systemer skibeInternational Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-fouling Systems on Ships
international konvention om begrænsning af skadelige antifouling-systemer skibeAFS Convention
international konvention om indgriben det åbne hav i tilfælde af olieforureningsulykkerInternational Convention relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Oil Pollution Casualties
internationale forbindelser miljøområdetinternational environmental relations The political or diplomatic interaction or dealings between independent nations that pertain to ecological concerns
internationale forbindelser miljøområdetinternational environmental relations
internationalt samarbejdsprogram for vurdering og overvågning af luftforureningens virkninger skoveInternational Cooperative Programme for Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests
intervention landintervention on land
ioniserende strålinger virker en organisme ved overførelse af energithe ionising radiations reacted on an organism by a transfer of energy
isodosiskurver for stråling med en halveringstykkelse 0,5 mm Alisodose curves for radiation of half-value layers of O,5 mm Al
katalysatorerne ødelægges hurtigt grund af varme og mekanisk påvirkningcatalysers are quickly destroyed by thermal and mechanical action
kolonne med indre diameter 530 mikrometermicrocapillary column 530 microns
Komitéen for Internationale Udviklingsinstitutioner MiljøområdetCommittee of International Development Institutions on the Environment
koncentrationer i miljøet tæt baggrundsværdierneconcentrations in the environment near background values
konvention om adgang til oplysninger, offentlig deltagelse i beslutningsprocesser samt adgang til klage og domstolsprøvelse miljøområdetConvention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters
konvention om adgang til oplysninger, offentlig deltagelse i beslutningsprocesser samt adgang til klage og domstolsprøvelse miljøområdetAarhus Convention
konvention om vurdering af virkningerne miljøet på tværs af landegrænserneEIA Convention
konvention om vurdering af virkningerne miljøet på tværs af landegrænserneEspoo Convention
konvention om vurdering af virkningerne miljøet på tværs af landegrænserneConvention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context
konventionen om vurdering af virkningerne miljøet på tværs af landegrænserneEspoo Convention
konventionen om vurdering af virkningerne miljøet på tværs af landegrænserneConvention on environmental impact assessment in a transboundary context
kær eller mose kalkholdig bundcalcareous fens
kær og moser kalkholdig bundcalcareous fens
landbrugets indvirkning miljøetenvironmental impact of agriculture Agricultural activities have significant impacts on water quality, including increases in stream sedimentation from erosion, and increases in nutrients, pesticides, and salt concentrations in runoff. In certain regions, the misuse of pesticides has led to the development of pesticide-resistant strains of pests, destroyed natural predators, killed local wildlife, and contaminated human water supplies. Improper application of fertilizers has changed the types of vegetation and fish types inhabiting nearby waterways and rivers
landbrugets indvirkning miljøetenvironmental impact of agriculture
landing én medeone skid landing
lavning tørvdepression on peat substrates
lovgivning med henblik registrering og markedsføring af pesticiderlegislation concerning the registration for sale and marketing of pesticides
lugtgenebekæmpelse produktionsstedetodour control on the production site
lysskær nattehimlensky glow
meget tørt græsland kalkholdigt sandxeric and calcareous grasslands
menneskeskabt indvirkning klimasystemetanthropogenic interference with the climate system
menneskeskabt indvirkning klimasystemetanthropogenic interference
metode baseret en tærskel med tilhørende båndbar-band approach
mikrosi med maskestørrelse mellem 30-40 og 150 mikrometerband microscreen
miljøhensyn energiområdetenvironmental constraint
målemetode baseret absorption af sollysultraviolet light absorption method
målemetode baseret absorption af sollysUV absorption method
målemetode baseret emission af lugtende stofferolfactometry method
målemetode baseret klager over lugtgenersampling based on odor complaints
målemetode baseret klager over lugtgenersampling based on odour complaints
målemetode baseret klager over lugtgenermethod based on odour complaints
målemetode baseret klager over lugtgenermethod based on odor complaints
målemetode baseret pH-bestemmelsepH measurement method
national opgørelse over antropogene emissioner fordelt kilder og optagelsen heraf fordelt på dræn for alle drivhusgasser, der ikke er reguleret af Montrealprotokollennational inventory of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of all greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol
