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Terms containing 32 | all forms
IT32-bit applikation32-bit application
comp., MS32-bit computer32 bit machine (A computer that works with data in groups of 32 bits at a time. The Apple Macintosh II and higher models are 32-bit machines, in terms of both the word size of their microprocessors and the size of the data buses, as are computers based on the Intel 80386 and higher-level microprocessors)
IT32-bit program32-bit application
UNkonvention om delvis ændring af de af Den Internationale Arbejdsorganisations Generalkonference på dens første 32 møder vedtagne konventioner med henblik på at tilvejebringe ensartethed i bestemmelserne vedrørende Det Internationale Arbejdsbureaus Styrelsesråds udarbejdelse af rapporter om konventionernes gennemførelseConvention concerning the Partial Revision of the Conventions Adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its First Thirty-two Sessions for the Purpose of Standardising the Provisions regarding the Preparation of Reports by the Governing Body of the International Labour Office on the Working of Conventions
gen.R32contact with acids liberates very toxic gas
fin.TC32flat-rate guarantee voucher
patents.øl, ale og porter, ikke-alkoholholdige drikke og præparater indeholdt i klasse 32 til fremstilling af drikkebeers, ale and porter, non-alcoholic drinks and preparations included in class 32 for making beverages