
Terms for subject Informal containing я согласен | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
в этом я с Вами согласенI'll give you that (It was a little chilly this morning, I'll give you that. ART Vancouver)
я не совсем согласенI don't entirely agree (alexghost)
я с вами согласен!tell me about it (jouris-t)
я согласенyou're on! (used to indicate acceptance by the speaker of a proposal or challenge, especially a competitive one Damirules)
я согласенI'm in (Damirules)
я согласенI'm down (coltuclu)
я согласенI hear that (АБ Berezitsky)
я согласен с вамиI'm with you (on something: I'm with you on it being a little heavy for CC but I think you're right about them being great guns for most things. anyname1)
я согласен с тем, что вы сказалиI can't argue with that (спору нет, ваше предложение звучит заманчиво, убедительно)
я согласен с тем, что вы сказалиcan't argue with that (спору нет, ваше предложение звучит заманчиво, убедительно)
я согласен с тобойI'm with you (on something: I'm with you on it being a little heavy for CC but I think you're right about them being great guns for most things. anyname1)
я согласен с этимI'll give you that (I will give you that. But she's still breaking the law. Val_Ships)