
Terms for subject Microsoft containing экраны | all forms
блокировка поворота экранаrotation lock (A software setting that disables display rotation)
внешний межсетевой экранfront firewall (A server used as the front line of defense in a back-to-back perimeter network configuration)
внутренний межсетевой экранback firewall (A server used as the back line of defense in a back-to-back perimeter network configuration)
во весь экранfull screen (Capable of using or being displayed on the full area of a display screen. Applications running in windowing environments, although they might use the entire area of the screen, commonly allocate different areas to different windows, any of which can be enlarged to fill the entire screen)
восстановление окна с полного экранаRestore Down (Andy)
вставка снимка экранаInsert Screen Shot (A feature that allows the user to insert the contents of an open window or a screen clipping into the current document without the need to utilize external applications)
второй экранSecond screen (The UI label that indicates a screen or monitor that is attached to a PC and that content can be projected on to)
вывод на экранecho (The process of Access updating or repainting the screen while a macro is running)
вывод уведомления на экранScreen Notification (Stasy_B)
вырезка экранаscreen clipping (An image that shows all or part of a computer screen or other display)
движение пальца по экрануtouch flick
демилитаризованная зона с двумя межсетевыми экранамиback-to-back perimeter network
демонстрация экранаscreen sharing (stachel)
диспетчер всплывающих уведомлений экрана блокировкиlock screen toast manager (Windows 8 ssn)
Добавить на главный экранAdd to Home Screen (Jasmine_Hopeford)
добавлено на экран блокировкиadded to lock screen (Windows 8 ssn)
Закрепить на начальном экранеPin to Start (The UI label for the button on the app bar that affixes a tile to the Start screen)
закрепить на начальном экранеPin to Start (The UI label for the button on the app bar that affixes a tile to the Start screen. Rori)
Использовать сплошной цвет для фона начального экранаUse solid color for Start background (Windows 10 Rori)
клиент межсетевого экранаMicrosoft Firewall Client (The standard firewall client on Microsoft products; Майкрософт)
клиент межсетевого экрана MicrosoftMicrosoft Firewall Client
конфигурация с двумя межсетевыми экранамиback-to-back configuration (vp_73)
межсетевой экранfirewall (A security solution that segregates one portion of a network from another portion, allowing only authorized network traffic to pass through according to traffic filtering rules)
начальный экранHome Screen (The main or default (start-up) screen)
начальный экранStart screen (The Windows home screen and replacement for the Start menu, which includes apps, websites, and other info that users can specify and customize)
начальный экран OfficeOffice Start screen (A screen that gives users quick access to recent documents and recommended templates when an Office application starts)
отключение экрана черезscreen time-out (A setting that specifies an amount of time before the screen turns off and the phone locks itself)
Отключить экран-заставкуSuppress splash screen (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
Отображать введенные символы на экранеEcho typed characters locally (Andy)
ошибка "синий экран"Blue Screen of Death (An exception that occurs while the operating system is executing internal code (in drivers, the kernel, etc))
ошибка "синий экран"BSOD (An exception that occurs while the operating system is executing internal code (in drivers, the kernel, etc))
переключение экранаtoggle screen
переключение экрановSwap Displays (A feature in Presenter View that enables the user to switch which monitor is showing Presenter View and which monitor is showing Slide Show)
пограничный межсетевой экранedge firewall (A firewall implemented at the edge of a network in order to protect the network against potential attackers)
подсистема пакетного уровня межсетевого экрана MicrosoftMicrosoft Firewall Packet Engine (A software engine that replicates the functionality of the real Microsoft Firewall)
Принудительно задать фон начального экранаForce a specific Start background (Windows 10 Rori)
разрешение экранаscreen saver
разрешение экранаscreen resolution
свойства экранаDisplay Properties
сенсорный экранtouch screen (A touch-sensitive screen on your device that can recognize the location of a touch (of a fingertip or stylus, for example) on its surface and translate that touch into a desired action (such as opening an item or moving the cursor))
сеть периметра с двумя межсетевыми экранамиback-to-back perimeter network (A network configuration in which two server computers are located on either side of the perimeter network)
следуйте инструкциям на экранеfollow the prompts (Andy)
следуйте указаниям на экранеfollow the on-screen instructions (Andy)
снимок экранаscreenshot (An image that shows all or part of a computer screen or other display)
совместное использование экранаscreen sharing (Andy)
совместный доступ к экрануscreen sharing (Andy)
средство чтения с экранаscreen reader (An app that reads what is displayed on a screen and converts the input for presentation by means of non-visual output devices)
экран блокировкиlock screen (The screen that appears when a user locks the PC)
экран блокировкиlock screen (Windows 8 ssn)
экран входаsign-in screen (Windows 8 Rori)
экран "Добро пожаловать"welcome screen (microsoft.com bojana)
экран-заставкаsplash screen (An initial screen displayed by interactive software, usually containing a logo, version information, author credits, or a copyright notice)
экран мастера установкиwizard screen (Andy)
экран ошибокerror screen (Andy)
экран приветствияWelcome screen (The first screen that appears when you turn on Windows. The Welcome screen lists all the accounts on the computer)
экран приветствия WindowsWindows Welcome
Экран приветствия и системные учётные записиWelcome screen and system accounts (Windows 7 Rori)
Экран содержит некорректные данныеthe screen contains dirty data. (Visual Studio 2013)