national opgørelse over antropogene emissioner fordelt kilder og optagelsen heraf fordelt på dræn for alle drivhusgasser, der ikke er reguleret af Montrealprotokollennational greenhouse gas inventory
nationalparken De Nordlige SporaderNational Park of the Northern Sporades
neutralisering stedetneutralisation on site
nyt modelopbygget vandbehandlingssystem baseret en kombination af solar fotooxidering og luftioniseringnovel modular water treatment system by combination of solar photooxidation and air ionisation
nødvendig indsats miljøområdet"The Environmental Imperative"
opbevaring med henblik salgholding with a view to sale
oplagring af CO2 havbundenCO2 storage in the ocean depths
oro-moesisk græsland sur jordbundOro-Moesian acidophilous grassland
oversigt over skader, der er sket skove som følge af luftforureninginventory of damage caused to forests by atmospheric pollution
ozonkoncentration tæt jordoverfladenlow atmospheric ozone
ozonkoncentration tæt jordoverfladenlow level ozone
ozonkoncentration tæt jordoverfladenlow-level ozone
ozonkoncentration tæt jordoverfladentropospheric ozone
ozonkoncentration tæt jordoverfladensurface ozone
ozonkoncentration tæt jordoverfladenground-level ozone
pioner-græsvækst klippefladerpioneer vegetation of rock surfaces
Politisk Forum Højt Niveau vedrørende Bæredygtig UdviklingHigh-level Political Forum
Politisk Forum Højt Niveau vedrørende Bæredygtig UdviklingHigh-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development
prioritering miljøområdetenvironmental priority
pris skrotmaterialescrap material price The amount of money or the monetary rate at which materials discarded from manufacturing operations can be bought or sold
pris skrotmaterialescrap material price
pris vandwater price
prisen transporttransport price
prisen transporttransport cost
prisen transporttransport cost The outlay or expenditure involved in moving goods from one place to another
protokol om strategisk miljøvurdering til konventionen om vurdering af virkningerne miljøet på tværs af landegrænserneSEA Protocol
protokol om strategisk miljøvurdering til konventionen om vurdering af virkningerne miljøet på tværs af landegrænserneProtocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment
protokol om strategisk miljøvurdering til konventionen om vurdering af virkningerne miljøet på tværs af landegrænserneProtocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment to the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context
protokol om strategisk miljøvurdering til konventionen om vurdering af virkningerne miljøet på tværs af landegrænserneKiev Protocol
protokol til konventionen af 1979 om grænseoverskridende forurening over store afstande, angående begrænsning af emissionen af kvælstofoxider og disses transport tværs af grænserneProtocol to the 1979 Convention on long-range transboundary air pollution concerning the control of emissions of nitrogen oxides or their transboundary fluxes
protokol til konventionen af 1979 om grænseoverskridende forurening over store afstande, angående begrænsning af emissionen af kvælstofoxider og disses transport tværs af grænserneProtocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution, concerning the Control of Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides or their Transboundary Fluxes
protokol til konventionen om grænseoverskridende forurening over store afstande angående begrænsning af emission af flygtige organiske forbindelser VOC'er og disses transport tværs af grænserneProtocol to the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution concerning the Control of Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds or their Transboundary Fluxes
protokol vedrørende indgriben det åbne hav ved forurening af havet med andre stoffer end olie, 1973Protocol relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Pollution by Substances other than Oil
prøve med henblik damptæthedvapour tightness test
det oprindelige/rette stedin situ In the natural or normal place
Regionalt handlingsprogram miljøområdet iværksat på Kommissionens initiativRegional action programme on the initiative of the Commission concerning the environment
retningslinjer for bistandsarbejdet skovforvaltningsområdetGuidelines for forestry sector development cooperation
retningslinjer for bistandsarbejdet skovforvaltningsområdetForestry Manual
risiko for høreskader grund af støj fra legetøjrisk of damage to hearing resulting from noise emitted by toys
skade biodiversitetdamage to biodiversity
skade biodiversitetbiodiversity damage
skade den biologiske mangfoldigheddamage to biodiversity
skade den biologiske mangfoldighedbiodiversity damage
skade jordland damage
skade miljøetenvironmental damage
skade miljøetdamage to the environment
