
   Danish English
Terms for subject Social science containing Ad hoc | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
Ad hoc-gruppen af Personlige Repræsentanter for Arbejdsministrene opfølgning af Det Europæiske Råds møde i EssenAd hoc Working Party of the Personal Representatives of Ministers for Labour and Employment on Follow-up to the Essen European Council
Ad hoc-gruppen vedrørende de Ungead hoc Working Party on Youth
Ad hoc-Komiteen om Borgernes Europaad hoc Committee on a People's Europe
Faglige Ad hoc-udvalg for de Sociale VidenskaberAd hoc Technical Committee - Social Sciences
tværtjenstlig ad hoc-arbejdsgruppe om social marginaliseringad hoc interdepartmental working party on marginalization