skade plantevækstvegetation loss
skade vandwater damage
skade vanddamage to water
skade vegetationvegetation loss
skadedyrsangreb afgrødeinfestation of crops Invasion of crop by parasites. Among vertebrate animals, many crop pests are mammals, especially in the order of rodents and birds. Among invertebrates, certain species of gastropods and a large number of roundworms from the class of nematodes harm crops. The most varied and numerous species of crop pests are arthropods-insects, arachnids and some species of millipedes and crustaceans. Diseases vary from viral, bacterial, and nutritional to fungal, environmental and non-specific. The FAO has estimated that annual worldwide losses done by plant pests and diseases amount to approximately 20-25% of the potential worldwide yield of food crops
skadedyrsangreb fødevarerinfestation of food Food that has been contaminated and deteriorated by some kind of pest
skadegører planterplant pest
skadegørere planterorganism harmful to plants
skadegørere planterpests of plants
skadegørere planterharmful organism
skadegørere plantercrop pest
skov flodaflejret jordalluvial forest
skov flodaflejringeralluvial forest
skovbrugets indvirkning miljøetenvironmental impact of forestry The world's forestry resources are shrinking at an alarming rate. The need for foreign exchange encourages many developing countries to cut timber faster than forests can be regenerated. This overcutting not only depletes the resource that underpins the world timber trade, it causes loss of forest-based livelihoods, increases soil erosion and downstream flooding, and accelerates the loss of species and genetic resources
skovrejsning lokalt planlocal afforestation The planting of trees in an area, or the management of an area to allow trees to regenerate or colonize naturally, in order to produce a forest
skovrejsning lokalt planafforestation at local scale
skovrejsning lokalt planlocal afforestation
skypumpe havetwater-spout
slam fra spildevandsbehandling produktionsstedetsludges from on-site effluent treatment
Specifikt forsknings-og teknisk udviklingsprogram for Det Europæiske Atomenergifællesskab området forvaltning og opbevaring af radioaktivt affald1990-1994Specific research and technical development programme for the European Atomic Energy Community in the field of management and storage of radioactive waste 1990-94
spildevandsrensning stedeton-site wastewater treatment A process in which used or spent water is treated at the point of origin or where it was produced, by using a septic tank or some other system to remove or reduce the impact of constituent wastes on human health and the environment
spildevandsrensning stedeton-site wastewater treatment
spredning jordenland treatment
spredning markenland application
statistik over belastning og reaktion det miljømæssige områdestress/response indicators
statistik over belastning og reaktion det miljømæssige områdeenvironmental stress/response indicators
stille område åbent landquiet area in open country
stof, der har skadelig indflydelse iltbalancensubstance which has an adverse effect on the oxygen balance
strategisk partnerskab om vand mellem EU og NUS med henblik bæredygtig udviklingStrategic Partnership on Water for Sustainable Development between the EU and the NIS
stærkt radioaktivt affald bragt fast formsolidified highly radioactive waste
støj /fra byggepladsconstruction site noise
støjs indvirkning sundhedenhealth effect of noise
støjs indvirkning sundhedenhealth effect of noise Noise consequences on human health consist in loss of hearing and psychological effects
termisk optimering af sintring sintringsbåndoptimum heat control during grate sintering
tilgang baseret forsigtighedsprincippetprecautionary approach
traktor larveføddercat
transport hemisfærisk skalahemispheric transport
transport indre vandvejeriver transport
transport indre vandvejeriver transport Transportation of goods or persons by means of ships travelling on rivers
transport landland transportation
transport landland transportation Transport of persons and goods by a network of roads or railways
transportens indvirkning miljøetenvironmental impact of transport Impact of transportation-related activities on the environment, in particular, those impacts dealing with air pollution, noise, displacement of people and businesses, disruption of wildlife habitats, and overall growth-inducing effects
transportens indvirkning miljøetenvironmental impact of transport
turismens indvirkning miljøetenvironmental impact of tourism Extensive damage to the environment caused by recreation and tourism, including despoiling of coastlines by construction of tourist facilities; pollution of the sea; loss of historic buildings to make way for tourist facilities; loss of agricultural land for airport development, etc.
turismens indvirkning miljøetenvironmental impact of tourism
turistområde kystentourist area in the coastal strip
tvungen vurdering af virkninger miljøetcompulsory assessment of the environmental impact
uafhængighed energiområdetenergy self-sufficiency
uafhængighed energiområdetenergy independence
Udvalget for Tilpasning til den Videnskabelige og Tekniske Udvikling af Direktiverne om Ferskvands Kvalitet med henblik FiskelivCommittee for the Adaptation to Scientific and Technical Progress of the Directives on Quality of Fresh Waters Suitable to Support Fish Life
Udvalget for tilpasning til Den Tekniske Udvikling - Fjernelse af Tekniske Handelshindringer Området Farlige Stoffer og PræparaterCommittee on the Adaptation to Technical Progress of the Directives for the Elimination of Technical Barriers to Trade in Dangerous Substances and Preparations
Udvalget for tilpasning til Den Tekniske Udvikling - Fjernelse af Tekniske Handelshindringer Området Farlige Stoffer og PræparaterCommittee for the Adaptation to Technical Progress of the Directives on Removal of Technical Barriers to Trade in respect of Dangerous Substances and Preparations
Udvalget for tilpasning til Den Tekniske Udvikling - Fjernelse af Tekniske Handelshindringer Området Farlige Stoffer og PræparaterCommittee for the Adaptation to Technical Progress of the Directives on Dangerous Substances and Preparations
undersøgelse af indvirkningen miljøetenvironmental impact study Survey conducted to ascertain the conditions of a site prior to the realization of a project, to analyze its possible impacts and compensative measures
undersøgelse af indvirkningen miljøetenvironmental impact study
undervisning real- og gymnasietrinsecondary education
undervisning sekundærtrinnetsecondary education
vandbalancen overfladen og i undergrundensurface and groundwater balance
vandindhold tør basismoisture content on dry basis
vandindhold tør basisD.B.
vandindhold tør basis% moisture content dry basis
vandindhold våd basismoisture content on wet basis
vandindhold våd basisW.B.
vandindhold våd basis% moisture content wet basis
vandtrykventil brandslangewater thief
vegetation i sprækker klippeskråningerrocky slopes with chasmophytic vegetation
vestkarpatisk skov med Pinus sylvestris kalkholdig bundWestern Carpathian calcicolous Pinus sylvestris forest
videnskab og teknologi miljøbeskyttelsesområdetScience and Technology for Environmental Protection 1989 to 1992
Videnskab og teknologi miljøbeskyttelsesområdet1989-1992Science and technology for environmental protection programme
virkning af mikroforurenende stof mennesketeffect of micropollutants on man
virkning af mikroforurening mennesketeffect of micropollutants on man
virkning ikkemålarterimpact on non-target species
virkning mennesketeffect on man
virkning mennesketeffect on man No definition needed
virkning miljøeffect on environment
virkning sundhedeneffect on health
virkning tværs af landegrænsertransboundary impact
vitalitetsprøve vegetationvitality test on vegetation
vurdering af fællesskabsforanstaltningernes indvirkning miljøetassessment of the environmental impact of Community measures
vurdering af indvirkning miljø og sundhedenvironmental health impact assessment
vurdering af indvirkning miljø og sundhedenvironmental health impact assessment Assessment of impacts caused by an action on the health conditions of a population
vurdering af indvirkning miljøetenvironmental impact assessment
vurdering af virkningerne miljøetenvironmental impact assessment
vurdering af virkningerne miljøetassessment of the impact on the environment
vurdering af virkningerne miljøetassessment of the environmental effects
ækvivalentindeks for dybtgående dosis et steddeep dose equivalent index at a point
ækvivalentindeks for overfladedosis et stedshallow dose equivalent index at a point